[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] new freerdp issue

Moritz Muehlenhoff jmm at debian.org
Tue Nov 5 12:41:26 GMT 2019

Moritz Muehlenhoff pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

77eef617 by Moritz Muehlenhoff at 2019-11-05T12:41:06Z
new freerdp issue

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -7048,7 +7048,12 @@ CVE-2019-17179 (4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2,,,, 4.2.0, 4.2.1, 4.
 CVE-2019-17178 (HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies in lodepng.c in LodePNG through 2019-0 ...)
 	TODO: check
 CVE-2019-17177 (libfreerdp/codec/region.c in FreeRDP through 1.1.x and 2.x through 2.0 ...)
-	TODO: check
+	- freerdp2 <unfixed> (low)
+	[buster] - freerdp2 <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	- freerdp <removed> (low)
+	[stretch] - freerdp <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	NOTE: https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/issues/5645
+	NOTE: https://github.com/akallabeth/FreeRDP/commit/fc80ab45621bd966f70594c0b7393ec005a94007
 CVE-2019-17176 (Genesys PureEngage Digital (eServices) 8.1.x allows XSS via HtmlChatPa ...)
 	NOT-FOR-US: Genesys PureEngage Digital (eServices)
 CVE-2019-17175 (joyplus-cms 1.6.0 allows manager/admin_pic.php?rootpath= absolute path ...)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/commit/77eef6176a2489fb0dc0c1038c95a424efbbe393

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/commit/77eef6176a2489fb0dc0c1038c95a424efbbe393
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