[Secure-testing-commits] r1672 - / bin data data/CAN data/CVE

Joey Hess joeyh at costa.debian.org
Sat Aug 27 17:07:19 UTC 2005

Author: joeyh
Date: 2005-08-27 17:07:18 +0000 (Sat, 27 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 1672

Moved programs into bin directory so data can be auto-updated w/o opening
any potential holes for committers who lack access to the machine running
the update. AKA my paranioa finally caught up to me.

Didn't move DTSA still since it will be rewritten anyway.

Copied: bin/checklist (from rev 1666, data/checklist)

Added: bin/update
--- bin/update	2005-08-27 17:03:52 UTC (rev 1671)
+++ bin/update	2005-08-27 17:07:18 UTC (rev 1672)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+set -e
+if [ ! -d CVE ] || [ ! -d CAN ]; then
+	echo "run in data subdirectory" >&2
+	exit 1
+cd CVE
+rm -f full-cve.html
+wget --quiet http://www.cve.mitre.org/cve/downloads/full-cve.html
+../../bin/updatelist full-cve.html ../DSA/list ../DTSA/list list > list.new
+mv -f list.new list
+cd ..
+cd CAN
+rm -f full-can.html
+wget --quiet http://www.cve.mitre.org/cve/candidates/downloads/full-can.html
+../../bin/updatelist full-can.html ../DSA/list ../DTSA/list list > list.new
+mv -f list.new list

Property changes on: bin/update
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Copied: bin/updatelist (from rev 1666, data/updatelist)

Deleted: data/CAN/Makefile
--- data/CAN/Makefile	2005-08-27 17:03:52 UTC (rev 1671)
+++ data/CAN/Makefile	2005-08-27 17:07:18 UTC (rev 1672)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-	rm -f full-can.html
-	wget --quiet http://www.cve.mitre.org/cve/candidates/downloads/full-can.html
-	../updatelist full-can.html ../DSA/list ../DTSA/list list > list.new
-	mv -f list.new list

Deleted: data/CVE/Makefile
--- data/CVE/Makefile	2005-08-27 17:03:52 UTC (rev 1671)
+++ data/CVE/Makefile	2005-08-27 17:07:18 UTC (rev 1672)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-	rm -f full-cve.html
-	wget --quiet http://www.cve.mitre.org/cve/downloads/full-cve.html
-	../updatelist full-cve.html ../DSA/list ../DTSA/list list > list.new
-	mv -f list.new list

Deleted: data/Makefile
--- data/Makefile	2005-08-27 17:03:52 UTC (rev 1671)
+++ data/Makefile	2005-08-27 17:07:18 UTC (rev 1672)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-	$(MAKE) -C CVE update
-	$(MAKE) -C CAN update

