[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] 3 commits: remove-cve-dist-tags: remove empty CVE entries

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (@pochu) pochu at debian.org
Tue Feb 1 15:18:07 GMT 2022

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

a8106732 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2022-02-01T16:16:50+01:00
remove-cve-dist-tags: remove empty CVE entries

This can happen in ExtendFiles if they only contain dist tags
that are being removed.

- - - - -
47e07c9c by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2022-02-01T16:16:50+01:00
gen-DSA: sanitize DISTS var after calculating it

Rather than have every user have to do it.

- - - - -
63516a0c by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2022-02-01T16:16:50+01:00
gen-DSA: diff and commit changes to extracvefile

In case we're processing a dist that uses an ExtendFile.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- bin/gen-DSA
- bin/remove-cve-dist-tags


@@ -372,8 +372,10 @@ for dist in $CODENAMES; do
     [ -z "$version" ] || DISTS="${DISTS},${dist}"
 if [ -n "${DISTS}" ]; then
-    bin/remove-cve-dist-tags "${DISTS#,}" "${PACKAGE}" ${CVE}
+    bin/remove-cve-dist-tags "${DISTS}" "${PACKAGE}" ${CVE}
 if ! $save; then
@@ -412,9 +414,12 @@ EOF
     echo "$IDMODE text written to ./$IDMODE-$DAID"
     if [ "$IDMODE" = "DLA" ] || [ "$IDMODE" = "ELA" ]; then
 	idmode=$(echo "$IDMODE" | tr A-Z a-z)
+	if [ -n "${DISTS}" ]; then
+	    extracvefile=`jq -r ".distributions.${DISTS}.maincvefile" data/config.json`
+	fi
 	if [ -d .git ]; then
 	    echo "Made the following changes:"
-	    git diff -- data/$IDMODE/list data/CVE/list $needed_file
+	    git diff -- data/$IDMODE/list data/CVE/list $extracvefile $needed_file
 	    if ! git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- $needed_file | grep -qs . && [ $TYPE = security ]; then
 		warn "did not make any changes to $needed_file - this may indicate duplicate work or misspelled package name"
@@ -424,7 +429,7 @@ EOF
 	    echo -n "Do you want to commit and push them now ? [Yn] "
 	    read reply
 	    if [ "$reply" = "Y" ] || [ "$reply" = "" ] || [ "$reply" = "y" ]; then
-		git add data/$IDMODE/list data/CVE/list $needed_file
+		git add data/$IDMODE/list data/CVE/list $extracvefile $needed_file
 		git commit -m "Reserve $IDMODE-$DAID for $PACKAGE"
 		git push origin master

@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ for cve in data:
         if keep_annotation(cve, annotation)
     cve = cve._replace(annotations=annotations)
+    if not cve.annotations:
+        # this shouldn't happen on a normal CVE file as we're only removing
+        # the dist specific tags, but it may happen in an ExtendFile, in
+        # which case we don't want to keep an empty CVE entry
+        continue
 with open(main_list, 'w') as f:

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/compare/d18f65e690cc218bcda4fc715d57a61082664af7...63516a0cf95e2d6a5b43cfceb44e48c0e0572825

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/compare/d18f65e690cc218bcda4fc715d57a61082664af7...63516a0cf95e2d6a5b43cfceb44e48c0e0572825
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