[Secure-testing-commits] r1973 - bin lib/python

Florian Weimer fw at costa.debian.org
Wed Sep 14 08:59:51 UTC 2005

Author: fw
Date: 2005-09-14 08:59:50 +0000 (Wed, 14 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 1973

Add table version_linear_order, which will enable us to make version
comparisons in pure SQL.

lib/python/security_db.py (DB):
  Add verbose flag to constructor.
  Add table version_linear_order.  Add version ID fields to tables
  package_notes, source_packages, binary_packages.
  Use self.verbose.
  New method to get a least of releases in the database.
  Calculate a linear order of versions.  This will be used to speed up
  the vulnerability rating process.
  Invoke _updateVersions.  Use self.verbose.

bin/update-vulnerabilities, bin/update-packages:
  Set database verbose flag.

Modified: bin/update-packages
--- bin/update-packages	2005-09-14 08:30:46 UTC (rev 1972)
+++ bin/update-packages	2005-09-14 08:59:50 UTC (rev 1973)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 def cmd_import(args):
     db_file = root_path + '/data/security.db'
-    db = security_db.DB(db_file)
+    db = security_db.DB(db_file, verbose=True)
         for release, archs in explodeReleases(args):
             for archive in archives:

Modified: bin/update-vulnerabilities
--- bin/update-vulnerabilities	2005-09-14 08:30:46 UTC (rev 1972)
+++ bin/update-vulnerabilities	2005-09-14 08:59:50 UTC (rev 1973)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 db_file = root_path + '/data/security.db'
 assert os.path.exists(db_file)
-db = security_db.DB(db_file)
+db = security_db.DB(db_file, verbose=True)
 c = db.writeTxn()

