[Secure-testing-commits] r7696 - data

nion at alioth.debian.org nion at alioth.debian.org
Sat Dec 22 16:18:49 UTC 2007

Author: nion
Date: 2007-12-22 16:18:49 +0000 (Sat, 22 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 7696

adapting xpdf to new embedded code copies format

Modified: data/embedded-code-copies
--- data/embedded-code-copies	2007-12-22 16:01:32 UTC (rev 7695)
+++ data/embedded-code-copies	2007-12-22 16:18:49 UTC (rev 7696)
@@ -10,20 +10,32 @@
 	- <embedding srcpkg> <status> (<sort>; bug #<number>)
 	NOTE: optional comments about the linkage of the embedding srcpkg
-xpdf code: (some use xpdf 2, some xpdf 3)
-gpdf (has been replaced by evince - which uses poppler - in Etch)
-pdftohtml (has been replaced by poppler-utils from the poppler source package, still in Etch, though)
-kdegraphics/kpdf (okular, the kpdf replacement in KDE 4 is using poppler, #436164)
-tetex-bin (links to poppler since 3.0-12)
-texlive-bin (links to poppler)
-cupsys (uses xpdf-utils, it's still present in the src, though)
-koffice/kword (upstream is working on using poppler, #436163)
-libextractor (uses internal pdf decoder since 0.5.12-1)
-pdfkit.framework (links to poppler since 0.8-4)
-ipe (only small parts, but with renamed source files: ipestdfonts.cpp, ipefonts.cpp, ipedct.cpp)
-ruby-gnome2 (has a copy of poppler but links against the shared lib)
+status: version number fixing the embedded copy, <unfixed> or <unknown> if the version number can not be determined
+sort: static/dynamic
+xpdf (some srcpkgs use xpdf2 code, some xpdf3 code)
+	- gpdf <unfixed>
+	NOTE: only present in sarge, has been replaced by evince in etch
+	- pdftohtml <unfixed>
+	NOTE: has been replaced by poppler-utils, only present in sarge/etch
+	- kdegraphics <unfixed> (static; bug #436164)
+	NOTE: the kpdf replacement in KDE 4 is using poppler
+	- tetex-bin 3.0-12 (dynamic)
+	NOTE: links to poppler
+	- texlive-bin <unknown> (dynamic)
+	NOTE: links to poppler
+	- koffice <unfixed> (static; bug #436163)
+	- libextractor 0.5.12-1 (static)
+	NOTE: libextractor is using its own pdf decoder
+	- libextractor 0.5.12-1 (dynamic)
+	NOTE: links to poppler
+	- pdfkit.framework 0.8-4 (dynamic)
+	NOTE: links to poppler
+	- ipe <unfixed> (static)
+	NOTE: embeds small parts with renamed source files: ipestdfonts.cpp, ipefonts.cpp, ipedct.cpp
+	- ruby-gnome2 <unknown> (dynamic)
+	NOTE: copy only present in source but links to poppler
 silc-client (uses libsilc and libsilcclient)

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