[Secure-testing-commits] r7715 - lib/python

fw at alioth.debian.org fw at alioth.debian.org
Tue Dec 25 16:57:24 UTC 2007

Author: fw
Date: 2007-12-25 16:57:24 +0000 (Tue, 25 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 7715

Remove unused methods

The following methods are removed:


Modified: lib/python/bugs.py
--- lib/python/bugs.py	2007-12-25 15:52:17 UTC (rev 7714)
+++ lib/python/bugs.py	2007-12-25 16:57:24 UTC (rev 7715)
@@ -69,69 +69,6 @@
         self.package_kind = "unknown"
         self.bug_origin = None
-    def affects(self, version, release=None):
-        """Returns true if this package note affects the given version.
-        Both version and release can be strings.  In this case, they
-        are automatically promoted to the correct Python objects.
-        """
-        if type(version) == types.StringType:
-            version = debian_support.Version(version)
-        if type(release) == types.StringType:
-            release = Release(release)
-        if release is None:
-            if self.release is not None:
-                # If there's a release spec, and we are running for
-                # testing, this note does apply.
-                return False
-        else:
-            if self.release is not None and self.release <> release:
-                # If there's a release spec, it must match ours.
-                return False
-        # Standard version comparison if the releases match.
-        return self.fixed_version is None or version < self.fixed_version
-    def affectsKernel(self, regexp=re.compile
-                      (r'^kernel-(?:source|image|patch)-[0-9.]{3}')):
-        """Crude check if this is a kernel package."""
-        return regexp.match(self.package) is not None
-    def fixedVersion(self):
-        """ Returns a string noting that the bug was fixed, or 'unfixed'."""
-        if self.fixed_version:
-            return "fixed in %s" % self.fixed_version
-        else:
-            return "unfixed"
-    def sourceStatus(self, cursor):
-        """Returns a pair of lists (VERSION, RELEASE-LIST).
-        The first one is the list with the vulnerable versions, the
-        second one contains fixed versions.
-        """
-        vulnerable_versions = {}
-        fixed_versions = {}
-        for (release, archive, version, vulnerable) in cursor.execute(
-            """SELECT p.release, p.archive, p.version, s.vulnerable
-            FROM source_package_status AS s, source_packages AS p
-            WHERE s.note = ? AND p.rowid = s.package""", (self.id,)):
-            if vulnerable:
-                versions = vulnerable_versions
-            else:
-                versions = fixed_versions
-            if not versions.has_key(version):
-                versions[version] = []
-            versions[version].append((release, archive))
-        def sort(versions):
-            l = map(debian_support.Version, versions.keys())
-            l.sort()
-            return map(lambda ver: (ver, versions[str(ver)]), l)
-        return (sort(vulnerable_versions), sort(fixed_versions))
     def writeDB(self, cursor, bug_name, bug_origin=''):
         """Writes the object to an SQLite database."""
@@ -275,22 +212,6 @@
             return ''
-    def hasTODO(self):
-        """Returns True if the bug has a TODO item."""
-        for (t, c) in self.comments:
-            if t == "TODO":
-                return True
-        return False
-    def isKernelOnly(self):
-        """Returns True if this bug contains notes which refer to kernels."""
-        if len(self.notes) == 0:
-            return False
-        for n in self.notes:
-            if not n.affectsKernel():
-                return False
-        return True
     def writeDB(self, cursor):
         """Writes the record to an SQLite3 database."""

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