[Secure-testing-commits] r1398 - / data doc
Joey Hess
Thu, 14 Jul 2005 20:20:46 +0000
Author: joeyh
Date: 2005-07-14 20:20:45 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jul 2005)
New Revision: 1398
Create a doc directory and move a few files to there. Include my debconf5
talk, and the paper that accompnied it
Deleted: data/announce
--- data/announce 2005-07-14 19:03:51 UTC (rev 1397)
+++ data/announce 2005-07-14 20:20:45 UTC (rev 1398)
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-Subject: forming a security team for testing
-I've been talking to people about the idea of forming a security team for
-the testing distribution for several months, and there seems to be enough
-interest in improving testing's security to make such a team a reality.
-Most of the people in the CC list have indicated interest in the existence
-of a testing security team; we're interested in testing's security for
-diverse reasons including: use of testing at work, shipping products based
-on testing, hoping to base derived Deban distributions on testing rather
-than stable, wanting testing to be a viable choice for Debian users, and
-so on.
-The team will consist of Debian developers and possibly others. Unless a
-member of the Debian security team joins the Debian testing security team,
-none of us will have any privileged information about future security
-announcements. Anyone with interest and experience with security issues is
-welcome to join the team.
-To talk about how I think this team would work on testing's security, I
-need to talk about two distinct stages, before the sarge release, and
-Right now we're at a point in the sarge release cycle where most of the
-focus of a testing security team needs to be on identifying and fixing
-sarge's security problems and getting it ready for release. This means
-checking to make sure that security problems that have already been fixed
-in unstable and stable do not continue to affect testing, as well as
-dealing with new holes. I don't think Debian has really invested much
-effort into this in past releases, but if we want sarge to be a secure
-release from the beginning, it's important to do it.
-If we do that work now, then after sarge is released, we will only need to
-worry about keeping track of new security holes and releasing security
-Work before sarge's release:
-Some work on checking sarge for old security issues has already been done.
-With help from some of the people in the CC list, I coordinated a scan of
-every DSA since woody's release and we checked all 450 DSAs to see if fixes
-for those security holes had reached testing. Suprisingly, we found some
-security holes that had not gotten fixed in testing in a year or more,
-though those were the exceptions.
-I've continued to do this checking as each new DSA is released, as well as
-filing bugs, working with the security team and Release Managers, and doing
-a few NMUs to get the fixes in. The current list of unfixed DSAs sarge is:
- joeyh@newraff:~/sarge-checks>./checklist.pl DSA/list
- kpdf (unfixed; bug #278173) for DSA-573-1
- gpdf 2.8.0-1 needed, have 2.8.0-0.1 for DSA-573-1
- libpng3 needed, have for DSA-571-1
- kdelibs 4:3.2.3-3.sarge.1 needed, have 4:3.2.3-2 for DSA-539
-But checking DSAs is not a complete check of known security issues that
-might still be lurking in sarge. To do a really complete scan means looking
-through old non-DSA advisories as far back as is reasonable or doable. I
-think doing this scan and the following up on it to fix things would be a
-good first step for the team, and a way to begin figuring out how the team
-will work together.
-Mitre has a fairly comprehensive list of security problems in their list of
-CAN numbers[1]. There have been about 1000 CANs allocated this year, some
-of them are not released yet, some were covered by the DSAs and I've
-checked a few hundred, so there are about 400 left. I think 4 or 5 people
-could check these in a reasonable time period, and maybe do 2003 as well.
-So if you're interested in checking some of the CANs to see if they are
-fixed in sarge, here's what to do:
- - Sign up for an alioth account if you don't have one.
- - Send me your userid to be added to the secure-testing project on alioth.
- - svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/secure-testing/sarge-checks
- - Edit the CAN/list file and claim a range of CANs to check. Note that
- CANs that have already been checked as part of the DSA checks are so
- marked. Commit the file.
- - Go through your claimed CANs and check changelogs, advisories, do
- testing, whatever is needed to satisfy yourself whether sarge is
- vulnerable or not, and record your findings in the CANs file.
- - If it's also not fixed in sid, then be sure to file a RC bug; if it's
- fixed in sid but not in sarge, be sure to record it as a critical issue
- on the Release Managers' sarge issue tracker here:
- http://www.wolffelaar.nl/~sarge/
- Do other followup as appropriate to get the fix into sarge.
-Along with looking for old unfixed holes in sarge and working on getting
-them fixed, we should also keep up-to-date with tracking new holes as
-they're announced.
-Work after sarge's release:
-By the time sarge releases, I hope to already have a team that has worked
-together on getting sarge secure, and we'll have a testing distribution
-with no old security holes in it. This would be a great time to start
-regular security updates for testing. I've been considering some acheivable
-goals for the testing security team, and come up with this list:
- - Provide timely security updates for testing, with fixes being made
- available no more than four days after a DSA is released.
- - Work with maintainers to include security fixes from unstable
- that do not have DSAs.
- - Maintain a public database and statistics about the current state of
- security in testing.
