[Secure-testing-commits] r3594 - bin

Florian Weimer fw at costa.debian.org
Sat Mar 11 18:27:40 UTC 2006

Author: fw
Date: 2006-03-11 18:27:37 +0000 (Sat, 11 Mar 2006)
New Revision: 3594

Incorporate Micah's changes.

bin/tracker_service.py (TrackerService.page_home):
  New page.

Modified: bin/tracker_service.py
--- bin/tracker_service.py	2006-03-11 18:26:28 UTC (rev 3593)
+++ bin/tracker_service.py	2006-03-11 18:27:37 UTC (rev 3594)
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
         self.register('data/funny-versions', self.page_data_funny_versions)
         self.register('data/fake-names', self.page_data_fake_names)
         self.register('debsecan/**', self.page_debsecan)
+        self.register('data/report', self.page_report)
     def page_home(self, path, params, url):
         query = params.get('query', ('',))[0]
@@ -115,14 +116,26 @@
         return self.create_page(
             url, 'Security Bug Tracker',
-            """This is the experimental issue tracker for Debian's testing
-security team.  Keep in mind that this is merely a prototype.
-Please report any problems to """,
-            A("mailto:fw at deneb.enyo.de", "Florian Weimer"),
-            """.Note that some of the data presented here is known
-to be wrong (see below), but the data for the testing suite
-should be fine."""),
-                                 make_menu(
+            """The data in this tracker comes solely from the bug database maintained
+by Debian's security team located in the testing-security Subversion """,
+            A("http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/secure-testing/data", "repository"),
+            """.  The data represented here is derived from: """,
+            A("http://www.debian.org/security/#DSAS", "DSAs"),
+            """ issued by the Security Team; issues tracked in the """,
+            A("http://www.cve.mitre.org/cve/index.html", "CVE database"),
+            """, issues tracked in the """,
+            A("http://nvd.nist.gov/", "National Vulnerability Database"),
+            """ (NVD), maintained by NIST; and security issues
+discovered in Debian packages as reported in the BTS."""),
+             P("""All exteral data (including Debian bug reports and official Debian
+security advisories) must be added to this database before it appears
+here. Please help us keep this information up-to-date by""",
+               A(url.scriptRelative("data/report"), "reporting"),
+               """ any discrepancies or change of states that you are
+aware of and/or help us improve the quality of this information by """,
+               A(url.scriptRelative("data/report"), "participiating"),
+               "."),
+            make_menu(
              'Vulnerable packages in the unstable suite'),
@@ -150,21 +163,6 @@
              P("""(You can enter CVE names, Debian bug numbers and package
 names in the search forms.)"""),
-             H2("Data sources"),
-             P("""Data in this tracker comes solely from the bug database
-which is maintained by Debian's testing security team in their
-Subversion repository.  All external data (this includes
-Debian bug reports and official Debian security advisories)
-must be added to this database before it appears here, and there
-can be some delay before this happens."""),
-             P("""At the moment, the database only contains information which is
-relevant for tracking the security status of the stable, testing and
-unstable suites.  This means that data for oldstable is likely wrong."""),
-             P('Data marked "NVD" comes from the ',
-               A(url.absolute('http://nvd.nist.gov/'),
-                 'National Vulnerability Database'),
-               ' maintained by NIST.'),
              H2("External interfaces"),
              P("""If you want to automatically open a relevant web page for
 some object, use the """,
@@ -446,6 +444,40 @@
                                    ' matched no results.')],
+    def page_report(self, path, params, url):
+        return self.create_page(
+            url, 'Reporting discrepancies in the data',
+            [P("""The data in this tracker is always in flux, as bugs are fixed and new
+issues disclosed, the data contained herein is updated. We strive to
+maintain complete and accurate state information, and appreciate any
+updates in status, information or new issues."""),
+             P("There are three ways that you can report updates to this information:"),
+             make_numbered_list(
+            [P("""IRC: We can be found at """,
+               CODE("irc.oftc.net"),
+               ", ",
+               CODE("#debian-security"),
+    """. If you have information to report, please go ahead and join
+the channel and tell us.  Please feel free to state the issue,
+regardless if there is someone who has acknowledged you. Many of us
+idle on this channel and may not be around when you join, but we read
+the backlog and will see what you have said. If you require a
+response, do not forget to let us know how to get a hold of you."""),
+             P("Mailing list: Our mailing list is: ",
+               A("mailto:secure-testing-team at lists.alioth.debian.org",
+                 "secure-testing-team at lists.alioth.debian.org")),
+             P("""Helping out: We welcome people who wish to join us in tracking
+issues. The process is designed to be easy to learn and participate,
+please read our """,
+               A("http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/secure-testing/doc/narrative_introduction",
+                 "Introduction"),
+               """ to get familiar with how things work.  Join us on
+our mailing list, and on IRC and request to be added to the Alioth """,
+               A("http://alioth.debian.org/projects/secure-testing/", "project"),
+               """. We are really quite friendly. If you have a
+question about how things work, don't be afraid to ask, we would like
+to improve our documentation and procedures, so feedback is welcome.""")])])
     def page_source_package(self, path, params, url):
         pkg = path[0]

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