[debian-seattle-social] intested in your product

johnnyrobinson.ruffo@gmail.com jkibarra at fucsalud.edu.co
Mon Jul 1 03:48:40 UTC 2013

*hello Dear,
this is robinson from canada
we saw your contact in trading site,and i believe  your company
is a reliable supplier, there is some items which we  have interest in
purchasing, Please i will like to know the type of services your company do
Please we need a good quality to maintain our quality in the Global market.
your early reply is very necessary for further detail
Best Regards,robinson
from kewin: industrial company, canada,
Address,7964 Hideaway Place, Mississauga, ON, L7M 0A3, Canada
Tel: +1 975-997-7248, Fax: +1 975-999-7249
Email:johnnyrobinson.ruffo at gmail.com*
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