[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] Revert "Claim xrdp"

Dominik George (@natureshadow) natureshadow at debian.org
Mon Mar 27 12:00:18 BST 2023

Dominik George pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

49375e47 by Dominik George at 2023-03-27T12:59:45+02:00
Revert "Claim xrdp"

This reverts commit 7816c862df2fc979aebce9f072e3cbf3d84c253c.

- - - - -

9 changed files:

- − bin/gen-DLA
- + bin/gen-DLA
- − bin/rejected-with-info
- + bin/rejected-with-info
- data/dla-needed.txt
- − doc/soriano.txt
- + doc/soriano.txt
- − packages/openjdk-7.txt
- + packages/openjdk-7.txt


bin/gen-DLA deleted
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-#    Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 by Raphael Geissert <geissert at debian.org>
-#    This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with this file.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-set -e
-case "$(basename "$0")" in
-    *gen-*)
-	IDMODE=${0#*gen-}
-    ;;
-if ! command -v jq >/dev/null ; then
-    echo "error: jq is needed to parse distributions, please install it"
-    exit 1
-RELEASES=`jq -r '.distributions | to_entries[] | select(.value.release) | .value.release | ascii_upcase' data/config.json`
-CODENAMES=`jq -r '.distributions | to_entries[] | select(.value.release) | .key' data/config.json`
-while read dist; do
-    read codename
-    eval $dist=$codename
-done << EOF
-`jq -r '.distributions | to_entries[] | select(.value.release) | (.value.release | ascii_upcase), .key' data/config.json`
-export LC_ALL=C
-[ -f doc/$IDMODE.template ] || {
-    echo "error: call this script from the root of the repository" >&2
-    exit 1
-[ $# -ge 1 ] || {
-    echo "usage: $0 [--save] [--embargoed|--unembargo] [$IDMODE] package[.changes] [regression] [cve(s) [bugnumber(s)]] "
-    echo "       '$IDMODE' is the $IDMODE number, required when issuing a revision"
-    echo "       'cve(s)' and 'bugnumber(s)' can be passed in any order but"
-    echo "         always AFTER the description"
-    echo ""
-    echo "       When specifying package.changes the package name, version, additional bug(s) and cve(s)"
-    echo "       are parsed from the .changes file."
-    echo ""
-    echo "       If it doesn't like your bug number, prefix it with # and report"
-    exit 1
-} >&2
-if [ "$1" = "--save" ]; then
-    save=true
-    shift
-if [ "$1" = "--embargoed" ]; then
-    embargoed=true
-    shift
-if [ "$1" = "--unembargo" ]; then
-    unembargo=true
-    shift
-    set -- "$1"
-toupper() {
-    printf '%s' "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
-tolower() {
-    printf '%s' "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
-split_n_sort() {
-    printf '%s' "$1" | sed -r 's/[ ,;]+/ /g;s/^ //' | tr ' ' "\n" | sort -u |
-    sort ${2:--n} | tr "\n" ' ' | sed -r 's/\s+/ /g;s/\s$//'
-_d_space() {
-    local direction="$1" text="$2" to_length="$3"
-    local right='' left='' output='' spacing=0
-    if [ "$direction" = 'right' ]; then
-	right=' '
-    elif [ "$direction" = 'left' ]; then
-	left=' '
-    else
-	echo FIXME >&2
-	exit 1
-    fi
-    spacing=$(($to_length-${#text}))
-    output="$text"
-    while [ $spacing -gt 0 ]; do
-	output="${left}${output}${right}"
-	spacing=$((spacing-1))
-    done
-    printf '%s' "$output"
-left_space() {
-    _d_space left "$@"
-right_space() {
-    _d_space right "$@"
-warn() {
-    printf "${YELLOW}warning:${NORMAL} %s\n" "$1"
-notice() {
-    printf "${MAGENTA}notice:${NORMAL} %s\n" "$1"
-error() {
-    printf "${RED}error:${NORMAL} %s\n" "$1"
-setvar() {
-    local var="$1" value="$2"
-    if [ -z "$value" ]; then
-	value="$(eval 'printf "%s" "$'"$var"'"')"
