[Debian-science-sagemath] Required tasks for sage in stretch: jupyter-sphinx-theme: new initial version ready for review

Tobias Hansen thansen at debian.org
Sun Nov 27 00:55:48 UTC 2016


just keep in mind that it depends on nbsphinx, which is still in NEW as
an upload to experimental because we uploaded it before the ipython
transition. However we don't really want to upload all the next packages
(this one, ipywidgets, sagemath) to experimental. Maybe upload to
unstable and hope that nbsphinx passes NEW first and can be uploaded to
unstable before this one passes NEW?


On 11/27/2016 12:50 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Hello Ximin, thanks for the review and the improvement.
> On 26/11/16 13:11, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> Jerome BENOIT:
>>> I revisit the package according to the above suggestion: I have
>>> just pushed it to Alioth and uploaded at deb-sci-sage . I could
>>> make the example provided in debian/adhoc/examples which is meant 
>>> for debian/tests : I could view the results (PDF, HTML) The font
>>> material and the jquery come now from other packages.
>> Hello Jerome,
>> Nice that you managed to deduplicate bootstrap 2! It's a shame that
>> sphinx-bootstrap-theme themselves bundle bootstrap 3, but oh well
>> never mind. (I would have pressured them more if I was reviewing.)
>> I made some further corrections in git - I noticed some errors when
>> viewing the demo pages inside my browser. It's a shame we don't have
>> any automated tests for that, but that's JS :(
>> Please take a look and let me know if you're happy with them. I'm
>> happy with everything else and can sponsor an upload when you want.
> I made minor cosmetic changes.
> Let upload it,
> Thanks,
> Jerome
>> X
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