[Secure-testing-commits] r4941 - bin

Stefan Fritsch stef-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 8 22:35:50 CET 2006

Author: stef-guest
Date: 2006-11-08 22:35:50 +0100 (Wed, 08 Nov 2006)
New Revision: 4941

downloads allitems.txt from cve.mitre.org and shows full decription for each
"TODO: check" item. It then tries to guess name and/or script file names and
does apt-cache or apt-file search and allows to directly replace the TODO by a
NFU. This is good for weeding out all those trivial PHP NFUs issues.

check-new-issues -l
will just list the issues with with a longer description than in CVE/list itself.
This helps when looking for interesting new issues.

check-new-issues -h
will give some help

All in all nothing fancy but saves some time. Currently it want's to be called
from the parent dir as:

Added: bin/check-new-issues
--- bin/check-new-issues	2006-11-08 20:53:57 UTC (rev 4940)
+++ bin/check-new-issues	2006-11-08 21:35:50 UTC (rev 4941)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+use strict;
+use File::Temp;
+use Getopt::Std;
+#use Smart::Comments;
+my %opts;
+getopts('ln:fh', \%opts);
+if ($opts{h}) {
+    print <<"EOF";
+downloads allitems.txt from cve.mitre.org and shows full decription for each
+"TODO: check" item (2003 and newer). Then
+- tries to guess product name and php filename and does 
+  apt-cache and apt-file search
+- waits for input:
+  * blank line to skip to next issue
+  * .fname to do "apt-file search name"
+  * .cname to do "apt-cache search name"
+  * v or e to launch an editor with the current item
+  * q to save and quit
+  * CTRL-C to quit without saving
+  * everything else is inserted as product name for a NOT-FOR-US
+Use "svn diff" and "svn revert" as needed ;-)
+OPTIONS: [ -l [-n <n>] [-f] ]
+-l    : just list issues 
+-n <n>: show max n lines of each description (default 2)
+-f    : show full CVE/list entry as well
+    exit(0);
+# - go back to previous issue / undo
+# - handle entries with several TODO lines
+# - handle other TODOs than "check"
+# - allow setting the regexp to search for
+# - handle claimed-by
+# - look for ITPs?
+my $datafile="./secure-testing/data/CVE/list";
+my $allitemsfile="gunzip -c allitems.txt.gz|";
+my $allitemsurl="http://cve.mitre.org/cve/downloads/allitems.txt.gz";
+my $editor=$ENV{EDITOR} || $ENV{VISUAL} || "vi";
+system "wget -N $allitemsurl";
+print "Reading data...\n";
+my $entries=read_file($datafile, qr/^CVE/ );
+my $CVEs=read_file($allitemsfile, qr/^=+$/ );
+my $data;
+my @todos;
+my %afcache;
+foreach my $cve (@{$CVEs}) {
+	$cve =~ /^Name:\s*(CVE\S+)/m or next;
+	$data->{$1}->{CVE}=\$cve;
+foreach my $entry (@{$entries}) {
+	my $name;
+	if ( $entry =~ /^(CVE-....-\d\d\d\d)/ ) {
+		$name=$1;
+	}
+	elsif ( $entry =~ /^(CVE-....-XXXX.*)\n/ ){
+		$name=$1;
+	}
+	else {
+		die "invlid entry:\n$entry";
+	}
+	$data->{$name}->{entry}=\$entry;
+	if (    $entry =~ /^\s+TODO: check/m
+	    and $name =~ /CVE-200[3-9]/ ) {
+		push @todos, $name;
+	}
+print scalar(@{$CVEs}), "/", scalar(@{$entries}),  "/", scalar(@todos), "\n";
+if ($opts{l}) {
+	#list only
+	foreach my $todo (reverse sort @todos) {
+		my $desc=description($todo);
+		if ($desc) {
+			my $lines=$opts{n} || 2;
+			if ($desc =~ /((?:.*\n){1,$lines})/) {
+				$desc = $1;
+				$desc =~ s/^/               /mg;
+				if ($opts{f}) {
