[Secure-testing-commits] r40114 - data/CVE

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Mar 1 19:31:13 UTC 2016

Author: carnil
Date: 2016-03-01 19:31:12 +0000 (Tue, 01 Mar 2016)
New Revision: 40114

Two CVEs assigned for qemu

Modified: data/CVE/list
--- data/CVE/list	2016-03-01 19:14:23 UTC (rev 40113)
+++ data/CVE/list	2016-03-01 19:31:12 UTC (rev 40114)
@@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
-CVE-2016-XXXX [OOB access in address_space_rw leads to segmentation fault]
 	- qemu <unfixed>
 	[jessie] - qemu <no-dsa> (Minor issue; can be fixed along with a future DSA)
 	[wheezy] - qemu <not-affected> (Affects Qemu versions >= 1.6.0 and <= 2.3.1)
 	[squeeze] - qemu <not-affected> (Affects Qemu versions >= 1.6.0 and <= 2.3.1)
 	- qemu-kvm <not-affected> (Affects Qemu versions >= 1.6.0 and <= 2.3.1)
-	NOTE: http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=c3c1bb99d1c11978d9ce94d1bd (v2.3.0-rc1)
-	NOTE: http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=e4a511f8cc6f4a46d409fb5c9f (v2.4.0-rc0)
-	NOTE: http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=965eb2fcdfe919ecced6c34803 (v2.4.0-rc0)
-	NOTE: http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=b242e0e0e2969c044a318e56f7 (v2.4.0-rc0)
+	NOTE: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2016/03/01/10
+	NOTE: http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=b242e0e0e2969c044a318e56f7988bbd84de1f63
+	TODO: check again after the CVE id split
+	- qemu <unfixed>
+	[jessie] - qemu <no-dsa> (Minor issue; can be fixed along with a future DSA)
+	[wheezy] - qemu <not-affected> (Affects Qemu versions >= 1.6.0 and <= 2.3.1)
+	[squeeze] - qemu <not-affected> (Affects Qemu versions >= 1.6.0 and <= 2.3.1)
+	- qemu-kvm <not-affected> (Affects Qemu versions >= 1.6.0 and <= 2.3.1)
+	NOTE: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2016/03/01/10
+	NOTE: http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=c3c1bb99d1c11978d9ce94d1bdcf0705378c1459
 	NOTE: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-stable/2016-01/msg00060.html
-	NOTE: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1300771
-	NOTE: CVE Request: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2016/03/01/1
+	NOTE: http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=23820dbfc79d1c9dce090b4c555994f2bb6a69b3
+	TODO: check again after the CVE id split

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