[Secure-testing-commits] r2034 - lib/python

Florian Weimer fw at costa.debian.org
Sat Sep 17 22:38:41 UTC 2005

Author: fw
Date: 2005-09-17 22:38:40 +0000 (Sat, 17 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 2034

data/security.db (BugFromDB):
  Load the bug even when an alias name is used (CAN vs. CVE, DSA
  without revision number).

Modified: lib/python/bugs.py
--- lib/python/bugs.py	2005-09-17 16:44:12 UTC (rev 2033)
+++ lib/python/bugs.py	2005-09-17 22:38:40 UTC (rev 2034)
@@ -319,42 +319,70 @@
 class BugFromDB(Bug):
     def __init__(self, cursor, name):
         assert type(name) == types.StringType
-        for r in cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE name = ?', (name,)):
-            rdesc = cursor.getdescription()
-            data = {}
-            for j in range(len(rdesc)):
-                data[rdesc[j][0]] = r[j]
-            # FIXME: load date
-            Bug.__init__(self, data['source_file'], data['source_line'],
-                         data['release_date'], name,
-                         data['description'], comments=[],
-                         notes=[], xref=[],
-                         not_for_us=not not data['not_for_us'])
-            for (x,) in cursor.execute\
-                ('SELECT target FROM bugs_xref WHERE source = ?', (name,)):
-                self.xref.append(x)
-            for (t, c) in cursor.execute\
-                ("""SELECT typ, comment FROM bugs_notes
-                WHERE bug_name = ?
-                ORDER BY rowid""",
-                 (name,)):
-                self.comments.append((t, c))
-            # temporary list required because loadBugs needs the cursor
-            for nid, package, fixed_version, release, urgency, package_kind \
-                    in list(cursor.execute
-                ("""SELECT id, package, fixed_version, release, urgency,
-                package_kind
-                FROM package_notes WHERE bug_name = ?""", (name,))):
-                n = PackageNote(package, fixed_version, release, urgency)
-                n.id = nid
-                n.bug_name = name
-                n.package_kind = package_kind
-                n.loadBugs(cursor)
-                self.notes.append(n)
-            return
-        raise ValueError, "unknown bug " + `name`
+        def lookup(bug):
+            for r in cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE name = ?',
+                                    (bug,)):
+                return r
+            else:
+                return None
+        def lookup_dsa(bug):
+            for r in cursor.execute(
+                """SELECT * FROM bugs
+                WHERE name = ? OR name LIKE (? || '-%')
+                ORDER BY release_date DESC
+                LIMIT 1""", (bug, bug,)):
+                return r
+            else:
+                return bug
+        r = lookup(name)
+        if r is None:
+            name_components = name.split('-')
+            name_source = name_components[0]
+            if name_source == 'CAN':
+                r = lookup('-'.join(['CVE'] + name_components[1:]))
+            elif name_source == 'CVE':
+                r = lookup('-'.join(['CAN'] + name_components[1:]))
+            elif name_source == 'DSA' and 2 <= len(name_components) <= 3:
+                r = lookup_dsa('DSA-' + name_components[1])
+            if r is None:
+                raise ValueError, "unknown bug " + `name`
+        rdesc = cursor.getdescription()
+        data = {}
+        for j in range(len(rdesc)):
+            data[rdesc[j][0]] = r[j]
+        name = data['name']
+        Bug.__init__(self, data['source_file'], data['source_line'],
+                     data['release_date'], name,
+                     data['description'], comments=[],
+                     notes=[], xref=[],
+                     not_for_us=not not data['not_for_us'])
+        for (x,) in cursor.execute\
+            ('SELECT target FROM bugs_xref WHERE source = ?', (name,)):
+            self.xref.append(x)
+        for (t, c) in cursor.execute\
+            ("""SELECT typ, comment FROM bugs_notes
+            WHERE bug_name = ?
+            ORDER BY rowid""",
+             (name,)):
+            self.comments.append((t, c))
+        # temporary list required because loadBugs needs the cursor
+        for nid, package, fixed_version, release, urgency, package_kind \
+                in list(cursor.execute
+            ("""SELECT id, package, fixed_version, release, urgency,
+            package_kind
+            FROM package_notes WHERE bug_name = ?""", (name,))):
+            n = PackageNote(package, fixed_version, release, urgency)
+            n.id = nid
+            n.bug_name = name
+            n.package_kind = package_kind
+            n.loadBugs(cursor)
+            self.notes.append(n)
     def getDebianBugs(self, cursor):
         """Returns a list of Debian bugs to which the bug report refers."""
         return map(lambda (x,): x, cursor.execute(

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