[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] 2 commits: Reserve DLA-1422-1 for linux

Ben Hutchings gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Jul 14 00:56:22 BST 2018

Ben Hutchings pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

dccdbe9a by Ben Hutchings at 2018-07-14T00:54:57+01:00
Reserve DLA-1422-1 for linux

But don't remove it from dla-needed.txt since there are still
outstanding issues.

- - - - -
2947e110 by Ben Hutchings at 2018-07-14T00:56:06+01:00
Claim linux in dla-needed.txt

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- data/DLA/list
- data/dla-needed.txt


--- a/data/DLA/list
+++ b/data/DLA/list
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+[14 Jul 2018] DLA-1422-1 linux - security update
+	{CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2017-5754 CVE-2018-1066 CVE-2018-1093 CVE-2018-1130 CVE-2018-3665 CVE-2018-5814 CVE-2018-9422 CVE-2018-10853 CVE-2018-10940 CVE-2018-11506 CVE-2018-12233 CVE-2018-1000204}
+	[jessie] - linux 3.16.57-1
 [13 Jul 2018] DLA-1421-1 ruby2.1 - security update
 	{CVE-2015-9096 CVE-2016-2339 CVE-2016-7798 CVE-2017-0898 CVE-2017-0899 CVE-2017-0900 CVE-2017-0901 CVE-2017-0902 CVE-2017-0903 CVE-2017-10784 CVE-2017-14033 CVE-2017-14064 CVE-2017-17405 CVE-2017-17742 CVE-2017-17790 CVE-2018-6914 CVE-2018-8777 CVE-2018-8778 CVE-2018-8779 CVE-2018-8780 CVE-2018-1000075 CVE-2018-1000076 CVE-2018-1000077 CVE-2018-1000078 CVE-2018-1000079}
 	[jessie] - ruby2.1 2.1.5-2+deb8u4

--- a/data/dla-needed.txt
+++ b/data/dla-needed.txt
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ libidn (Santiago)
 libspring-java	(Abhijith PA)
+linux (Ben Hutchings)
 mailman (Markus Koschany)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/compare/eee0ee4c4a1c44292875f25bff1da94100f10aa1...2947e110337ea0e89a686fe229bd79ca82739d58

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/compare/eee0ee4c4a1c44292875f25bff1da94100f10aa1...2947e110337ea0e89a686fe229bd79ca82739d58
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