Deleted: data/checklist
--- data/checklist	2005-08-27 17:03:52 UTC (rev 1671)
+++ data/checklist	2005-08-27 17:07:18 UTC (rev 1672)
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# Must run on a machine with madison.
-# To check for un-updated binary kernel packages, also needs grep-dctrl 
-# and a Sources file for the distribution. Set the location of the Sources
-# file in SOURCES_FILE in the environment.
-use URI::Escape;
-use Getopt::Long;
-my $html=0;
-my $debug=0;
-my $suite="testing";
-my $output;
-if (! GetOptions(
-		"html" => \$html,
-		"debug" => \$debug,
-		"suite=s" => \$suite,
-		"output=s", \$output)
-    || ! @ARGV) {
-	die "usage: $0 [--suite suite] [--html] [--output=file] [--debug] list ...\n";
-if (defined $output) {
-	open (OUT, ">$output.tmp.$$") || die "output.tmp.$$: $!";
-else {
-	open (OUT, ">&STDOUT");
-if ($html) {
-	print OUT "<html><title>$suite security issues</title>\n";
-	if ($suite ne 'testing' && $suite ne 'unstable') {
-		print OUT <<"EOF";
-<em>Warning:</em> This page is the result of running the testing security
-check script against the $suite distribution. As data is only gathered for
-the testing distribution, results may be innacurate if a package has
-changed its name, if a vulnerability affects $suite and not testing, or if a
-vulnerability has been fixed in $suite by the $suite security team.
-	}
-	print OUT "<ul>\n";
-my %data;
-my %needkernel=qw/2.4.27 0 2.6.11 0/;
-my $list_unknown=1; #set to 1 to display kernel images with unknown source version
-my $sources=$ENV{SOURCES_FILE};
-my $need_rebuild=0;
-my @urgencies=("high", "medium", "low", "unknown");
-my %colormap=(
-	high => "#FF0000",
-	medium => "#FF9999",
-	low => "#FFFFFF",
-	unknown => "#FFFF00"
-my $unprop = my $unprop_all = my $unfixed = my $todos = 0;
-sub record {
-	my ($package, $condition, $item, $urgency)=@_;
-	if ($html) {
-		$condition=~s{bug #(\d+)}{<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/$1">bug #$1</a>}g;
-		$condition=~s{unfixed}{<b>unfixed</b>}g;
-		$item=~s#((?:CAN|CVE)-\d+-\d+)#<a href="http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=$1">$1</a>#g;
-	}
-	push @{$data{$package}{$condition}}, {item => $item, urgency => $urgency};
-foreach my $list (@ARGV) {
-	if (-d $list) {
-		$list="$list/list";
-	}
-	open (IN, $list) || die "open $list: $!";
-	while (<IN>) {
-		print STDERR "line: $_" if $debug;
-		chomp;
-		if (/^\[/) {
-			($id)=m/((?:DSA|DTSA|CAN|CVE)-[^\s]+) /;
-		}
-		elsif (/^((?:DSA|DTSA|CAN|CVE)-[^\s]+)/) {
-			$id=$1;
-		}
-		elsif (/^\s+[!-]\s+(\S+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
-			my $package=$1;
-			my $rest=$2;
-			my $version;
-			my $notes;
-			if ($rest=~/([^\(\s]+)\s+\((.*)\)/) {
-				$version=$1;
-				$notes=$2;
-			}
-			elsif ($rest=~/\((.*)\)/) {
-				$version="";
-				$notes=$1;
-			}
-			else {
-				$version=$rest;
-				$notes="";
-			}
-			my @notes=split(/\s*;\s+/, $notes);
-			my $urgency="unknown";
-			foreach my $u (@urgencies) {
-				if (grep { $_ eq $u } @notes) {
-					$urgency=$u;
-					@notes = grep { $_ ne $u } @notes;
-					last;
-				}
-			}
-			if ($package=~/kernel-source-([0-9.]+)/) {
-			 	my $kernversion=$1;
-				if (exists $needkernel{$kernversion} &&
-				    length $version &&
-				    system("dpkg --compare-versions $needkernel{$kernversion} lt $version") != 0) {
-					$needkernel{$kernversion}=$version;
-				}
-			}
-			my @maddy;
-			for (1..5) {
-				@maddy=`madison -s '$suite' '$package'`;
-				if ($? & 127 || ($? >> 8 != 0 && $? >> 8 != 1)) {
-					# good old unrelaible newraff,
-					# home of our archive..
-					next;
-				}
-				last;
-			}
-			if ($? & 127) {
-				record($package, "<em>[madison segfaulted 5 times in a row.. Medic!]</em>", $id);
-			}
-			elsif ($? >> 8 != 0 && $? >> 8 != 1) {