-    fi
-    sed -i "s=\$$var=$value=g" "$tmpf"
-if command -v tput >/dev/null; then
-    RED=$(tput setaf 1)
-    YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
-    MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5)
-    NORMAL=$(tput op)
-    RED=''
-    YELLOW=''
-    MAGENTA=''
-    NORMAL=''
-if printf '%s' "$1" | grep -Eq '^('"$IDMODE"'-|)[0-9]+(-[0-9]+|)$'; then
-    DAID="${1#$IDMODE-}"
-    shift
-if echo "$1" | grep -q '_.*\.changes$'; then
-    CHANGES="$1"
-    PACKAGE=$(awk '/^Source: / {print $2}' $CHANGES)
-    PACKAGE="$(tolower "$1")"
-if [ regression = "$1" ]; then
-    TYPE=regression
-    shift
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-    case "$1" in
-	[cC][vV][eE]-*)
-	    CVE="$CVE $(toupper "$1")"
-	;;
-	[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[#][0-9]*)
-	    BUGNUM="$BUGNUM ${1#\#}"
-	;;
-	*)
-	    error "Don't know what to do with '$1' argument" >&2
-	    exit 1
-	;;
-    esac
-    shift
-if ! [ -z "$CHANGES" ]; then
-    # parse info from .changes file
-    # Version can occur in GPG signature, thus we exit on first occurence
-    version="$(awk '/^Version: / {print $2; exit 0}' $CHANGES)"
-    dist="$(awk '/^Distribution: / {print $2}' $CHANGES | sed 's/-.*//')"
-    export ${dist}_VERSION="$version"
-    for bug in $(awk '/^Closes: / {sub(".*"$2,$2); print $0}' $CHANGES); do
-        BUGNUM="$BUGNUM ${bug#\#}"
-    done
-    for cve in $(awk 'BEGIN {RS="[ ().,:;\n\\[\\]]" } /^CVE-[0-9]+-[0-9]+$/ {print $1}' $CHANGES); do
-        CVE="$CVE $cve"
-    done
-BUGNUM="$(split_n_sort "$BUGNUM")"
-CVE="$(split_n_sort "$CVE" -V)"
-cve_spacing="$(right_space '' 17)"
-sed_cmd='s/((CVE-[0-9-]+[ ]+){4})/\1\\n'"$cve_spacing"'/g;P;D'
-CVE_LIST="$(printf '%s' "$CVE" | sed -r "$sed_cmd")"
-for id in $CVE; do
-    grep -wq "^$id" data/CVE/list || {
-	warn "'$id' is not known" >&2
-    }
-    TEXT="$TEXT\n\n$id\n\n    Description"
-if [ $REFERENCES -eq 1 ]; then
-    TEXT=
-if [ -n "$TEXT" ]; then
-    TEXT="Brief introduction $TEXT"
-    if ! $save; then
-	TEXT="The CVE ids will be listed here when --save'ing"
-    fi
-case "$DAID" in
-    *-*|'')
-	:
-    ;;
-    *)
-	notice "missing $IDMODE revision number, assuming 1" >&2
-	DAID="$DAID-1"
-    ;;
-daid_exists() {
-    grep -wq "$IDMODE-$1" data/$IDMODE/list
-if $embargoed; then
-if [ -z "$DAID" ]; then
-    if [ "$TYPE" = regression ]; then
-	latest_daid="$(sed -nr '/'"$IDMODE"'-[0-9]+-[0-9]+'" $PACKAGE "'/{s/^.+'"$IDMODE"'-[0]*([0-9-]+).*$/\1/;p;q}' data/$IDMODE/list)"
-	revision=${latest_daid#*-}
-	daid=${latest_daid%-*}
-    else
-	latest_daid="$(sed -nr '/'"$IDMODE"'-[0-9]+-1/{s/^.+'"$IDMODE"'-[0]*([0-9]+).*$/\1/;p;q}' data/$IDMODE/list)"
-	daid=$(($latest_daid+1))
-	revision=1
-    fi
-    c=0
-    while daid_exists "$daid-$revision"; do
-	if [ "$TYPE" = regression ]; then
-	    revision=$(($revision+1))
-	else
-	    daid=$(($daid+1))
-	fi
-	c=$(($c+1))
-	if [ $c -eq 10 ]; then
-	    error "unable to find an unused $IDMODE id after $c attempts" >&2
-	    error "to workaround specify an id as the first parameter" >&2
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-    done
-    DAID="$daid-$revision"
-if daid_exists "$DAID"; then
-    error "$IDMODE-$DAID has already been used" >&2
-    exit 1
-if $unembargo; then
-    # get the date of when the embargoed entry was generated
-    gen_date="$(sed -rn "/$IDMODE-${EMBRGD_ID}/{s/^\[(.+)\].+$/\1/;p;t}" data/$IDMODE/list)"
-    OLD_DATE="$(date -d "$gen_date" +"%B %d, %Y")"
-    OLD_SPACEDDATE="$(right_space "$OLD_DATE" "$DATE_SPACING")"
-    NEW_DATE="$(date +"%B %d, %Y")"
-    NEW_SPACEDDATE="$(right_space "$NEW_DATE" "$DATE_SPACING")"