+					print ${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}, $desc;
+				}
+				else {
+					print "$todo:\n$desc";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			print "${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}";
+		}
+	}
+	exit 0;
+TODO: foreach my $todo (reverse sort @todos) {
+	print ${$data->{$todo}->{CVE}} if $data->{$todo}->{CVE};
+	print ${$data->{$todo}->{entry}};
+	auto_search($todo);
+    READ: while (my $r=<STDIN>) {
+    		chomp $r;
+		if ($r =~ /^\s*$/) {
+			next TODO;
+		}
+		elsif ($r=~ /^\.c(.*)$/ ) {
+			my $s = $1;
+			$s =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_ at -}{ }cs;
+			print "=== apt-cache search $s :\n";
+			system("apt-cache search $s|less -FX");
+			print "===\n";
+			next READ;
+		}
+		elsif ($r=~ /^\.f(.*)$/ ) {
+			my $s = $1;
+			$s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+			print "=== apt-file search '$s':\n";
+			system("apt-file search '$s'|less -FX");
+			print "===\n";
+			next READ;
+		}
+		elsif ($r=~ /^q$/i ) {
+			last TODO;
+		}
+		elsif ($r=~ /^[ve]$/i ) {
+			my $newentry=edit_entry(${$data->{$todo}->{entry}});
+			if ( $newentry eq ${$data->{$todo}->{entry}} ) {
+				print "Not changed.\n";
+				next READ;
+			}
+			else {
+				${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}=$newentry;
+				print "New entry set to:\n$newentry";
+				next TODO;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			${$data->{$todo}->{entry}} =~
+				s/^\s*TODO: check/\tNOT-FOR-US: $r/m ;
+				print "New entry set to:\n${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}";
+			next TODO;
+		}
+	}
+open(my $fh, ">", $datafile);
+print $fh @{$entries};
+sub description {
+	my $name=shift;
+	defined $data->{$name}->{CVE} or return "";
+	${$data->{$name}->{CVE}} =~ /\n\n(.*)^Current Votes:/ms;
+	my $desc = $1;
+	$desc =~ s/\n\n+/\n/;
+	return $desc;
+sub read_file
+	my $file=shift;
+	my $re=shift;
+	open(my $fh, $file) or die "could not open $file";
+	my @data;
+	my $cur="";
+	while (my $line=<$fh>) {
+		if ($line =~ $re and $cur) {
+			push @data, $cur;
+			$cur = "";
+		}
+		$cur.=$line;
+	}
+	push @data, $cur if $cur;
+	close($fh);
+	return \@data;
+sub edit_entry {
+	my $entry=shift;
+	my $tmp=new File::Temp();
+	my $tmpname=$tmp->filename;
+	print $tmp $entry;
+	close $tmp;
+	system "$editor $tmpname";
+	local $/; #slurp
+	open($tmp, $tmpname);
+	return <$tmp>;
+sub auto_search {
+	my $name=shift;
+	my $desc=description($name);
+	$desc =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
+	my $file;
+	my $prog;
+	if ( $desc =~ / in (\S+\.\S+) in (\S+) / ) {
+		$file = $1;
+		$prog = $2;
+	}
+	elsif ( $desc =~ / in (?:the )?(\S+) / ) {
+		$prog = $1;
+	}
+	if ($prog) {
+		print "doing apt-cache search...";
+		my $ac=`apt-cache search '$prog' |wc -l`;
+		chomp $ac;
+		print "\r$ac results from apt-cache search $prog\n";
+	}
+	if ( $file eq 'index.php' ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( $file =~ /(php3?|asp|cgi)$/ ) {
+		if (! exists $afcache{$file}) {
+			print "doing apt-file search...";
+			$afcache{$file}=`apt-file -i search '$file' |wc -l`;
+			chomp $afcache{$file};
+		}
+		print "\r$afcache{$file} results from apt-file -i search $file\n";
+	}

Property changes on: bin/check-new-issues
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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