[Secure-testing-commits] r37890 - doc/security-team.d.o

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 25 11:21:34 UTC 2015

Author: carnil
Date: 2015-11-25 11:21:34 +0000 (Wed, 25 Nov 2015)
New Revision: 37890

First round of wording changes from Sander Bos

Modified: doc/security-team.d.o/contact
--- doc/security-team.d.o/contact	2015-11-25 11:06:24 UTC (rev 37889)
+++ doc/security-team.d.o/contact	2015-11-25 11:21:34 UTC (rev 37890)
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
 - Specify public/private
 What each list is for:
 - debian-security at lists.debian.org
 - debian-security at do seems to be redirected to debian-private at ldo
 - debian-security-tracker at lists.debian.org
-- team at security.d.o
+- team at security.debian.org
 - (and more)
-- consolidate lists? (which are needed?; explicit names, e.g. -public/-private)
+- consolidate lists? (which are needed? explicit names, e.g., -public/-private)
 - RT? (incoming queue for non encrypted mails)
 IRC Channel
-We hang-out on #debian-security on OFTC, stop by the IRC channel if
-you'd like, also we can add you to the alioth project so you have svn 
-write permission and you can test drive it on the testing issues for 
-however long you like to get an idea or feel comfortable (and hey it
+We hang-out in the #debian-security channel on OFTC
+(http://www.oftc.net/), stop by if you'd like. We can also add you to
+the Alioth project so you have SVN write permission, and you can test
+drive it on the testing issues for however long you like to get an idea
+or feel comfortable (and hey, it really helps!)

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