-    sed -ri "/$IDMODE-${EMBRGD_ID}/{s/\[.+\]/[$(date +"%d %b %Y")]/;s/$IDMODE-${EMBRGD_ID}/$IDMODE-$DAID/;}" data/$IDMODE/list
-    sed -i "s/${EMBRGD_ID}/$DAID/g" $IDMODE-"$DAID"
-    echo "'Unembargoing' as $IDMODE-$DAID"
-    exit
-cat doc/$IDMODE.template > $tmpf
-if [ "$TYPE" = regression ]; then
-    sed -ri '/^Subject:/s/security update$/regression update/' $tmpf
-if [ $REFERENCES -gt 1 ]; then
-    sed -ri 's/this problem has/these problems have/' $tmpf
-if [ -z "$DEBFULLNAME" ]; then
-    "error: DEBFULLNAME env variable required"
-    exit 1
-DATE="$(date +"%B %d, %Y")"
-SPACEDDATE="$(right_space "$DATE" "$DATE_SPACING")"
-setvar DEBEMAIL
-setvar PACKAGE
-setvar CVE "$CVE_LIST"
-setvar ${IDMODE}ID "$DAID"
-setvar BUGNUM
-setvar DATE
-setvar TEXT "${TEXT:-$IDMODE text goes here}"
-for dist in $RELEASES; do
-    setvar $dist
-for dist in $CODENAMES; do
-    version="$(eval 'printf "%s" "$'"$dist"_VERSION'"')"
-    if $save && [ -z "$version" ] && grep -q "${dist}_VERSION" "$tmpf"; then
-	printf "Enter $dist's version [unset]: "
-	read version
-	if [ -n "$version" ]; then
-	    eval "${dist}_VERSION='$version'"
-	fi
-    fi
-    [ -z "$version" ] || setvar "${dist}_VERSION" "$version"
-    [ -z "$version" ] || DISTS="${DISTS},${dist}"
-if [ -n "${DISTS}" ]; then
-    bin/remove-cve-dist-tags "${DISTS}" "${PACKAGE}" ${CVE}
-if ! $save; then
-    cat $tmpf
-    echo
-    echo " ---- "
-    echo "Pass --save as the first parameter to save the text to $IDMODE-$DAID"
-    echo "(the data/$IDMODE/list entry will also be added)"
-    rm -f "$tmpf"
-    exit
-    mv -i $tmpf "$IDMODE-$DAID" || { rm -f $tmpf; exit; }
-    needed_file=data/"$(tolower "$IDMODE")"-needed.txt
-    daid_entry=$(mktemp)
-    cat <<EOF > $daid_entry
-[$(date +"%d %b %Y")] $IDMODE-$DAID $PACKAGE - $TYPE update
-    if [ "$CVE" ]; then
-	printf "\t{%s}\n" "$CVE" >> $daid_entry
-    fi
-    for dist in $CODENAMES; do
-	version="$(eval 'printf "%s" "$'"$dist"_VERSION'"')"
-	[ -z "$version" ] || \
-	    printf "\t[%s] - %s %s\n" "$dist" "$PACKAGE" "$version" >> $daid_entry
-    done
-    tmp_list="$(mktemp)"
-    cat $daid_entry data/$IDMODE/list > $tmp_list
-    cat $tmp_list > data/$IDMODE/list
-    rm -f $tmp_list
-    sed -rn '/^'"$PACKAGE"'(\/\w+)?(\s.*|$)\b/{: next;n;/^\s/b next;d};p' $needed_file > $needed_file.new
-    mv $needed_file.new $needed_file
-    echo "$IDMODE text written to ./$IDMODE-$DAID"
-    if [ "$IDMODE" = "DLA" ] || [ "$IDMODE" = "ELA" ]; then
-	idmode=$(echo "$IDMODE" | tr A-Z a-z)
-	if [ -n "${DISTS}" ]; then
-	    # in case the advisory applies to several dists, we only look for an
-	    # extra cve file in the first one
-	    DIST="`echo ${DISTS} | sed 's/,.*//'`"
-	    extracvefile=`jq -r ".distributions.${DIST}.maincvefile // empty" data/config.json`
-	fi
-	if [ -d .git ]; then
-	    echo "Made the following changes:"
-	    git diff -- data/$IDMODE/list data/CVE/list $extracvefile $needed_file
-	    if ! git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- $needed_file | grep -qs . && [ $TYPE = security ]; then
-		warn "did not make any changes to $needed_file - this may indicate duplicate work or misspelled package name"
-	    fi
-	fi
-	warn "you need to commit and push the changes to data/$IDMODE/list etc. to actually reserve the $IDMODE-$DAID number and avoid conflicts with others."
-	if [ -d .git ]; then
-	    echo -n "Do you want to commit and push them now ? [Yn] "
-	    read reply
-	    if [ "$reply" = "Y" ] || [ "$reply" = "" ] || [ "$reply" = "y" ]; then
-		git add data/$IDMODE/list data/CVE/list $extracvefile $needed_file
-		git commit -m "Reserve $IDMODE-$DAID for $PACKAGE"
-		git push origin master
-	    fi
-	fi
-    fi

