[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] 2 commits: mark CVE-2019-14847 CVE-2019-14833 and CVE-2019-10218 as no-dsa for Jessie

Thorsten Alteholz alteholz at debian.org
Mon Nov 18 13:44:17 GMT 2019

Thorsten Alteholz pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

ceb27df7 by Thorsten Alteholz at 2019-11-18T13:43:37Z
mark CVE-2019-14847 CVE-2019-14833 and CVE-2019-10218 as no-dsa for Jessie

- - - - -
271f744f by Thorsten Alteholz at 2019-11-18T13:44:02Z
nothing todo for samba anymore

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- data/CVE/list
- data/dla-needed.txt


@@ -14515,6 +14515,7 @@ CVE-2019-14847 (A flaw was found in samba 4.0.0 before samba 4.9.15 and samba 4.
 	- samba 2:4.11.0+dfsg-6
 	[buster] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
 	[stretch] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	[jessie] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
 	NOTE: https://www.samba.org/samba/security/CVE-2019-14847.html
 CVE-2019-14846 (Ansible, all ansible_engine-2.x versions and ansible_engine-3.x up to  ...)
 	- ansible 2.8.6+dfsg-1 (low; bug #942188)
@@ -14555,6 +14556,7 @@ CVE-2019-14833 (A flaw was found in Samba, all versions starting samba 4.5.0 bef
 	- samba 2:4.11.1+dfsg-2
 	[buster] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
 	[stretch] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	[jessie] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
 	NOTE: https://www.samba.org/samba/security/CVE-2019-14833.html
 CVE-2019-14832 (A flaw was found in the Keycloak REST API before version 8.0.0 where i ...)
 	NOT-FOR-US: Keycloak
@@ -28637,6 +28639,7 @@ CVE-2019-10218 (A flaw was found in the samba client, all samba versions before
 	- samba 2:4.11.1+dfsg-2
 	[buster] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
 	[stretch] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	[jessie] - samba <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
 	NOTE: https://www.samba.org/samba/security/CVE-2019-10218.html

@@ -104,8 +104,6 @@ radare2
   NOTE: Support status is being discussed at:
   NOTE: https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2019/08/msg00064.html
-samba (Thorsten Alteholz)
 squid3 (Markus Koschany)
 slurm-llnl (Abhijith PA)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/compare/6ce6b1f4f47620481ece28e1683a82d211bfde4b...271f744fb7223b1ba91c118e68e7ddd524b21ef1

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/compare/6ce6b1f4f47620481ece28e1683a82d211bfde4b...271f744fb7223b1ba91c118e68e7ddd524b21ef1
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