[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] new gpac issues

Moritz Muehlenhoff (@jmm) jmm at debian.org
Wed Jul 20 10:12:04 BST 2022

Moritz Muehlenhoff pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

c869c61c by Moritz Muehlenhoff at 2022-07-20T11:11:05+02:00
new gpac issues

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -458,9 +458,17 @@ CVE-2022-36128
 CVE-2022-36127 (A vulnerability in Apache SkyWalking NodeJS Agent prior to 0.5.1. The  ...)
 	NOT-FOR-US: Apache SkyWalking
 CVE-2022-2454 (Integer Overflow or Wraparound in GitHub repository gpac/gpac prior to ...)
-	TODO: check
+	- gpac <unfixed>
+	[bullseye] - gpac <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	[buster] - gpac <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	NOTE: https://huntr.dev/bounties/105d40d0-46d7-461e-9f8e-20c4cdea925f
+	NOTE: https://github.com/gpac/gpac/commit/faa75edde3dfeba1e2cf6ffa48e45a50f1042096
 CVE-2022-2453 (Use After Free in GitHub repository gpac/gpac prior to 2.1-DEV. ...)
-	TODO: check
+	- gpac <unfixed>
+	[bullseye] - gpac <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	[buster] - gpac <no-dsa> (Minor issue)
+	NOTE: https://huntr.dev/bounties/c8c964de-046a-41b2-9ff5-e25cfdb36b5a
+	NOTE: https://github.com/gpac/gpac/commit/dc7de8d3d604426c7a6e628d90cb9fb88e7b4c2c

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/c869c61c1f95a6f70a0cbf12c2244e65597af0df

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/c869c61c1f95a6f70a0cbf12c2244e65597af0df
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