[Secure-testing-commits] r11743 - data/CVE

Nico Golde debian-secure-testing+ml at ngolde.de
Thu Apr 30 09:35:17 UTC 2009

* Michael S. Gilbert <michael.s.gilbert at gmail.com> [2009-04-30 11:14]:
> On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 18:38:27 +0000 Nico Golde wrote:
> > Author: nion
> > Date: 2009-04-29 18:38:27 +0000 (Wed, 29 Apr 2009)
> > New Revision: 11743
> > 
> > Modified:
> >    data/CVE/list
> > Log:
> > - NFUs
> > - cveified amule
> > - chrome present as chromium itp
> do the chrome issues affect webkit at all, or are they specific to
> the chome codebase?

not webkit

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion at jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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