-				record($package, "<em>[madison exited with ".($? >> 8)."]</em>", $id);
-			}
-			if (! @maddy) {
-				next;
-			}
-			if (grep { $_ eq 'unfixed' || $_ eq 'pending' } @notes) {
-				record($package, '('.join("; ", @notes).')', $id, $urgency);
-				$unfixed++;
-			}
-			else {
-				foreach my $maddy (@maddy) {
-					my @fields = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $maddy);
-					my $havver=$fields[1];
-					my $arches=$fields[3];
-					$version=~s/\s+//; # strip whitespace
-					$arches=~s/\s+$//;
-					my $cmp=system("dpkg --compare-versions '$havver' '>=' '$version'");
-					if ($cmp != 0) {
-						if ($html && $suite eq 'testing') {
-							$havver='<a href="http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package='.uri_escape($package).'">'.$havver.'</a>';
-						}
-						record($package, "$version needed, have $havver".(@maddy > 1 ? " [$arches]" : ""), $id, $urgency);
-						$unprop++;
-						$unprop_all++ unless @maddy > 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		elsif (/\s+TODO/) {
-			$todos++;
-		}
-	}
-foreach my $package (sort keys %data) {
-	foreach my $condition (sort keys %{$data{$package}}) {
-		print OUT "<li>" if $html;
-		print OUT "$package $condition for ";
-		my $items=0;
-		foreach my $i (sort @{$data{$package}{$condition}}) {
-			print OUT ", " if $items > 0;
-			if ($html) {
-				my $color=$colormap{$i->{urgency}};
-				print OUT "<span style=\"background:$color\">";
-			}
-			print OUT $i->{item};
-			if ($html) {
-				print OUT "</span>";
-			}
-			$items++;
-		}
-		print OUT "\n";
-	}
-foreach my $version (sort keys %needkernel) {
-	my %images;
-	if ($needkern{$version} eq "0") {
-		next;
-	}
-	my @dctrl;
-	if (defined $sources && length $sources) {
-		my $cat=($sources=~/\.gz/) ? "zcat" : "cat";
-		@dctrl=`$cat $sources | grep-dctrl -F Binary kernel-image-$version -s Package,Build-Depends -`;
-	}
-	my $package="";
-	my $haveversion;
-	foreach my $line (@dctrl) {
-		chomp;
-		if ($line=~/Package:\s*(\S+)/) {
-			$package=$1;
-			$haveversion="0";
-		} elsif ($line=~/Build-Depends/) {
-			if ($line=~/kernel-tree-$version-([^,\s]+)/) {
-				$haveversion="$version-$1";
-			} elsif ($line=~/kernel-source-$version\s+\(>?=\s*([^\s\)]+)\)/) {
-				$haveversion="$1";
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ($package=~/linux-kernel-di/ || $package eq "") {
-				next;
-			}
-			$images{$package}=$haveversion;
-			$package="";
-		}
-	}
-	foreach $package (sort keys %images) {
-		if ($images{$package} eq "0") {
-			print OUT "<li>" if ($html && $list_unknown);
-			print OUT "$package built from kernel-source-$version $needkernel{$version} needed, current version unknown\n" if $list_unknown;
-		} elsif (!system("dpkg --compare-versions $needkernel{$version} gt $images{$package}")) {
-		print OUT "<li>" if $html;
-			print OUT "$package built from kernel-source-$version $needkernel{$version} needed, have $images{$package}\n";
-			$need_rebuild++;
-		}
-	}
-if ($html) {
-	print OUT "</ul>\n";
-	print OUT "<hr>\n";
-	print OUT "Total holes unfixed: $unfixed<br>\n";
-	print OUT "Total holes fixed in unstable but not $suite: $unprop_all";
-	if ($unprop_all != $unprop) {
-		print OUT " (+".($unprop - $unprop_all)." on some arches)";
-	}
-	print OUT "<br>\n";
-	print OUT "Total number of kernel image packages not up to date: $need_rebuild<br>\n";
-	print OUT "Number of TODO lines in <a href=\"http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/secure-testing/data/?rev=0&sc=0\">records</a>: $todos<br>\n";
-	print OUT "Maintained by the <a href=\"http://secure-testing.debian.net/\">testing security team</a><br>\n";
-	print OUT "Last update: ".`date`."<br>\n";
-	print OUT "</html>\n";
-close OUT;
-if (defined $output) {
-	rename("$output.tmp.$$", $output) || die "rename: $!";

