[Debian-science-sagemath] Required tasks for sage in stretch
Julien Puydt
julien.puydt at laposte.net
Wed Nov 9 12:56:36 UTC 2016
On 09/11/2016 12:36, Tobias Hansen wrote:
> I'm a bit worried that we might not achieve the goal to get sage into
> stretch, if we don't focus on the essential tasks.[1] If we do not get
> all of the following things done in the next 3 or 4 weeks, there will
> simply be no sage in stretch.
I'm a bit worried by this Zeitnot : rushing can give us more headaches
down the line actually maintaining things.
> * gap/libgap - Jerome, do you have a plan to resolve this?
No clue.
> * maxima - even updating sage to maxima 5.38.1 is hard (see [2]) and
> then there is the gcl vs ecl issue. I begin to think the only way to
> solve this in time is to have our own package of maxima 5.35.1 with ecl
> and fasl library.
That is a difficult point. I got the technical part settled years ago ;
we're left with the human part.
> * ecl - the one fix I applied does not migrate to testing due to a
> deadlocked situation with libatomic-ops (unfixable (?) RC bug). Maybe
> this can be resolved by asking for removals of libatomic-ops packages
> for the failing architectures from testing. Since the RC bug is also in
> testing, the package should then migrate, right?
No clue.
> * planarity - We need have to figure out how to use the new version
> packaged in Debian.
I might try to have a look. It's an upstream sage work.
> * cython - We need to fix RC bug #833288 for testing migration and make
> sure cython 0.25 gets packaged.
No clue.
> * pyzmq - RC bugs need to be fixed for testing migration.
No clue.
> * linbox - I might need to close RC bugs by disabling tests.
Those tests might be failing for a good reason.
I disable tests in my javascript packages (and I'm not the only one),
but the reason isn't that I don't like their results : it's that the
testing framework isn't packaged in Debian and is terrible to get in
(hundreds of packages with cyclic deps everywhere) !
> * sagenb - Is someone taking care of this? What's the status?
No clue.
> * jupyter-sphinx-theme - Jerome, can this be uploaded?
> * jupyter-notebook - Gordon, can this be uploaded?
> * ipywidgets, widgetsnbextension, thebe - ? (Are these essential?)
For ipywidgets, jpuyter-sphinx-theme, jupyter-notebook and
widgetsnbextension : if we just want sage to work as a terminal
application, we can probably get away with patching their use off our
sagemath package.
For thebe, I think it's essential to build the documentation. :-/
> * sagemath - fix doctests, disable doctests we can't fix, revise
> patches, polish packaging, etc.
Perhaps add to the list to disable the notebook, see above?
> [1] I really hope noone gets offended by this, but singular 4.0.3-p5 and
> pynac 0.7 are not on this list. We should probably also stop worrying
> about jmol. It would be a pity if we can't get sage into stretch because
> we get carried away doing other things.
I packaged the latest pynac because I saw it was out and I was wondering
if weren't going to need it. I open the door to the possibility, not
forcing to get it uploaded : no problem if it's not needed yet.
For jmol, it's used for the notebook part and for the documentation if I
understand well. Or perhaps it's possible to use it in a terminal to
produce image files too?
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