[Debian-science-sagemath] jupyter-notebook/widgets

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Mon Nov 7 22:33:42 UTC 2016


since I've been playing with packaging javascript lately, I might give 
some hints.

On 07/11/2016 16:46, Gordon Ball wrote:

>  * widgetsnbextension - the server-side and javascript part, which is
> going to be more difficult:
> The current stable (5.2.2) has several unpackaged js dependencies:
>  * d3-format

That one doesn't look too bad.

>  * scriptjs

That one doesn't look too bad.

>  * webpack

That one looks pretty bad in one sense : its list of depends is huge, 
with cycles here and there.

The good news is that webpack as a sort of 'make' : it mostly calls 
other tools to do things, so if you call them directly, there's a chance 
things will go smoothly.

And indeed if you look at webpack.config.js, the tool is named 
'source-map' ; with some luck the node-source-map package I updated in 
may will be of use.

>  * (+ perhaps more of the package.json:devDependencies - many of which
> tend to be unneeded but it's hard to know until trying

Indeed, and that's the reason the "doesn't look too bad" above should be 
taken with a grain of salt : things can easily go awry.

> The current beta (6.0.0b2) adds even more (phosphor), which is also
> likely to be a dependency of notebook >= 5, so we'll have to deal with
> it eventually.

Hmmm... the good news is that I already got typescript packaged in 
october. For the rest, I hope it's mostly to build doc or run tests.

I'm still fighting to package 'rollup', which is a new build-dep of 
es6-promise, which I packaged in october too.

Snark on #debian-science (and #debian-python and #debian-js ...)

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