[Secure-testing-commits] r11628 - data/CVE

Michael S. Gilbert michael.s.gilbert at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 03:21:41 UTC 2009

On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 19:36:04 +0200 Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:

> Hi Michael
> On tongersdei 16 April 2009, Michael S. Gilbert wrote:
> > was it desirable to remove the DSA tags from the temporarily named
> > clamav issues in this commit?
> Desirable perhaps not, but it is how the current implementation works: 
> data/DSA/list is used as the canonical list of DSA's that have been released, 
> and these are mapped to their data/CVE/list counterparts. Because these 
> issues have no CVE names assigned yet, we have nothing to cross reference 
> them from data/DSA/list.
> I'm not sure how a better implementation would look like, since I would like 
> to keep the feature that data/DSA/list lists the DSA's, and that removing CVE 
> from a listing in that file will have it removed from data/CVE/list 
> automatically.

wouldn't it just be a matter of (python pseudocode):

if cve_number.endswith( 'XXXX' ):
    no DSA stripping logic
    DSA stripping logic

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