[Secure-testing-commits] r28456 - bin

Raphael Geissert geissert at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 24 21:41:47 UTC 2014

Author: geissert
Date: 2014-08-24 21:41:47 +0000 (Sun, 24 Aug 2014)
New Revision: 28456

bye bye gen-DLA

Deleted: bin/gen-DLA
--- bin/gen-DLA	2014-08-24 20:16:43 UTC (rev 28455)
+++ bin/gen-DLA	2014-08-24 21:41:47 UTC (rev 28456)
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-#    Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 by Raphael Geissert <geissert at debian.org>
-#    This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with this file.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-set -e
-export LANG=C
-[ -f doc/DLA.template ] || {
-    echo "error: call this script from the root of the repository" >&2
-    exit 1
-[ $# -ge 1 ] || {
-    echo "usage: $0 [--save] [--embargoed|--unembargo] [DLA] package [regression] [cve(s) [bugnumber(s)]]"
-    echo "       'DLA' is the DLA number, required when issuing a revision"
-    echo "       'cve(s)' and 'bugnumber(s)' can be passed in any order but"
-    echo "         always AFTER the description"
-    echo "       If it doesn't like your bug number, prefix it with # and report"
-    exit 1
-} >&2
-if [ "$1" = "--save" ]; then
-    save=true
-    shift
-if [ "$1" = "--embargoed" ]; then
-    embargoed=true
-    shift
-if [ "$1" = "--unembargo" ]; then
-    unembargo=true
-    shift
-    set -- "$1"
-toupper() {
-    printf '%s' "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
-tolower() {
-    printf '%s' "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
-split_n_sort() {
-    printf '%s' "$1" | sed -r 's/[ ,;]+/ /g;s/^ //' | tr ' ' "\n" | sort -u |
-    sort -n | tr "\n" ' ' | sed -r 's/\s+/ /g;s/\s$//'
-_d_space() {
-    local direction="$1" text="$2" to_length="$3"
-    local right='' left='' output='' spacing=0
-    if [ "$direction" = 'right' ]; then
-	right=' '
-    elif [ "$direction" = 'left' ]; then
-	left=' '
-    else
-	echo FIXME >&2
-	exit 1
-    fi
-    spacing=$(($to_length-${#text}))
-    output="$text"
-    while [ $spacing -gt 0 ]; do
-	output="${left}${output}${right}"
-	spacing=$((spacing-1))
-    done
-    printf '%s' "$output"
-left_space() {
-    _d_space left "$@"
-right_space() {
-    _d_space right "$@"
-warn() {
-    printf "${YELLOW}warning:${NORMAL} %s\n" "$1"
-notice() {
-    printf "${MAGENTA}notice:${NORMAL} %s\n" "$1"
-error() {
-    printf "${RED}error:${NORMAL} %s\n" "$1"
-setvar() {
-    local var="$1" value="$2"
-    if [ -z "$value" ]; then
-	value="$(eval 'printf "%s" "$'"$var"'"')"
-    fi
-    sed -i "s=\$$var=$value=g" "$tmpf"
-if which tput >/dev/null; then
-    RED=$(tput setaf 1)
-    YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
-    MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5)
-    NORMAL=$(tput op)
-    RED=''
-    YELLOW=''
-    MAGENTA=''
-    NORMAL=''
-if printf '%s' "$1" | grep -Eq '^(DLA-|)[0-9]+(-[0-9]+|)$'; then
-    DLAID="${1#DLA-}"
-    shift
-PACKAGE="$(tolower "$1")"
-if [ regression = "$1" ]; then
-    TYPE=regression
-    shift
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-    case "$1" in
-	[cC][vV][eE]-*)
-	    CVE="$CVE $(toupper "$1")"
-	;;
-	[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[#][0-9]*)
-	    BUGNUM="$BUGNUM ${1#\#}"
-	;;
-	*)
-	    error "Don't know what to do with '$1' argument" >&2
-	    exit 1
-	;;
-    esac
-    shift
-BUGNUM="$(split_n_sort "$BUGNUM")"
-CVE="$(split_n_sort "$CVE")"
-for i in $(seq 0 16); do
-    cve_spacing="$cve_spacing "
