[Debian-science-sagemath] sympow cachedir
Tobias Hansen
thansen at debian.org
Sat Jan 7 14:17:57 UTC 2017
On 01/07/2017 02:47 PM, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Ximin Luo:
>> Tobias Hansen:
>>> On 12/26/2016 05:37 PM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>>>> [..]
>>>>> I am working on it. It would be something like:
>>>>> cmd = 'env SYMPOW_CACHEDIR="%s///" sympow %s' % (os.path.join(DOT_SAGE, "sympow"), args)
>>>>> (Note the magic triplet `///').
>>>>> Please give one more night: I want to implement something consistent and solid.
>>>> I needed more time, but I did.
>>>> The new version is currently on its way to Sid.
>>>> Note that a README.Debian has been introduced.
>>> Ximin, you did the change in sagemath now, but during my last test build
>>> on i386 I got the test failures in the attached file. Could you have
>>> another look?
>> I'm running a i386 build now, it'll be a while before it finishes though. Are you sure you have 1.023-8 installed?
> Actually, I can't. Could you upload the new brial to our apt repo please?
> X
Ok, done for i386.
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