[Secure-testing-commits] r10799 - data/CVE

sf at alioth.debian.org sf at alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 25 19:53:03 UTC 2008

Author: sf
Date: 2008-12-25 19:53:03 +0000 (Thu, 25 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 10799

apache-ssl no-dsa

Modified: data/CVE/list
--- data/CVE/list	2008-12-25 13:42:25 UTC (rev 10798)
+++ data/CVE/list	2008-12-25 19:53:03 UTC (rev 10799)
@@ -12255,7 +12255,18 @@
 	NOT-FOR-US: OpenCA PKI Project
 CVE-2008-0555 (The ExpandCert function in Apache-SSL before apache_1.3.41+ssl_1.59 ...)
 	- apache <removed>
-	TODO: check if this needs a DSA
+	[etch] - apache <no-dsa> (only exploitable in very specific setups)
+	NOTE: Only affects the apache-ssl package, not apache or apache-perl.
+	NOTE: Only relevant if the attacker can get a CA that is trusted by the server
+	NOTE: to sign client certs with arbitrary CN, but cannot influence the contents
+	NOTE: of the other DN fields.
+	NOTE: OTOH, the configuration used in Debian's apache-ssl 1.55 (per-dir
+	NOTE: ssl-renegotiation switched off), has obviously not been tested by upstream
+	NOTE: with 1.59 (it doesn't even compile).
+	NOTE: Also, upstream's fix breaks API/ABI compatibility in some corner cases.
+	NOTE: While these cases are not really supported by Debian, all in all the low
+	NOTE: severity of the issue is not in proportion to the risk of breaking something
+	NOTE: with the fix.
 CVE-2008-0552 (Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in index.php in eTicket ...)
 	NOT-FOR-US: eTicket
 CVE-2008-0551 (The NamoInstaller.NamoInstall.1 ActiveX control in NamoInstaller.dll ...)

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