[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] Postponed CVEs for buster just as for bullseye.

Ola Lundqvist (@opal) opal at debian.org
Fri Nov 24 20:12:44 GMT 2023

Ola Lundqvist pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

a7dd83b1 by Ola Lundqvist at 2023-11-24T20:12:29+00:00
Postponed CVEs for buster just as for bullseye.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -230235,21 +230235,25 @@ CVE-2020-24295 (Buffer Overflow vulnerability in PSDParser.cpp::ReadImageLine()
 	- freeimage <unfixed>
 	[bookworm] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	[bullseye] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
+	[buster] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	NOTE: https://sourceforge.net/p/freeimage/discussion/36111/thread/afb98701eb/
 CVE-2020-24294 (Buffer Overflow vulnerability in psdParser::UnpackRLE function in PSDP ...)
 	- freeimage <unfixed>
 	[bookworm] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	[bullseye] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
+	[buster] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	NOTE: https://sourceforge.net/p/freeimage/discussion/36111/thread/afb98701eb/
 CVE-2020-24293 (Buffer Overflow vulnerability in psdThumbnail::Read in PSDParser.cpp i ...)
 	- freeimage <unfixed>
 	[bookworm] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	[bullseye] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
+	[buster] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	NOTE: https://sourceforge.net/p/freeimage/discussion/36111/thread/afb98701eb/
 CVE-2020-24292 (Buffer Overflow vulnerability in load function in PluginICO.cpp in Fre ...)
 	- freeimage <unfixed>
 	[bookworm] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	[bullseye] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
+	[buster] - freeimage <postponed> (Revisit when patches are available)
 	NOTE: https://sourceforge.net/p/freeimage/discussion/36111/thread/afb98701eb/

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/a7dd83b17e3c96fbeb23a8084ca2a20353f3cb10

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/a7dd83b17e3c96fbeb23a8084ca2a20353f3cb10
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