[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] Generalize the code to fetch Packages/Sources updates

Raphaël Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Thu May 31 12:57:41 BST 2018

Raphaël Hertzog pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

5189dc09 by Raphaël Hertzog at 2018-05-31T13:54:35+02:00
Generalize the code to fetch Packages/Sources updates

It's now easy to extend by adding a supplementary lib/foobar-releases.mk

I verified that the set of downloaded files are identical with the
exception of a bug that got fixed in the process: the update-backports-%
rule used to download files for all sections (main, contrib, non-free)
but saved them all under the name corresponding to the main section.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- Makefile
- + lib/debian-releases.mk


--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,21 +1,39 @@
 PYTHON = python
 PYTHON_MODULES = $(wildcard lib/python/*.py)
-BUG_LISTS = $(wildcard data/*/list)
-# Adjust these if necessary.  The architecture selection is rather
-# arbitrary at the moment.  More architectures can be added later.
+# The following variables need to be kept up-to-date and can be adjusted
+OLDSTABLE    = jessie
+STABLE       = stretch
+TESTING      = buster
+MIRROR = http://debian.csail.mit.edu/debian
+SECURITY_MIRROR = http://security.debian.org/debian-security
-MIRROR = http://debian.csail.mit.edu/debian/
 wheezy_ARCHS = amd64 armel armhf i386
 jessie_ARCHS = amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 mips mipsel powerpc ppc64el s390x
 stretch_ARCHS = amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 mips mips64el mipsel ppc64el s390x
 buster_ARCHS = amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 mips mips64el mipsel ppc64el s390x
 sid_ARCHS = amd64 arm64 armel armhf hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 mips mips64el mipsel powerpc ppc64el s390x
-OLDSTABLE    = jessie
-STABLE       = stretch
-TESTING      = buster
+# The rest of the file should not need to be edited
+# Include the definitions of the releases to be fetched
+include lib/*-releases.mk
+# There's a "RELEASES" variable defining the name of all releases to
+# process. Then for each release, there are 5 associated variables:
+# <name>_MIRROR: the base URL of the mirror hosting the repository
+# <name>_DIST: the sub-directory in $MIRROR/dists so that
+#              $MIRROR/dists/$DIST/Release is a valid URL
+# <name>_ARCHS: the list of architectures supported in this release
+# <name>_RELEASE: the release name for the security tracker
+# <name>_SUBRELEASE: the sub-release identifier for the security tracker
+ifneq ($(V),)
 	$(PYTHON) bin/update-db data/security.db
@@ -51,157 +69,33 @@ stamps/DLA-syntax: data/DLA/list bin/check-syntax $(PYTHON_MODULES)
 	@bash bin/test-web-server
-.PHONY: update-packages update-testing update-stable update-oldstable update-oldoldstable
-update-packages: update-testing
-	set -e ; for rel in sid ; do \
-		for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-			$(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/source/Sources \
-			data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_Sources ; \
-		done ; \
-	        for arch in $(sid_ARCHS) ; do \
-		  for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		  $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-		    $(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-		    data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-		  done ; \
-		done ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for rel in $(TESTING) ; do \
-		for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-			$(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/source/Sources \
-			data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_Sources ; \
-		done ; \
-	        for arch in $($(TESTING)_ARCHS) ; do \
-		  for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		  $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-		    $(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-		    data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-		  done ; \
-		done ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for rel in $(STABLE) ; do \
-		for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-			$(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/source/Sources \
-			data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_Sources ; \
-		done ; \
-	        for arch in $($(STABLE)_ARCHS) ; do \
-		  for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		  $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-		    $(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-		    data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-		  done ; \
-		done ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for rel in $(OLDSTABLE) ; do \
-		for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-			$(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/source/Sources \
-			data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_Sources ; \
-		done ; \
-	        for arch in $($(OLDSTABLE)_ARCHS) ; do \
-		  for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		  $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-		    $(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-		    data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-		  done ; \
-		done ; \
-	done
-	set -e ; for rel in $(OLDOLDSTABLE) ; do \
-		for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-			$(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/source/Sources \
-			data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_Sources ; \
-		done ; \
-	        for arch in $($(OLDOLDSTABLE)_ARCHS) ; do \
-		  for archive in main contrib non-free ; do \
-		  $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-		    $(MIRROR)/dists/$$rel/$$archive/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-		    data/packages/$${rel}__$${archive}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-		  done ; \
-		done ; \
-	done
-.PHONY: update-security update-old-security update-oldold-security update-testing-security
-ST_MIRROR = http://security.debian.org/dists/$(TESTING)/updates
-ST_FILE = data/packages/$(TESTING)_security_
+.PHONY: update-packages
+update-packages: $(foreach release,$(RELEASES),update-$(release))
+# This rule is a bit complicated as we need to escape $ for the shell twice,
+# once for the eval and once for the usual make processing
+define add_update_rule =
+.PHONY: update-$(1)
+	$$(Q)set -e; \
+	prefix="$$($(1)_RELEASE)_$$($(1)_SUBRELEASE)"; \
+	dist="$$($(1)_DIST)"; \
+	mirror="$$($(1)_MIRROR)"; \
 	for section in main contrib non-free ; do \
-	  $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	    $(ST_MIRROR)/$$section/source/Sources $(ST_FILE)$${section}_Sources ; \
-	  set -e ; for arch in $($(TESTING)_ARCHS) ; do \
-	    $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	      $(ST_MIRROR)/$$section/binary-$${arch}/Packages $(ST_FILE)$${section}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-	  done ; \
-	done
-SEC_MIRROR = http://security.debian.org/dists
-update-security: update-old-security update-oldold-security
-	for archive in $(STABLE); do \
-            for section in main contrib non-free ; do \
-	    $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	      $(SEC_MIRROR)/$$archive/updates/$$section/source/Sources \
-	      data/packages/$${archive}_security_$${section}_Sources ; \
-	    for arch in $($(STABLE)_ARCHS) ; do \
-	      $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	        $(SEC_MIRROR)/$$archive/updates/$$section/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-	        data/packages/$${archive}_security_$${section}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-	    done ; \
-	  done ; \
-	done
-	for archive in $(OLDSTABLE); do \
-            for section in main contrib non-free ; do \
-	    $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	      $(SEC_MIRROR)/$$archive/updates/$$section/source/Sources \
-	      data/packages/$${archive}_security_$${section}_Sources ; \
-	    for arch in $($(OLDSTABLE)_ARCHS) ; do \
-	      $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	        $(SEC_MIRROR)/$$archive/updates/$$section/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-	        data/packages/$${archive}_security_$${section}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-	    done ; \
-	  done ; \
-	done
-	for archive in $(OLDOLDSTABLE); do \
-            for section in main contrib non-free ; do \
-	    $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	      $(SEC_MIRROR)/$$archive/updates/$$section/source/Sources \
-	      data/packages/$${archive}_security_$${section}_Sources ; \
-	    for arch in $($(OLDOLDSTABLE)_ARCHS) ; do \
-	      $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	        $(SEC_MIRROR)/$$archive/updates/$$section/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-	        data/packages/$${archive}_security_$${section}_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-	    done ; \
-	  done ; \
+		echo "Fetching $$$$mirror/dists/$$$$dist/$$$$section/source/Sources"; \
+		$$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
+		    $$$$mirror/dists/$$$$dist/$$$$section/source/Sources \
+		    data/packages/$$$${prefix}_$$$${section}_Sources ; \
+	        for arch in $$($(1)_ARCHS) ; do \
+			echo "Fetching $$$$mirror/dists/$$$$dist/$$$$section/binary-$$$$arch/Packages"; \
+			$$(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
+				$$$$mirror/dists/$$$$dist/$$$$section/binary-$$$$arch/Packages \
+				data/packages/$$$${prefix}_$$$${section}_$$$${arch}_Packages ; \
+		done; \
-update-backports: update-backports-$(STABLE) update-backports-$(OLDSTABLE) update-backports-$(OLDOLDSTABLE)
-	set -e && archive=$(shell echo $@ | cut -d- -f3) ; \
-          for section in main contrib non-free ; do \
-	    for arch in $($(shell echo $@ | cut -d- -f3)_ARCHS) ; do \
-	      $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	        $(MIRROR)/dists/$${archive}-backports/$$section/binary-$$arch/Packages \
-	        data/packages/$${archive}-backports__main_$${arch}_Packages ; \
-	    done ; \
-	    $(PYTHON) bin/apt-update-file \
-	      $(MIRROR)/dists/$${archive}-backports/$$section/source/Sources \
-	      data/packages/$${archive}-backports__main_Sources ; \
-	  done ; \
+$(foreach release,$(RELEASES),$(eval $(call add_update_rule,$(release))))
 	git fetch -q origin && git checkout -f origin/master -- data
@@ -228,4 +122,4 @@ update-compare-nvd:
 	bin/compare-nvd-cve 2> compare-nvd-cve.log
-update-all: update-nvd update-lists update-packages update-oldoldstable update-oldstable update-stable update-security update-testing-security update-packages update-backports all
+update-all: update-nvd update-lists update-packages all

