[Secure-testing-commits] r1736 - data/DTSA

Joey Hess joeyh at costa.debian.org
Tue Aug 30 14:33:58 UTC 2005

Author: joeyh
Date: 2005-08-30 14:33:58 +0000 (Tue, 30 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 1736

remove, obsolete

Deleted: data/DTSA/mkadvisory
--- data/DTSA/mkadvisory	2005-08-30 13:27:58 UTC (rev 1735)
+++ data/DTSA/mkadvisory	2005-08-30 14:33:58 UTC (rev 1736)
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# Generate an advisory using a template.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use User::pwent;
-use Date::Format;
-use Term::ReadLine;
-my $prefix="DTSA";
-my $advisory=getadvisory();
-my %subst;
-my %substchoices=(
-	DEBIAN_SPECIFIC => ["no","yes"],
-	TYPE => ["local", "remote"],
-my %urgencytorecommendation=(
-	high => "strongly recommended",
-	medium => "recommended",
-	low => "encouraged",
-my $term = Term::ReadLine->new("mkadvisory");
-sub getsubst {
-	my $in=shift;
-	# Use any numer of X's around the left or right side of a
-	# variable to pad it to its max width, this will be turned
-	# into spaces for alignment.
-	my ($lpad, $var, $rpad)=$in=~/(X*)([^X]+)(X*)/;
-	$lpad=length($lpad);
-	$rpad=length($rpad);
-	if (! exists $subst{$var}) {
-		if ($var eq 'ADVISORY') {
-			$subst{$var}=$advisory;
-		}
-		elsif ($var eq 'WHOAMI') {
-			my ($fullname, $office, $workphone, $homephone) =
-				split /\s*,\s*/, getpwuid($<)->gecos;
-			$subst{$var}=$fullname;
-		}
-		elsif ($var eq 'DATE') {
-			$subst{$var}=time2str("%B %o, %Y", time, "UTC");
-		}
-		elsif ($var eq 'UPGRADE_RECOMMENDATION') {
-			print "Choose from ".join(", ", keys %urgencytorecommendation)."\n";
-			while ($subst{URGENCY}=$term->readline("URGENCY: ", 'high')) {
-				if (exists $urgencytorecommendation{$subst{URGENCY}}) {
-					last;
-				}
-			}
-			$subst{$var}=$urgencytorecommendation{$subst{URGENCY}};
-		}
-		else {
-			if (exists($substchoices{$var})) {
-				print "Choose from ".join(", ", @{$substchoices{$var}})."\n";
-				$subst{$var}=$term->readline("$var: ", $substchoices{$var}->[0]);
-			}
-			else {
-				$subst{$var}=$term->readline("$var: ");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	my $ret=$subst{$var};
-	if ($lpad && length($ret) < length($in) + 4) {
-		$ret=(" " x (length($in) + 4 - length($ret))).$ret;
-	}
-	if ($rpad && length($ret) < length($in) + 4) {
-		$ret.=(" " x (length($in) + 4 - length($ret)));
-	}
-	return $ret;
-# Get the advisory number. If a parameter is passed, use that as the
-# number, otherwise, find the next unused one.
-sub getadvisory {
-	my $num;
-	if (@ARGV) {
-		$num=shift;
-	}
-	else {
-		$num=1;
-		foreach my $file (glob("$prefix-*")) {
-			my ($major, $minor)=$file=~/$prefix-(.*)-(.*)/;
-			if ($major >= $num) {
-				$num=$major+1;
-			}
-		}
-		$num="$num-1";
-	}
-	if (-e "$prefix-$num") {
-		die "$prefix-$num already exists\n";
-	}
-	return "$prefix-$num";
-print "Creating $advisory ...\n";
-open (OUT, ">$advisory") || die "write $advisory: $!";
-open (TEMPLATE, "template") || die "read template: $!";
-while (<TEMPLATE>) {
-	s/__([A-Z_]+)__/getsubst($1)/eg;
-	print OUT;
-close TEMPLATE;
-close OUT;
-print "Adding to list ...\n";
-open (IN, "list") || die "read list: $!";
-my @list=<IN>;
-close IN;
-open (OUT,">list") || die "write list: $!";
-print OUT "[".time2str("%e %b %Y", time, "UTC")."] $advisory $subst{PACKAGE} - $subst{SHORTDESC}\n";
-print OUT "\t{$subst{CVE}}\n" if length $subst{CVE};
-print OUT "\t- $subst{PACKAGE} $subst{TESTINGVER} ($subst{URGENCY})\n";
-print OUT @list;
-close OUT;
-print "Editing $advisory ...\n";
-exec("sensible-editor", $advisory);

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