[Debian-science-sagemath] ipywidgets git workflow

Gordon Ball gordon at chronitis.net
Fri Nov 25 10:17:37 UTC 2016

On 25/11/16 11:06, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Julien Puydt:
>> On 24/11/2016 18:11, Ximin Luo wrote:
>>> I'm getting ready to continue work on ipywidgets + widgetsnbextension.

Sorry for being quiet the last little while - finding a job was
occupying me, but that's sorted for now.

>>> Could you explain to me your git workflow? I'm not very familiar with git-dpm, I just read the online documentation and tried it out - but it looks to me like you're using a combination of git-buildpackage and git-dpm? You have the .git-dpm state file, but you also have a signed tag called upstream/5.2.2 which is how git-buildpackage does things (by contrast git-dpm seems to name things like debian-5.2.2-1 etc).
>> You asked Gordon, but on the ML, so I think it's ok to answer too: git-dpm is a requirement of the Debian Python Modules Team, so you have to use it (https://wiki.debian.org/Python/GitPackaging). Sorry...
>> My usual workflow for a DPMT package is the following:
>> [..]
>> For all the rest, I use the usual git + gbp workflow : I just check "git-dpm status" to see the beast is still asleep on a regular basis.
>> As for the tags git-dpm makes, I have the following in debian/.git-dpm:
>> debianTag="debian/%e%v"
>> patchedTag="patched/%e%v"
>> upstreamTag="upstream/%e%u"

Yes, that was pretty much what I was using.

> Alright, thanks for that! The online documentation did not got through tag creation very well, so that's where I got confused. But I think I understand it now, I will push my updates soon.
> I will overwrite the existing 5.2.2 orig with the Github release tarball, as discussed previously. Let me know if any of you want me to do something else instead.

Yes - the existing repo doesn't contain anything beyond an import of the
5.2.2 pypi tarball, so wipe it and start over.

> X

Let me know how you want to split up working on this. I should have some
time now to work on it. (IRC might be better to discuss - nick:chronitis).

I notice from d-devel that webpack is one of the targets of the big node
packaging effort going on, which might make our lives a lot easier in
the long run, although I suspect we can't afford to wait now if there is
a chance of getting this in stretch.


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