-sed_cmd='s/((CVE-[0-9-]+[ ]+){4})(.+)$/\1\\n'"$cve_spacing"'\3/g;P;D'
-CVE_LIST="$(printf '%s' "$CVE" | sed -r "$sed_cmd")"
-for id in $CVE; do
-    grep -wq "^$id" data/CVE/list || {
-	warn "'$id' is not known" >&2
-    }
-    TEXT="$TEXT\n\n$id\n\n    Description"
-if [ $REFERENCES -eq 1 ]; then
-    TEXT=
-if [ -n "$TEXT" ]; then
-    TEXT="Brief introduction $TEXT"
-    if ! $save; then
-	TEXT="The CVE ids will be listed here when --save'ing"
-    fi
-case "$DLAID" in
-    *-*|'')
-	:
-    ;;
-    *)
-	notice "missing DLA revision number, assuming 1" >&2
-    ;;
-dla_exists() {
-    grep -wq "DLA-$1" data/DLA/list
-if $embargoed; then
-if [ -z "$DLAID" ]; then
-    latest_dla="$(sed -nr '/DLA-[0-9]+-1/{s/^.+DLA-[0]*([0-9]+).*$/\1/;p;q}' data/DLA/list)"
-    dla=$(($latest_dla+1))
-    c=0
-    while dla_exists "$dla-1"; do
-	dla=$(($dla+1))
-	c=$(($c+1))
-	if [ $c -eq 10 ]; then
-	    error "unable to find an unused DLA id after $c attempts" >&2
-	    error "to workaround specify an id as the first parameter" >&2
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-    done
-    DLAID="$dla-1"
-if dla_exists "$DLAID"; then
-    error "DLA-$DLAID has already been used" >&2
-    exit 1
-if $unembargo; then
-    mv "DLA-${EMBRGD_ID}" DLA-"$DLAID"
-    # get the date of when the embargoed entry was generated
-    gen_date="$(sed -rn "/DLA-${EMBRGD_ID}/{s/^\[(.+)\].+$/\1/;p;t}" data/DLA/list)"
-    OLD_DATE="$(date -d "$gen_date" +"%B %d, %Y")"
-    NEW_DATE="$(date +"%B %d, %Y")"
-    sed -ri "/DLA-${EMBRGD_ID}/{s/\[.+\]/[$(date +"%d %b %Y")]/;s/DLA-${EMBRGD_ID}/DLA-$DLAID/;}" data/DLA/list
-    sed -i "s/${EMBRGD_ID}/$DLAID/g" DLA-"$DLAID"
-    echo "'Unembargoing' as DLA-$DLAID"
-    exit
-cat doc/DLA.template > $tmpf
-if [ "$TYPE" = regression ]; then
-    sed -ri '/^Subject:/s/security update$/regression update/' $tmpf
-if [ $REFERENCES -gt 1 ]; then
-    sed -ri 's/this problem has/these problems have/' $tmpf
-DATE="$(date +"%B %d, %Y")"
-setvar DEBEMAIL
-setvar PACKAGE
-setvar CVE "$CVE_LIST"
-setvar DLAID
-setvar BUGNUM
-setvar DATE
-setvar TEXT "${TEXT:-DLA text goes here}"
-for dist in $OLDSTABLE; do
-    version="$(eval 'printf "%s" "$'"$dist"_VERSION'"')"
-    if $save && [ -z "$version" ] && grep -q "${dist}_VERSION" "$tmpf"; then
-	printf "Enter $dist's version [unset]: "
-	read version
-	if [ -n "$version" ]; then
-	    eval "${dist}_VERSION='$version'"
-	fi
-    fi
-    [ -z "$version" ] || setvar "${dist}_VERSION" "$version"
-if ! $save; then
-    cat $tmpf
-    echo
-    echo " ---- "
-    echo "Pass --save as the first parameter to save the text to DLA-$DLAID"
-    echo "(the data/DLA/list entry will also be added)"
-    rm -f "$tmpf"
-    exit
-    mv -i $tmpf "DLA-$DLAID" || { rm -f $tmpf; exit; }
-    dla_entry=$(mktemp)
-    cat <<EOF > $dla_entry
-[$(date +"%d %b %Y")] DLA-$DLAID $PACKAGE - $TYPE update
-    if [ "$CVE" ]; then
-	printf "\t{%s}\n" "$CVE" >> $dla_entry
-    fi
-    for dist in $OLDSTABLE; do
-	version="$(eval 'printf "%s" "$'"$dist"_VERSION'"')"
-	[ -z "$version" ] || \
-	    printf "\t[%s] - %s %s\n" "$dist" "$PACKAGE" "$version" >> $dla_entry
-    done
-    tmp_list="$(mktemp)"
-    cat $dla_entry data/DLA/list > $tmp_list
-    cat $tmp_list > data/DLA/list
-    rm -f $tmp_list
-    sed -rn '/^'"$PACKAGE"'\b/{: next;n;/^\s/b next;d};p' data/lts-needed.txt > data/lts-needed.txt.new
-    mv data/lts-needed.txt.new data/lts-needed.txt
-    echo "DLA text written to ./DLA-$DLAID"

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