[Secure-testing-commits] Processing r7753 failed

secure-testing at idssi.enyo.de secure-testing at idssi.enyo.de
Sat Dec 29 09:51:09 UTC 2007

The error message was:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/update-db", line 62, in ?
    db.readPackages(cursor, 'data/packages')
  File "/home/secure-testing/production/lib/python/security_db.py", line 550, in readPackages
    self._readBinaryPackages(cursor, directory)
  File "/home/secure-testing/production/lib/python/security_db.py", line 641, in _readBinaryPackages
    raise ValueError, ("invalid architecture %s for package %s"
ValueError: invalid architecture mips for package 3270-common
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'apsw.Connection' object has no attribute 'close'" in <bound method DB.__del__ of <security_db.DB instance at 0x3ac97ecc>> ignored
make: *** [all] Error 1

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