[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] data/dla-needed.txt: Update note for shiro.

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Thu Apr 2 13:12:31 BST 2020

Chris Lamb pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

12ab58f0 by Chris Lamb at 2020-04-02T13:12:21+01:00
data/dla-needed.txt: Update note for shiro.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/dla-needed.txt


@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ ruby-rack
 shiro (Chris Lamb)
   NOTE: 20200329: https://github.com/apache/shiro/pull/203 (lamby)
   NOTE: 20200329: See 53dc30bf6823c98 in this repo. (lamby)
+  NOTE: 20200402: Prepared a package but difficult running tests. Have asked
+  NOTE: 20200402: the Debian maintainer at https://bugs.debian.org/955018#12
 squid3 (Markus Koschany)
   NOTE: 20200330: There is still an issue with CVE-2019-12523 but the rest

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