[Secure-testing-commits] r2156 - lib/python

Florian Weimer fw at costa.debian.org
Sat Sep 24 15:43:05 UTC 2005

Author: fw
Date: 2005-09-24 15:43:04 +0000 (Sat, 24 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 2156

Implement NOT-FOR-US:, <unfixed>, <not-affected> and <itp>.

lib/python/bugs.py (PackageNote.writeDB):
  Store package_kind attribute in the database, so that we can detect
  notes for ITPs.
  'unfixed' is no longer a valid tag.
  Update regular expressions.
  Parse new "- PACKAGE <TAG>" annotations.  Implement NOT-FOR-US:.
  Caclulate the Debian bug number for a FAKE name when it is needed.

lib/python/security_db.py (DB.calculateVulnerabilities):
  Do not overrite "itp" values in the package_kind column of
  package_notes.  Check that ITPed packages are not present in the
  New method.

Modified: lib/python/bugs.py
--- lib/python/bugs.py	2005-09-24 15:35:43 UTC (rev 2155)
+++ lib/python/bugs.py	2005-09-24 15:43:04 UTC (rev 2156)
@@ -144,10 +144,11 @@
             r = ''
         cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO package_notes
-        (bug_name, package, fixed_version, release, urgency, bug_origin)
-        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
+        (bug_name, package, fixed_version, release, urgency, bug_origin,
+         package_kind)
+        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
                        (bug_name, self.package, v, r,
-                        str(self.urgency), bug_origin))
+                        str(self.urgency), bug_origin, self.package_kind))
         for (rowid,) in cursor.execute('SELECT last_insert_rowid()'):
             self.id = rowid
             for b in self.bugs:
@@ -214,10 +215,6 @@
-                if n == 'unfixed':
-                    self.unfixed = True
-                    continue
                 raise SyntaxError , 'unknown package note %s\n' % `n`
         PackageNote.__init__(self, package, version, release, urgency)
         self.bugs = bugs
@@ -501,10 +498,14 @@
     # temporary hack, until we know what "!" actually means.
     re_package_required = re.compile(r'^(?:\[.*\]\s*)?[-!]')
-    re_package = re.compile(r'^(?:\[([a-z]+)\] )?[-!] ([A-Za-z0-9:.+-]+)'
-                            + r'(?:\s+([A-Za-z0-9:.+-]+))?\s*(?:\((.*)\))?$')
-    re_not_for_us_required = re.compile(r'^NOTE:\s+not?e?-f[ou]?r-[us]')
-    re_not_for_us = re.compile(r'^NOTE:\s+not-for-us(?:\s+\((.*)\))?\s*$')
+    re_package_version = re.compile(
+        r'^(?:\[([a-z]+)\] )?[-!] ([A-Za-z0-9:.+-]+)\s*'
+        + r'(?:\s([A-Za-z0-9:.+-]+)\s*)?(?:\s\((.*)\))?$')
+    re_package_no_version = re.compile(
+        r'^(?:\[([a-z]+)\] )?[-!] ([A-Za-z0-9:.+-]+)'
+        + r'\s+<([a-z-]+)>\s*(?:\s\((.*)\))?$')
+    re_not_for_us_required = re.compile(r'^NOT-FOR-US:')
+    re_not_for_us = re.compile(r'^NOT-FOR-US:\s+(.*?)\s*$')
     re_reserved = re.compile(r'^NOTE:\s+reserved\s*$')
     re_rejected = re.compile(r'^NOTE:\s+rejected\s*$')
     re_note = re.compile(r'^NOTE:\s+(.*)$')
@@ -601,7 +602,6 @@
             comments = []
             cve_reserved = False
             cve_rejected = False
-            first_bug = 0
             for (lineno, r) in record:
                 def handle_xref(re_required, re_real, re_entry, target):
@@ -637,32 +637,45 @@
                 if self.re_package_required.match(r):
-                    match = self.re_package.match(r)
+                    match = self.re_package_version.match(r)
                     if match:
                         (release, p, v, d) = match.groups()
-                        if v is None and d is None and \
-                               self.no_version_needs_note:
-                                raise SyntaxError, \
-                                'version-less package entry requires note'
+                        pkg_notes.append(
+                            PackageNoteParsed(p, v, d, release=release))
+                        continue
+                    match = self.re_package_no_version.match(r)
+                    if match:
+                        (release, p, v, d) = match.groups()
                         if v == 'not-affected':
-                            # '0' is the minimum version number possible.
                                              (p, '0', 'unimportant',
-                            # 'd' is a free-form field in this case,
-                            # if it is present.
                             if d:
-                                comments.append(('NOTE', d))
+                                # Not exactly idea, but we have to record the
+                                # free-form text in some way.
+                                if r[-1] == '\n':
+                                    r = r[:-1]
+                                comments.append(('NOTE', r))
+                        elif v == 'itp':
+                            x = PackageNoteParsed(p, None, d, release=release)
+                            x.package_kind = 'itp'
+                            if not x.bugs:
+                                self.raiseSyntaxError(
+                                    "ITP note needs Debian bug reference",
+                                    lineno)
+                            pkg_notes.append(x)
+                        elif v == 'unfixed':
+                            pkg_notes.append(PackageNoteParsed
+                                             (p, None, d, release=release))
-                            x = PackageNoteParsed(p, v, d, release=release)
-                            pkg_notes.append(x)
-                            if first_bug == 0 and len(x.bugs) > 0:
-                                first_bug = x.bugs[0]
-                    else:
-                        self.raiseSyntaxError("expected package entry, got: "
-                                              + `r`, lineno)
-                    continue
+                            self.raiseSyntaxError(
+                                "invalid special version %s in package entry"
+                                % `r`, lineno)
+                        continue
+                    self.raiseSyntaxError(
+                        "expected package entry, got: " + `r`, lineno)
                 if self.re_not_for_us_required.match(r):
                     match = self.re_not_for_us.match(r)
@@ -672,7 +685,7 @@
                             not_for_us = ''
-                        self.raiseSyntaxError("expected not-for-us entry, "
+                        self.raiseSyntaxError("expected NOT-FOR-US entry, "
                                               + "got: " + `r`, lineno)
                 match = self.re_reserved.match(r)
@@ -747,6 +760,13 @@
                 if not self.isUniqueName(record_name):
+                    first_bug = 0
+                    for n in pkg_notes:
+                        for b in n.bugs:
+                            first_bug = b
+                            break
+                        if first_bug:
+                            break
                     record_name = 'FAKE-%07d-%06d' % (first_bug, first_lineno)
                 yield self.finishBug(Bug(self.file.name, first_lineno, date,
                                          record_name, description,