Modified: lib/python/security_db.py
--- lib/python/security_db.py	2005-09-14 08:30:46 UTC (rev 1972)
+++ lib/python/security_db.py	2005-09-14 08:59:50 UTC (rev 1973)
@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@
     misnomer because these objects are quite versatile.
-    def __init__(self, name):
+    def __init__(self, name, verbose=False):
         self.db = apsw.Connection(name)
+        self.verbose = verbose
     def cursor(self):
         """Creates a new database cursor.
@@ -96,10 +97,15 @@
          inodeprint TEXT NOT NULL)""")
+        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE version_linear_order
+         version TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE)""")
         cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE source_packages
         (package TEXT NOT NULL,
          release TEXT NOT NULL, archive TEXT NOT NULL,
          version TEXT NOT NULL,
+         version_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
          PRIMARY KEY (package, release, archive));""")
         cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE binary_packages
@@ -107,6 +113,7 @@
          release TEXT NOT NULL, archive TEXT NOT NULL,
          architecture TEXT NOT NULL,
          version TEXT NOT NULL,
+         version_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
          source TEXT NOT NULL, source_version TEXT NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY (package, release, archive, architecture));""")
         cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX binary_packages_source
@@ -118,6 +125,7 @@
          package TEXT NOT NULL,
          fixed_version TEXT
              CHECK (fixed_version IS NULL OR fixed_version <> ''),
+         fixed_version_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
          release TEXT NOT NULL,
          urgency TEXT NOT NULL)""")
@@ -268,6 +276,8 @@
            ("SELECT inodeprint FROM inodeprints WHERE file = ?", (filename,)):
             if old_print == current_print:
+            if self.verbose:
+                print "maybeUpdate: updating", `args`
             result = apply(action, (cursor,) + args
                            + (debian_support.PackageFile(filename),))
             cursor.execute("""UPDATE inodeprints SET inodeprint = ?
@@ -284,13 +294,11 @@
     def maybeUpdateSources(self, cursor, release, archive, filename):
         """Reads the Sources file filename if it has been modified."""
         self._maybeUpdate(cursor, (release, archive), filename,
     def maybeUpdatePackages(self, cursor, release, archive, arch, filename):
         """Reads the Packages file filename if it has been modified."""
         self._maybeUpdate(cursor, (release, archive, arch), filename,
@@ -383,6 +391,32 @@
         return warnings
+    def availableReleases(self, cursor=None):
+        """Returns a list of tuples (RELEASE, ARCHIVE, ARCHITECTURE-LIST)."""
+        if cursor is None:
+            cursor = self.cursor()
+        releases = {}
+        for r in cursor.execute(
+            "SELECT DISTINCT release, archive FROM source_packages"):
+            releases[r] = ['(sources)']
+        for (rel, archive, arch) in cursor.execute(
+            """SELECT DISTINCT release, archive, architecture
+            FROM binary_packages"""):
+            try:
+                releases[(rel, archive)].append(arch)
+            except KeyError:
+                releases[(rel, archive)] = [arch]
+        result = []
+        for ((rel, archive), archs) in releases.items():
+            archs.sort()
+            result.append((rel, archive, archs))
+        result.sort()
+        return result
     def getVersion(self, cursor, release, package):
         """Returns the version number for package in release.
@@ -418,6 +452,62 @@
             return True
         return False
+    def _updateVersions(self, cursor):
+        """Updates the linear version table."""
+        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM version_linear_order");
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "updateVersions:"
+            print "  reading"
+        versions = []
+        for (v,) in cursor.execute(
+            """SELECT DISTINCT *
+            FROM (SELECT fixed_version FROM package_notes
+                WHERE fixed_version IS NOT NULL
+            UNION ALL SELECT version FROM source_packages
+            UNION ALL SELECT version FROM binary_packages)"""):
+            if v is None:
+                continue
+            versions.append(debian_support.Version(v))
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  calculating linear oder"
+        versions.sort()
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  storing linear order"
+        for v in versions:
+            cursor.execute(
+                "INSERT INTO version_linear_order (version) VALUES (?)",
+                (str(v),))
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  updating package notes"
+        cursor.execute(
+            """UPDATE package_notes
+            SET fixed_version_id = (SELECT id FROM version_linear_order
+            WHERE version = package_notes.fixed_version)
+            WHERE fixed_version IS NOT NULL""")
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  updating source packages"
+        cursor.execute(
+            """UPDATE source_packages
+            SET version_id = (SELECT id FROM version_linear_order
+            WHERE version = source_packages.version)""")
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  updating binary packages"
+        cursor.execute(
+            """UPDATE binary_packages
+            SET version_id = (SELECT id FROM version_linear_order
+            WHERE version = binary_packages.version)""")
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  finished"
     def calculateVulnerabilities(self, cursor):
         """Calculate vulnerable packages.
@@ -425,6 +515,11 @@
         is attached.  Currently, only etch/testing is processed.
+        self._updateVersions(cursor)
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "calculateVulnerabilities:"
+            print "  clearing old data"
         cursor.execute("DELETE FROM bugs_status")
         def markVulnerable(bug, release, note, reason):
@@ -474,10 +569,14 @@
         # First handle the DSAs.  Cache results in DSA_status (used
         # for CAN/CVE below).
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  reading DSAs"
         bug_names = list(cursor.execute(
             """SELECT name FROM bugs
             WHERE name LIKE 'DSA-%' AND NOT not_for_us"""))
         DSA_status = {}
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  rating DSAs"
         for (bug_name,) in bug_names:
             b = bugs.BugFromDB(cursor, bug_name)
             DSA_status[bug_name] = calcVuln(b)
@@ -486,10 +585,14 @@
         # package annotations, but it references a non-vulnerable DSA,
         # we assume that the current is not affect either.
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  reading other entries"
         bug_names = list(cursor.execute(
             """SELECT name FROM bugs
             WHERE (NOT not_for_us)
             AND NOT (name LIKE 'DSA-%' OR name LIKE 'DTSA-%')"""))
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  rating other entries"
         for (bug_name,) in bug_names:
             b = bugs.BugFromDB(cursor, bug_name)
             if b.notes:
@@ -511,6 +614,9 @@
             if not dsa_found:
                 markVulnerable(b, 'etch', 0, 'status is unclear')
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "  finished"
     def check(self, cursor=None):
         """Runs a simple consistency check and prints the results."""

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