[Secure-testing-commits] [Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] 2 commits: Remove additional space in one NOTE

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Sat Jan 13 07:20:54 UTC 2018

Salvatore Bonaccorso pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

79d56d20 by Salvatore Bonaccorso at 2018-01-13T08:19:08+01:00
Remove additional space in one NOTE

- - - - -
24291330 by Salvatore Bonaccorso at 2018-01-13T08:20:04+01:00
Mark libkohana2-php as removed

Issues for the older suites are then implicitly marked as unfixed.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


--- a/data/CVE/list
+++ b/data/CVE/list
@@ -23259,9 +23259,9 @@ CVE-2017-14053 (NetApp OnCommand Unified Manager for Clustered Data ONTAP before
 CVE-2016-10510 (Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Security component of ...)
-	- libkohana2-php <unfixed>
+	- libkohana2-php <removed>
 	NOTE: https://github.com/kohana/kohana/issues/107
-	NOTE: Fixed by  https://github.com/kohana/core/pull/697
+	NOTE: Fixed by https://github.com/kohana/core/pull/697
 CVE-2016-10509 (SQL injection vulnerability in the updateAmazonOrderTracking function ...)
 	NOT-FOR-US: OpenCart
 CVE-2016-10508 (Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in phpThumb() ...)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/compare/483c601c6c33251831e237368425f092bb4a5f5a...24291330fa6aca5e77d65e95d307a78d6bb31c50

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/compare/483c601c6c33251831e237368425f092bb4a5f5a...24291330fa6aca5e77d65e95d307a78d6bb31c50
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