[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] new nvidia issues

Moritz Muehlenhoff (@jmm) jmm at debian.org
Wed Jun 28 13:58:14 BST 2023

Moritz Muehlenhoff pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

19df150b by Moritz Muehlenhoff at 2023-06-28T14:57:45+02:00
new nvidia issues

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -23030,8 +23030,49 @@ CVE-2023-25517
+	- nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules <unfixed> (bug #1039686)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules <no-dsa> (Contrib not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla <unfixed> (bug #1039685)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 <unfixed> (bug #1039684)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460 <unfixed> (bug #1039683)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	NOTE: 460.106.00-3 turned the package into a metapackage to aid switching to nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450 <unfixed> (bug #1039682)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418 <unfixed> (bug #1039681)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx <unfixed> (bug #1039680)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx <unfixed> (bug #1039679)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers <unfixed> (bug #1039678)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-graphics-drivers <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	NOTE: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5468
 CVE-2023-25515 (NVIDIA Jetson contains a vulnerability in CBoot, where the PCIe contro ...)
-	TODO: check
+	- nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules <unfixed> (bug #1039686)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules <no-dsa> (Contrib not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla <unfixed> (bug #1039685)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 <unfixed> (bug #1039684)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460 <unfixed> (bug #1039683)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	NOTE: 460.106.00-3 turned the package into a metapackage to aid switching to nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450 <unfixed> (bug #1039682)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418 <unfixed> (bug #1039681)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418 <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx <unfixed> (bug #1039680)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx <unfixed> (bug #1039679)
+	- nvidia-graphics-drivers <unfixed> (bug #1039678)
+	[bookworm] - nvidia-graphics-drivers <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	[bullseye] - nvidia-graphics-drivers <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)
+	NOTE: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5468
 CVE-2023-25514 (NVIDIA CUDA toolkit for Linux and Windows contains a vulnerability in  ...)
 	- nvidia-cuda-toolkit <unfixed> (unimportant; bug #1034793; bug #1034799)
 	[bullseye] - nvidia-cuda-toolkit <no-dsa> (Non-free not supported)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/19df150b94d1f70654cde59f7305d4581b023f3c

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/19df150b94d1f70654cde59f7305d4581b023f3c
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