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

bin/rejected-with-info deleted
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#    Copyright (C) 2011 by Raphael Geissert <geissert at debian.org>
-#    This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with this file.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-set -eu
-[ -f $list ] || {
-    echo "error: $list doesn't exist" >&2
-    exit 1
-if [ "${1:-}" = "--verbose" ]; then
-    verbose=true
-    shift
-if [ -n "${1:-}" ]; then
-    regex="${1:-}"
-case "$(basename "$0")" in
-    reserved-*)
-	condition=RESERVED
-    ;;
-    rejected-*)
-	condition=REJECTED
-    ;;
-while read line; do
-    case $line in
-	CVE-$regex)
-	    cve="$line"
-	    condition_seen=false
-	    wanted=true
-	;;
-	CVE-*)
-	    cve="$line"
-	    condition_seen=false
-	    wanted=false
-	;;
-	*$condition)
-	    condition_seen=true
-	;;
-	*)
-	    if ! $condition_seen || ! $wanted; then
-		continue
-	    fi
-	    if [ "$cve" ]; then
-		if $verbose; then
-		    printf "%s\n" "$cve"
-		else
-		    printf "%s\n" "$(printf '%s' "$cve" | cut -d\  -f1)"
-		fi
-		cve=
-	    fi
-	    if $verbose; then
-		printf "\t%s\n" "$line"
-	    fi
-	;;
-    esac
-done < "$list"

