[debian-seattle-social] [announce] TA3M-Seattle #2, Mon 10/21

Blibbet blibbet at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 17:20:05 UTC 2013

What:  TA3M-Seattle #2
When:  October 21st (3rd Monday), 6:30-9:00pm
Where: Black Coffee Coop, 501 E. Pine St; Seattle, WA 98122

TA3M-Seattle (Techno-Activism, 3rd Mondays) is a monthly event for 
people that either work on or want to learn more about online 
surveillance and censorship, the open source tools that are used to 
combat it, and issues and initiatives associated with this area. The 
idea is to bring together software developers, activists, concerned 
citizens, and others, so we they can both educate each other, and share 
knowledge. TA3M events take place in dozens of cities worldwide; Seattle 
started in September 2013. For more information about TA3M-Seattle, see 
the wiki.


We're happy to have a busy event for you this month, with three guests! 
Two speakers, with educational talks, and one to briefly announce an 
upcoming hackathon. And if that weren't enough, we're starting a book 
study group for the Crypto Party Handbook in the pre-event networking 
time. And for those that only attend for the stickers, this month Chris 
has some DuckDuckGo stickers for anyone that gives us feedback as to how 
we can make TA3M-Seattle a better event. :-)


New ta3m-seattle announce mailing list

Note: This will be the last month we spam lots of mailing lists to 
announce our meetings. We have a new ta3m-seattle mailing list setup, 
and will use that for the November-onward meetings. Please subscribe to 
this announce-only mailing list for future announcements (or at least 
view the list's archives on the 3rd Sunday).




6:30-7:00, pre-event networking; and Theresa leads Crypto Party
            Handbook study group
7:00-7:10, Chris, "Welcome to TA3M-Seattle #2"
7:10-7:15, Noah Swartz, "Announcing the Seattle Aaron Swartz Hackathon"
7:15-7:25, break (10min)
7:25-8:10, Jeremy Johnson, "Protecting your privacy, anonymity and
            security with Linux and Open Source tools"
8:10-8-25, break (15min)
8:25-9-00, Jamela Debelak, Technology & Liberty Director, ACLU of
            Washington, "Reigning in Government Surveillance in


Pre-event activity:

Crypto Party Handbook study group starts this month

The first presentation begins at 7:00, but we'll be there starting at 
6:30 for networking, since other TA3M cities apparently find networking 
as useful as presentations. Starting this month, we're going to try 
something new, we're starting a book study group for the "Crypto Party 
Handbook". Beginners are encouraged to participate and learn; advanced 
users are encouraged to help teach beginners, and optionally submit 
patches to the book. If interested, please bring a copy of the PDF or 
EPUB on your tablet/netbook/phone, read chapters 1-2 before attending, 
and come with a list of open questions, and be prepared to discuss the 
material. It's a short 30-minute period, so come prepared with 
questions. This month, Theresa will be leading the round-table discussion.



Special Event Announcement:

Noah Swartz, "Announcing the Seattle Aaron Swartz Hackathon"

Noah Swartz will be briefly announcing an upcoming event, the "Seattle 
Aaron Swartz Hackathon", taking place November 8-10. This will be part 
of a second set of global hackathons centered around Aaron's work and 
legacy, with the hope of fostering a recurring bi-yearly event promoting 
social and technical activism. While goal of the event is to continue 
the Aaron started, what Noah needs help with is figuring out what 
current problems need solutions, as well as finding local participants 
and project ideas for this hackathon. The event will happen 
simultaneously with a number of other coordinated events around the 
world, but the Seattle event will need to have it's own specific 
projects to work on, so please start thinking of ideas to give Noah.



Presentation 1:

Jeremy Johnson, "Protecting your privacy, anonymity and security with 
Linux and Open Source tools"

Our first speaker is Jeremy Johnson. In this presentation, "Protecting 
your privacy, anonymity and security with Linux and Open Source tools", 
Jeremy gives an overview of the available tools and configurations for 
basic through advanced level security and privacy measures. He will 
discuss example configurations, communication methods, and on-going 
operational security. All slides and presentation notes will be 
available for download. The talk will not include specific instructions 
for setup, but will have several resources available in the downloadable 
materials. If conditions allow, Jeremy will have a QubesOS laptop for 
demonstrations and hands-on purposes.

Jeremy has been using UNIX/Linux since 1996 both personally and 
professionally.  While Ubuntu/Debian based distributions are his current 
platforms, Jeremy remains agnostic about which OS is superior as they 
all have strengths and weaknesses.  Since 2001, Jeremy has been 
concerned about privacy and users' rights and has been doing something 
about it since 2004.  The latest NSA revelations have spurred him to 
share with anybody who will listen (and sometimes those who won't) the 
tools and techniques that he uses.
Jeremy currently works as a System Security Administrator at a Tribal 
Casino but has been a Database Administrator, Web Developer, HIPAA 
Compliance Officer, Network Engineer, and a UNIX Administrator in the 
past.  For fun, he volunteers with a Mountain Rescue unit and attends 
the annual DefCon conference, a large and popular hacker conference.

Twitter: @beyondnegative
Tumblr: https://beyondnegative.tumblr.com
Email: jeremy/at/sectiva/com
GPG Key: https://sectiva.com/public.key


Presentation 2:

Jamela Debelak, "Reigning in Government Surveillance in Washington"

Our second speaker is Jamela Debelak. In this presentation, "Reigning in 
Government Surveillance in Washington", Jamela will be speaking about 
the ACLU-WA's work focused on government use of surveillance technology. 
She will discuss various types of new technology such as automated 
license plate readers and drones and what the ACLU-WA is doing to ensure 
that government use of these technologies does not infringe upon our 
privacy rights.

Jamela Debelak is the Technology and Liberty Director at the ACLU of 
Washington where she works to promote technology policy that protects 
and advances civil liberties in Washington. Prior to joining the 
ACLU-WA, she was Executive Director of the Center on Law and Information 
Policy at Fordham Law School.  While there, she led research and 
programming on issues related to children's privacy, internet 
intermediary liability and online speech. She previously worked as an 
attorney at Dechert LLP in Philadelphia and New York, specializing in 
corporate and intellectual property issues. Jamela graduated magna cum 
laude from Temple University School of Law in 2005 and holds an 
undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University.



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