[Debian-science-sagemath] Required tasks for sage in stretch: jupyter-sphinx-theme: new initial version ready for review

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Sat Nov 26 13:11:00 UTC 2016

Jerome BENOIT:
> I revisit the package according to the above suggestion:
> I have just pushed it to Alioth and uploaded at deb-sci-sage .
> I could make the example provided in debian/adhoc/examples which is meant
> for debian/tests : I could view the results (PDF, HTML)
> The font material and the jquery come now from other packages.

Hello Jerome,

Nice that you managed to deduplicate bootstrap 2! It's a shame that sphinx-bootstrap-theme themselves bundle bootstrap 3, but oh well never mind. (I would have pressured them more if I was reviewing.)

I made some further corrections in git - I noticed some errors when viewing the demo pages inside my browser. It's a shame we don't have any automated tests for that, but that's JS :(

Please take a look and let me know if you're happy with them. I'm happy with everything else and can sponsor an upload when you want.


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

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