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ wordpress (guilhem)
   NOTE: 20230302: Testsuite: https://lts-team.pages.debian.net/wiki/TestSuites/wordpress.html
   NOTE: 20230302: buster is 6 CVEs behind bullseye (Beuc/front-desk)
-xrdp (Dominik George)
   NOTE: 20221225: Programming language: C.
   NOTE: 20221225: VCS: https://salsa.debian.org/lts-team/packages/xrdp.git
   NOTE: 20230117: Fixed 6 out 10 CVEs. Testing (abhijith)

doc/soriano.txt deleted
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Tracker setup on soriano.debian.org
-(This is internal documentation, in case things need to be fixed.
-It is not relevant to day-to-day editing tasks.)
-The code and data is organized via
-Required packages for running the security-tracker are pulled in via the
-debian.org-security-tracker.debian.org . A mirror for to the packaging
-repository is at https://salsa.debian.org/dsa-team/mirror/debian.org,
-which creates the debian.org-security-tracker.debian.org binary package.
-Relevant files and directories
-The tracker runs under the user ID "sectracker".  Most of its files
-are stored in the directory /srv/security-tracker.debian.org/website:
-  bin/cron                  invoked by cron once every minute
-  bin/cron-hourly           invoked by cron once every hour
-  bin/cron-daily            invoked by cron once every day
-  bin/read-and-touch        invoked by ~/.procmailrc
-  bin/start-daemon          invoked by cron at reboot
-  security-tracker          Git checkout
-  security-tracker/bin/*    main entry points, called bin bin/cron
-  security-tracker/stamps/* files which trigger processing by bin/cron
-~sectracker/.procmailrc invokes bin/read-and-touch to create stamp
-files, which are then picked up by bin/cron.  This is done to serialize
-change events in batches (e.g., commits originated from git).
-<sectracker at soriano.debian.org> is subscribed to these mailing lists to
-be notified of changes:
-  <debian-security-announce at lists.debian.org>
-  <debian-lts-announce at lists.debian.org>
-  <debian-security-tracker-commits.alioth-lists.debian.net>
-The crontab of the "sectracker" user is set up such that the scripts
-are invoked as specified above.
-~sectracker/.wgetrc contains the path to the bundle of certificate
-authorities to verify peers for the data fetched via wget:
-~sectracker/.curlrc contains a similar setting:
-Web server
-80/TCP is handled by Apache.  The Apache configuration is here:
-  /srv/security-tracker.debian.org/etc/apache.conf
-mod_proxy is used to forward requests to the actual server which
-listens on and is started by a user systemd unit
-The user systemd unit needs to be activated and started once at initial
-setup of the host (including requesting DSA to activate lingering for
-the sectracker user):
-As the sectracker running user:
-systemctl --user enable --now /srv/security-tracker.debian.org/website/systemd/tracker_service.service
-To restart the security tracker service, restart the user systemd unit.
-Apache logs are stored in:
-  /var/log/apache2/security-tracker.debian.org.access.log
-  /var/log/apache2/security-tracker.debian.org.error.log
-The Python daemon writes logs to a separate file, too:
-  /srv/security-tracker.debian.org/website/log/daemon.log
-This also contains the exception traces.
-debsecan metadata
-/srv/security-tracker.debian.org/website/bin/cron contains code which
-pushes updates to secure-testing-master, using rsync.
-PTS interface
-The PTS fetches bug counts from this URL:
-  https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/data/pts/1
-Code updates
-Updates to the Git checkout only affect the directory
-/srv/security-tracker.debian.org/website/security-tracker/data.  Code
-changes need to be applied manually by inspecting the changes done in
-the security-tracker.git.
-After that a service restart is needed (see above)

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

packages/openjdk-7.txt deleted
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-We follow the upstream releases in oldstable and stable, i.e. the version in sid
-is recompiled. The package scripts automatically create the control and rules
-with the appropriate dependencies. 
-- You need to download the fixed package from unstable
-- Modify the version number to something like 6b31-1.13.3-1~deb7u1
-- Regenerate the control/rules file: (squeeze is also supported)
-  touch debian/control.in; debian/rules debian/control distrel=wheezy
-- Build with "-sa" (since each security update usually updates to a new release)
-OpenJDK has an extensive test suite, the result should be compared with previous
-build logs.
-Other than that some functionality tests of Java packages in the archive or with

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/49375e474bee4d9a5ee23e44d9257f89d8eaa9ec

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/49375e474bee4d9a5ee23e44d9257f89d8eaa9ec
You're receiving this email because of your account on salsa.debian.org.

-------------- next part --------------
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