-Exactly how we would handle doing security updates for testing will have to
-be decided by the team. We will probably want to release gpg signed DTSA
-(Debian Testing Security Advisories) to a mailing list and web site. It
-seems likely that we could use the testing-proposed-updates queue to build
-updates, if it gets set up for all arches and continues to work after the
-sarge release. For tracking issues, we may need to come up with our own
-system, or we may be able to use the BTS, it if gets the promised version
-tracking support added to it. We might want to set up our own security
-repository separate from testing, or not.
-I think it's important that the team not rely on others in Debian to do the
-work for infrastructure we need; if it's available then great, but if not
-we should be prepared to work around it ourselves.
-While it's again up to the eventual team to decide for sure, I suggest that
-we build security updates against the packages in testing. I also suggest
-that unlike security updates to package in stable, we should most often not
-backport fixes to the versions of packages in testing. More often we will
-simply take the fixed package from unstable, recompile it if necessary, and
-qualify it for the testing distribution. This may involve upgrading to new
-upstream releases, and so there's a chance our updates will introduce new
-bugs. Still, that's not as bad as unfixed security holes, and for a small
-team with limited manpower, this is a useful shortcut. We can make sure
-that our users realise that using our security updates can expose them to
-upgrade bugs.
-[1] http://cve.mitre.org/cve/candidates/downloads/full-can.html
Deleted: data/testing-security
--- data/testing-security 2005-07-14 19:03:51 UTC (rev 1397)
+++ data/testing-security 2005-07-14 20:20:45 UTC (rev 1398)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Providing security updates for Debian's "testing" distribution.
-The initial goals of the Debian testing security team will be to:
- - Provide timely security updates for testing, with fixes being made
- available no more than four days after a DSA is released.
- - Work with maintainers to include security fixes from unstable
- that do not have DSAs.
- - Maintain a public database and statistics about the current state of
- security in testing.
-Existing infrastructure
-The main infrastructure we have that could be useful in preparing testing
-secrity updates is the testing-proposed-updates queue. Thanks to the recent
-work on the sarge release, t-p-u is functional for all (or almost all)
-There is also all the work of the security team, with DSAs, relationships
-with upstream security sources, etc.
-There is the Debian BTS, which contains some but not all details about
-security holes in Debian. Some security holes are not made public until a
-DSA is released, and some are silently fixed in a new upstream release
-uploaded to unstable. The BTS has some isues with keeping track of which
-bugs apply to testing, though its developers have been working on solving
-this problem for a while.
-We plan to take advantage of as much of the existing infrastructure as we
-can, but we recognise that using some of it would require work from others
-(ftp admins, security team, BTS admins), that we cannot require be done. We
-plan to be able to function without needing these project resources, though
-they could probably make the job easier.
-Proposed infrastructure and processes
-This is how things will work for the first phase of the team's activity.
-Once the team is proven to work and there is demand, things can be better
-integrated back into Debian. We hope that eventually our updates will be
-available on security.debian.org the same as stable security updates.
-There will be an apt repository for testing security updates, similar to
-security.debian.org. Uploads to this repository will be made only by
-members of the testing security team, will be GPG signed in the usual way,
-and will be accomponied a DTSA (Debian Testing Security Advisory), posted
-to our web site, and to a mailing list.
-In the very early stages, this will only include security updates for the
-i386 architecture. Security updates for other architectures will be added
-after we work out an autobuilder system (hopefully by using Debian's
-existing t-p-u autobuilders).
-There will be an issue tracking system, which will be integrated with the
-Debian BTS, so we can flag bugs as security issues for testing, and keep
-track of when they are fixed in unstable, and in testing.
-All security updates will be built against the packages in testing, and
-will be versioned to be an upgrade from the version of the package in
-testing, and also as an upgrade from any unfixed version in unstable. Once
-the security hole is fixed in unstable and reaches testing using normal
-channels, the package can be removed from secure-testing.debian.net.
-Unlike security updates to package in stable, we will most often not
-backport fixes to the versions of packages in testing. More often we will
-simply take the fixed package from unstable, recompile it if necessary, and
-qualify it for the testing distribution. This may involve upgrading to new
-upstream releases, and so there's a chance our updates will introduce new
-bugs. We feel this is not as bad as unfixed security holes, and as a small
-team with limited manpower, this is a useful shortcut. We will make sure
-that out users realise that using our security updates can expose them to
-upgrade bugs.
-Team organisation
-The team will consist entirely of Debian developers. Unless a member of the
-Debian security team joins the Debian testing security team, none of us
-will have any privileged information about future security announcements.
-So we will not be able to fix problems instantaneously, but we hope to get
-all issues fixed within four days of the DSA, and most issues fixed
-somewhat faster. Any Debian developer who has experience with security
-issues is welcome to join the team.
-The current team members:
- Joey Hess
- <er, someone else please add your name here>
Copied: doc/announce (from rev 1383, data/announce)
Copied: doc/testing-security (from rev 1383, data/testing-security)