Deleted: data/updatelist
--- data/updatelist	2005-08-27 17:03:52 UTC (rev 1671)
+++ data/updatelist	2005-08-27 17:07:18 UTC (rev 1672)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-my $full_can_html=shift;
-my $dsa_list=shift;
-my $dtsa_list=shift;
-my $our_list=shift;
-my %cans;
-sub read_dsa {
-	my $list=shift;
-	open (DSA, "<$list") || die "$list: $!\n";
-	my $dsa;
-	while (<DSA>) {
-		if (/^\[/) {
-			($dsa)=m/(DT?SA-.*?) /;
-		}
-		if (/\{(CAN|CVE)/) {
-			my ($canlist)=m/\{(.*)\}/;
-			foreach my $can (split ' ', $canlist) {
-				$can=~s/CVE-/CAN-/g;
-				next unless $can=~/^CAN-\d+/;
-				$cans{$can}{can}=$can;
-				push @{$cans{$can}{dsa}}, $dsa;
-				$can=~s/CAN-/CVE-/g;
-				$cans{$can}{can}=$can;
-				push @{$cans{$can}{dsa}}, $dsa;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	close DSA;
-my %listedcans;
-open (FULL_CAN, "<$full_can_html") || die "$full_can_html: $!\n";
-my $can;
-while (<FULL_CAN>) {
-	if (m!<b>(CAN-\d+-\d+)</b>!) {
-		$can=$1;
-		$cans{$can}{can}=$can;
-		$listedcans{$can}=1;
-	}
-	elsif (m!<b>(CVE-\d+-\d+)</b>!) {
-		$can=$1;
-		$cans{$can}{can}=$can;
-		$listedcans{$can}=1;
-	}
-	if (m!\*\*\s+RESERVED\s+\*\*!) {
-		$cans{$can}{reserved}=1;
-	}
-	if (m!\*\*\s+REJECT\s+\*\*!) {
-		$cans{$can}{rejected}=1;
-	}
-	if (m!Description:\s*</b><br>\s*(.*)! &&
-		! m!\*\*\s+RESERVED\s+\*\*! && ! m!\*\*\s+REJECT\s+\*\*!) {
-		$cans{$can}{description}="($1 ...)";
-	}
-close FULL_CAN;
-my $stopped=0;
-my @out;
-sub docan {
-	my $can=shift;	
-	push @out, "$can".(length $cans{$can}{description} ? " ".$cans{$can}{description} : "")."\n";
-	if ($cans{$can}{reserved}) {
-		push @out, "\tNOTE: reserved\n";
-	}
-	if ($cans{$can}{rejected}) {
-		push @out, "\tNOTE: rejected\n";
-	}
-	if ($cans{$can}{dsa}) {
-		push @out, "\t{".join(" ", @{$cans{$can}{dsa}})."}\n";
-	}
-	if ($cans{$can}{notes}) {
-		foreach (@{$cans{$can}{notes}}) {
-			push @out, "\t$_\n";
-		}
-	}
-	if (! $cans{$can}{reserved} && ! $cans{$can}{rejected} &&
-	    ! $cans{$can}{dsa} && ! $cans{$can}{notes} &&
-	    ! $stopped) {
-		push @out, "\tTODO: check\n";
-	}
-	delete $cans{$can};
-open (IN, "<$our_list") || die "$our_list: $!\n";
-my $can;
-while (<IN>) {
-	chomp;
-	if (/^((?:CAN|CVE)-(?:[0-9]+|[A-Z]+)-(?:[0-9]+|[A-Z]+))\s*(.*)/) {
-		my $desc=$2;
-		docan($can) if $can;
-		$can=$1;
-		if (length $desc && $desc !~ /^\(.*\)$/ &&
-		    (! exists $cans{$can}{description} ||
-		     ! length $cans{$can}{description})) {
-			$cans{$can}{description}=$desc;
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (/^\s+NOTE:\s*(reserved|rejected)\s*$/) {
-		# skip it
-	}
-	elsif (/^\s+NOTE: covered by DT?SA.*/) {
-		# skip it (old form)
-	}
-	elsif (/^\s+{DT?SA.*/) {
-		# skip
-	}
-	elsif (/^\s+(.*)/ && $can) {
-		push @{$cans{$can}{notes}}, $1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^STOP/) {
-		docan($can) if $can;
-		push @out, "$_\n";
-		$stopped=1;
-		$can='';
-	}
-	else {
-		docan($can) if $can;
-		push @out, "$_\n" if length $_;
-		$can='';
-	}
-close IN;
-docan($can) if $can;
-foreach my $can (reverse sort { $cans{$a}{can} cmp $cans{$b}{can} } keys %cans) {
-	next unless $listedcans{$can};
-	print $can.(length $cans{$can}{description} ? " ".$cans{$can}{description} : "")."\n";
-	if ($cans{$can}{reserved}) {
-		print "\tNOTE: reserved\n";
-	}
-	if ($cans{$can}{rejected}) {
-		print "\tNOTE: rejected\n";
-	}
-	if ($cans{$can}{dsa}) {
-		print "\t{".join(" ", @{$cans{$can}{dsa}})."}\n";
-	}
-	if (!$cans{$can}{reserved} || $cans{$can}{rejected} || $cans{$can}{dsa}) {
-		print "\tTODO: check\n";
-	}
-print @out;

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