[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] 2 commits: CVE-2020-23064,jquery: mark as ignored for Buster

Markus Koschany (@apo) apo at debian.org
Sat Jul 29 15:05:56 BST 2023

Markus Koschany pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

8f33adea by Markus Koschany at 2023-07-29T16:04:10+02:00
CVE-2020-23064,jquery: mark as ignored for Buster

The change breaks existing applications.

- - - - -
8b62c557 by Markus Koschany at 2023-07-29T16:05:16+02:00
CVE-2023-37895,jackrabbit: fixed in unstable

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ CVE-2023-3772 (A flaw was found in the Linux kernel\u2019s IP framework for tran
 	- linux <unfixed>
 	NOTE: https://lore.kernel.org/netdev/20230721145103.2714073-1-linma@zju.edu.cn/
 CVE-2023-37895 (Java object deserialization issue in Jackrabbit webapp/standalone on a ...)
-	- jackrabbit <unfixed>
+	- jackrabbit 2.20.11-1
 	[bookworm] - jackrabbit <no-dsa> (Minor issue; standalone and webapp modules are not enabled)
 	[bullseye] - jackrabbit <no-dsa> (Minor issue; standalone and webapp modules are not enabled)
 	[buster] - jackrabbit <no-dsa> (Minor issue; standalone and webapp modules are not enabled)
@@ -213398,8 +213398,10 @@ CVE-2020-23065 (Cross Site Scripting vulnerabiltiy in eZ Systems AS eZPublish Pl
 	NOT-FOR-US: eZ Systems AS eZPublish
 CVE-2020-23064 (Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in jQuery 2.2.0 through 3.x before  ...)
 	- jquery <removed>
+	[buster] - jquery <ignored> (Fix possibly breaks existing applications)
 	NOTE: https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-JQUERY-565129
 	NOTE: https://blog.jquery.com/2020/04/10/jquery-3-5-0-released/
+	NOTE: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/commit/1d61fd9407e6fbe82fe55cb0b938307aa0791f77

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/compare/033679248b7392ee5d288584a0d3cf442493e9bb...8b62c55732cfeab2793d813d875c69748c9fa4ce

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/compare/033679248b7392ee5d288584a0d3cf442493e9bb...8b62c55732cfeab2793d813d875c69748c9fa4ce
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