[Secure-testing-commits] r6907 - doc
nion at alioth.debian.org
nion at alioth.debian.org
Thu Oct 11 14:38:28 UTC 2007
Author: nion
Date: 2007-10-11 14:38:28 +0000 (Thu, 11 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 6907
added note about embedded code copies and helping website
Modified: doc/bits_2007_10_x
--- doc/bits_2007_10_x 2007-10-11 06:34:59 UTC (rev 6906)
+++ doc/bits_2007_10_x 2007-10-11 14:38:28 UTC (rev 6907)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
security fixes ends up in the packages automatically migrating from
unstable to testing, this results in very little visibility of the
work that our team does. We felt that a a good way to fix this was by
-changing our security announcements.
+changing our security announcements.
Previously we were following the method that Stable security updates
use by creating DTSA (Debian Testing Security Advisories) only for
@@ -106,6 +106,17 @@
+Embedded code copies
+There are a number of packages including source code from external
+libraries like for example poppler is included in xpdf, kpdf and others.
+To ensure that we don't miss any vulnerabilities in packages that do so
+we maintain a list[5] of embedded code copies in Debian.
+Please contact us for any missing items you know about.
Some statistics
@@ -124,7 +135,8 @@
If you are interested in joining the team, we always need more people,
and its not very hard to contribute in very small ways that have large
-impacts! Contact us if you are interested.
+impacts! Contact us if you are interested. You may want to also look at
+out helping page[6].
So far so good. We hope to keep you updated on testing security issues
more regularly.
@@ -138,3 +150,5 @@
[2]: http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/status/release/unstable
[3]: http://secure-testing-master.debian.net/uploading.html
[4]: http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/status/release/testing
+[5]: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/secure-testing/data/embedded-code-copies?op=file&rev=0&sc=0
+[6]: http://secure-testing-master.debian.net/helping.html
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