[Debian-science-sagemath] ipywidgets, widgetsnbextension available in sid-sage

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Thu Dec 1 11:10:00 UTC 2016

I uploaded these yesterday to our custom APT repo, thanks also to Gordon for his work! My fakewebpack hacks seemed to work without any further changes, which was a nice surprise.

It turns out that widgetsnbextension is pointless for Debian, and I assume for other distros as well. All it does, is package up /usr/share/jupyter/nbextensions/jupyter-js-widgets/extension.js into a python module along with some metadata so that notebook.nbextensions (the python executable module) can install it, in a cross-platform way.

Obviously in Debian we already have our own installation process, so we just bypass all of these shenanigans and install these files directly into /usr/share/jupyter/nbextensions/jupyter-js-widgets/. It should be possible for our SageMath package to depend directly on jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets rather than python-widgetsnbextension.

Currently each user has to run a command (see d/README.Debian) to enable it for their own notebooks, but we also have the option to make this enabled system-wide via a postinst hook, if you think that would be better.

There is still a bit more work to do, see d/TODO.


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