[Secure-testing-commits] r11262 - data/CVE

Steffen Joeris steffen.joeris at skolelinux.de
Wed Feb 25 07:25:13 UTC 2009

Hi Michael

> Modified:
>    data/CVE/list
> Log:
> set imlib2 severity to high since problem has unknown impact and a high nvd
> severity
You shouldn't trust the severity levels of all the various securiy webpages. 
We need to verify this by ourselves. Also I contacted upstream about the 
imlib issue and he said he's not actively tracking security issues, but 
fixing them when they arrive. So someone needs to go through the upstream VCS 
to check for security issues and then access them.
By the way, if you are not sure about the severity, then just leave it open. I 
do that a lot of times, especially with these vague descriptions.
Please adjust the imlib2 severity (or as said remove it :) ).

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