[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] Add CVE-2019-12450/glib2.0

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Thu May 30 14:28:40 BST 2019

Salvatore Bonaccorso pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

c2417e90 by Salvatore Bonaccorso at 2019-05-30T13:28:12Z
Add CVE-2019-12450/glib2.0

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ CVE-2019-12452 (types/types.go in Containous Traefik 1.7.x through 1.7.11, when
 CVE-2019-12450 (file_copy_fallback in gio/gfile.c in GNOME GLib 2.15.0 through 2.61.1  ...)
-	TODO: check
+	- glib2.0 <unfixed>
+	NOTE: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/commit/d8f8f4d637ce43f8699ba94c9b7648beda0ca174
 CVE-2019-12449 (An issue was discovered in GNOME gvfs 1.29.4 through 1.41.2. daemon/gv ...)
 	TODO: check
 CVE-2019-12448 (An issue was discovered in GNOME gvfs 1.29.4 through 1.41.2. daemon/gv ...)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/commit/c2417e904b02e489b72cbbe58da15418c4977dec

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/commit/c2417e904b02e489b72cbbe58da15418c4977dec
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