Modified: lib/python/security_db.py
--- lib/python/security_db.py	2005-09-24 15:35:43 UTC (rev 2155)
+++ lib/python/security_db.py	2005-09-24 15:43:04 UTC (rev 2156)
@@ -910,11 +910,14 @@
         if self.verbose:
             print "  checking source/binary packages"
-        cursor.execute("UPDATE package_notes SET package_kind = 'unknown'")
+            """UPDATE package_notes SET package_kind = 'unknown'
+            WHERE package_kind IN ('source', 'binary')""")
+        cursor.execute(
             """UPDATE package_notes SET package_kind = 'source'
-            WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM source_packages AS p
-                          WHERE p.name = package_notes.package)""")
+            WHERE package_kind = 'unknown'
+            AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM source_packages AS p
+                        WHERE p.name = package_notes.package)""")
             """UPDATE package_notes SET package_kind = 'binary'
             WHERE package_kind = 'unknown'
@@ -949,6 +952,18 @@
             result.append("%s:%d: candidates are %s and %s"
                           % (b.source_file, b.source_line, s1, s2))
+        for (bug_name, package) in list(cursor.execute(
+            """SELECT n.bug_name, n.package
+            FROM package_notes AS n
+            WHERE n.package_kind = 'itp'
+            AND ((EXISTS (SELECT * FROM source_packages
+                         WHERE name = n.package))
+                 OR (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM binary_packages
+                             WHERE name = n.package)))""")):
+            b = bugs.BugFromDB(cursor, bug_name)
+            result.append("%s:%d: ITPed package %s is in the archive"
+                          % (b.source_file, b.source_line, package))
         if False:
             # The following check looks useful, but there are
             # situations where we want to be very explicit about
@@ -1432,6 +1447,22 @@
         if old_package:
             yield (old_package, bugs)
+    def getITPs(self, cursor):
+        """Returns a generator for a list of unknown packages.
+        Each entry has the form (PACKAGE, BUG-LIST, DEBIAN-BUG-LIST)."""
+        # The "|| ''" is required to convert the string_set argument
+        # to a string.
+        for (package, bugs, debian_bugs) in cursor.execute(
+            """SELECT DISTINCT n.package, string_set(n.bug_name),
+            string_set(db.bug || '')
+            FROM package_notes AS n, debian_bugs AS db
+            WHERE package_kind = 'itp'
+            AND db.note = n.id
+            GROUP BY n.package
+            ORDER BY n.package"""):
+            yield (package, bugs.split(','), map(int, debian_bugs.split(',')))
     def check(self, cursor=None):
         """Runs a simple consistency check and prints the results."""

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