--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/debian-releases.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This file defines the variables describing all Debian repositories
+# that need to be fetched in the "update-packages" process
+# Define the variables for the release on the main mirror
+define add_main_release =
+$(1)_MIRROR = $$(MIRROR)
+$(1)_DIST = $(1)
+$(1)_ARCHS ?= amd64 arm64 armel armhf hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 mips mips64el mipsel powerpc ppc64el s390x
+$(1)_RELEASE = $(1)
+RELEASES += $(1)
+$(foreach release,$(MAIN_RELEASES),$(eval $(call add_main_release,$(release))))
+# Define the variables for the releases on security.debian.org
+define add_security_release =
+$(1)_security_MIRROR = $$(SECURITY_MIRROR)
+$(1)_security_DIST = $(1)/updates
+$(1)_security_ARCHS = $$($(1)_ARCHS)
+$(1)_security_RELEASE = $(1)
+$(1)_security_SUBRELEASE = security
+RELEASES += $(1)_security
+$(foreach release,$(SECURITY_RELEASES),$(eval $(call add_security_release,$(release))))
+# Define the variables for the *-backports releases
+define add_backport_release =
+$(1)_backports_MIRROR = $$(MIRROR)
+$(1)_backports_DIST = $(1)-backports
+$(1)_backports_ARCHS = $$($(1)_ARCHS)
+$(1)_backports_RELEASE = $(1)-backports
+$(1)_backports_SUBRELEASE =
+RELEASES += $(1)_backports
+$(foreach release,$(BACKPORT_RELEASES),$(eval $(call add_backport_release,$(release))))

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/commit/5189dc097b5bfe246c683102b6b4caabaefe00f0

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/commit/5189dc097b5bfe246c683102b6b4caabaefe00f0
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