[Secure-testing-commits] r13713 - bin

Raphael Geissert geissert at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jan 5 00:36:45 UTC 2010

Author: geissert
Date: 2010-01-05 00:36:43 +0000 (Tue, 05 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 13713

add .h command to list available commands
add ! command to execute any command via system()

Modified: bin/check-new-issues
--- bin/check-new-issues	2010-01-04 23:43:03 UTC (rev 13712)
+++ bin/check-new-issues	2010-01-05 00:36:43 UTC (rev 13713)
@@ -9,25 +9,34 @@
 my %opts;
 getopts('ln:fhi:t:Tca:e:uU', \%opts);
-if ($opts{h}) {
+sub print_commands {
     print <<'EOF';
-downloads allitems.txt from cve.mitre.org and shows full decription for each
-"TODO: check" item (2003 and newer). Then
-- tries to guess product name and php filename and does 
-  apt-cache and apt-file search
-- waits for input:
   * blank line to skip to next issue
   * .fname to do "apt-file search name"
   * .cname to do "apt-cache search name"
   * .wname to look up name in wnpp
   * .mpackage to search data/embedded-code-copies for "package"
   * .rpackage to launch an editor with a report of the issue against "package"
+  * !command to execute a command with system() without any escaping
   * v or e to launch an editor with the current item
   * q to save and quit
   * CTRL-C to quit without saving
   * everything else is inserted as product name for a NOT-FOR-US
+if ($opts{h}) {
+    print <<'EOF';
+downloads allitems.txt from cve.mitre.org and shows full decription for each
+"TODO: check" item (2003 and newer). Then
+- tries to guess product name and php filename and does 
+  apt-cache and apt-file search
+- waits for input:
+    print_commands;
+    print <<'EOF';
 Use "svn diff" and "svn revert" as needed ;-)
 OPTIONS: [ -l [-n <n>] [-f] ]
@@ -239,6 +248,15 @@
 			search_embed($s) or print "none\n";
 			next READ;
+		elsif ($r=~ /^.h/i ) {
+			print_commands;
+			next READ;
+		}
+		elsif ($r=~ /^!(.+)$/ ) {
+			system($1);
+			print "exit status: $?\n";
+			next READ;
+		}
 		elsif ($r=~ /^q$/i ) {
 			last TODO;

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