[Secure-testing-commits] r13667 - lib/python

Moritz Muehlenhoff jmm-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Dec 27 22:25:38 UTC 2009

Author: jmm-guest
Date: 2009-12-27 22:25:37 +0000 (Sun, 27 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 13667

Let's just go ahead and commit to see if it works. If anything
breaks, I'll revert. Unfortunately I don't have a test setup
for the Security Tracker and I don't know how to setup one.

Modified: lib/python/bugs.py
--- lib/python/bugs.py	2009-12-27 19:11:03 UTC (rev 13666)
+++ lib/python/bugs.py	2009-12-27 22:25:37 UTC (rev 13667)
@@ -568,6 +568,17 @@
                                 if r[-1] == '\n':
                                     r = r[:-1]
                                 comments.append(('NOTE', r))
+                        elif v == 'end-of-life':
+                            pkg_notes.append(PackageNoteParsed
+                                             (p, '0', 'unimportant',
+                                              release=release))
+                            if d:
+                                # Not exactly ideal, but we have to
+                                # record the free-form text in some
+                                # way.
+                                if r[-1] == '\n':
+                                    r = r[:-1]
+                                comments.append(('NOTE', r))
                         elif v == 'no-dsa':
                             if not release:

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