[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] 14 commits: Rewrite check-new-issues in Python

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (@pochu) pochu at debian.org
Thu Oct 5 12:41:35 BST 2023

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

4b4c26c9 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
Rewrite check-new-issues in Python

While at it, switch to the new MITRE CVE 5 API, as the previous
API will be removed soon.

Fixes #20

- - - - -
7771ea42 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: add an explicit command for NOT-FOR-US

This should avoid accidentally typing something and having it
inserted as a NOT-FOR-US entry.

- - - - -
7ebe865e by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: add a skip command

- - - - -
6e536488 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: use '<cmd> <arg>' syntax

- - - - -
fa1f2a65 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: move removed packages to the data file

- - - - -
bf9fdf30 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: better autocompletion for '- pkg ...' command

- - - - -
242c95bd by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: autocomplete r (report) command

- - - - -
8f4fad9a by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: fix performance issue with wnpp autocompletion

- - - - -
0791beb1 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: don't mark itp packages as seen

We don't want to autocomplete on foo if we're going to add
an autocompletion for 'foo <itp> (bug ...)' instead.

- - - - -
f099edd4 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-06-27T10:33:04+02:00
check-new-issues: improve entry formatting

- - - - -
214f8c68 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-07-11T11:11:31+02:00
check-new-issues: load CVE 5 JSON files dynamically

Pre-caching all of them takes quite some time, do it dynamically
instead so that one can start processing issues quickly, since
loading the next issue is not a problem, but loading 250k items is.

- - - - -
6c547176 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-10-05T13:29:13+02:00
check-new-issues: keep blank line to skip to next issue

This partially reverts commit 7ebe865e to keep compatibility
with the old Perl version. However we keep the newly added
's' command to skip to next issue.

- - - - -
4d564879 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-10-05T13:33:01+02:00
bin/check-new-issues: add back fallback to NFU command

If no explicit command is entered, it is assumed to be NFU.
This adds back that compatibility with the Perl version.

- - - - -
89c62970 by Emilio Pozuelo Monfort at 2023-10-05T11:40:53+00:00
Merge branch 'check-new-issues-py-cve5' into 'master'

Rewrite check-new-issues in Python

Closes #20 and #16

See merge request security-tracker-team/security-tracker!140
- - - - -

2 changed files:

- bin/check-new-issues
- data/packages/removed-packages


@@ -1,732 +1,792 @@
-use strict;
-use File::Temp;
-use Getopt::Std;
-#use Smart::Comments;
-use Term::ReadLine;
-my %opts;
-getopts('ln:fhi:t:Tca:e:uUsDb', \%opts);
-sub print_commands {
-    print <<'EOF';
-  * blank line to skip to next issue
-  * .h to repeat this help output of the list of commands
-  * .fname to do "apt-file search name"
-  * .cname to do "apt-cache search name"
-  * .wname to look up name in wnpp
-  * .mpackage to search data/embedded-code-copies for "package"
-  * .rpackage to launch an editor with a report of the issue against "package"
-  * .gissue to go to the given issue, even if it's not a todo
+# Interactive command to iterate over new CVEs in order to triage
+# them.
+# Based on a previous Perl script written by Stefan Fritsch and others.
+# Copyright © 2023 Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu at debian.org>
+# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+import argparse
+import collections
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import readline
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import zipfile
+import requests
+import setup_paths  # noqa
+from sectracker import parsers
+from bugs import temp_bug_name
+logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+def debug(s):
+    if args.verbose:
+        print(s)
+def get_annotation(annotations, ann_type):
+    for ann in annotations:
+        if isinstance(ann, ann_type):
+            return ann
+def ann_is_todo_check(ann):
+    if isinstance(ann, parsers.StringAnnotation):
+        if ann.type == "TODO" and ann.description == "check":
+            return True
+    return False
+def read_packages_file(file):
+    packages = []
+    with open(file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            if line.startswith('#'):
+                continue
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line != "":
+                packages.append(line)
+    return packages
+def read_wnpp_file(wnpp_file):
+    wnpp = {}
+    wnpp_re = re.compile(r"^([\w.-]+): ((?:ITP|RFP) .+)$")
+    with open(wnpp_file) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            m = wnpp_re.match(line)
+            if m:
+                package, bug = m.group(1, 2)
+                wnpp[package] = bug
+    return wnpp
+def print_urls(cve_id):
+    cve = get_cve5(cve_id)
+    if cve:
+        cna = cve['containers']['cna']
+        if 'references' in cna:
+            for ref in cna['references']:
+                print('Reference: ' + ref['url'])
+            print("")
+def get_cve5_description(cve_id):
+    cve = get_cve5(cve_id)
+    desc = None
+    if cve:
+        if 'descriptions' in cve['containers']['cna']:
+            desc = [desc['value']
+                    for desc in cve['containers']['cna']['descriptions']
+                    if desc['lang'].startswith('en')]
+    if desc:
+        desc = desc[0]
+        # for some reason descriptions may contain new lines
+        desc = desc.replace('\n', ' ')
+        # and some contain leading spaces
+        desc = desc.strip()
+    return desc
+def save_datafile(cves, datafile):
+    debug(f'writing {len(cves)} to {datafile}')
+    with open(datafile, "w") as f:
+        parsers.writecvelist(cves, f)
+def print_cve(cve):
+    cvelist = [cve]
+    parsers.writecvelist(cvelist, sys.stdout)
+def get_cve5(cve_id):
+    global cve5_zip
+    if cve_id not in cve5s:
+        return None
+    fname = cve5s[cve_id]
+    logging.info('loading file')
+    f = cve5_zip.open(fname)
+    logging.info('loading json')
+    return json.load(f)
+def read_cve5_file(f):
+    cve5s = {}
+    z = zipfile.ZipFile(cve5_file)
+    for fname in z.namelist():
+        if os.path.basename(fname).startswith('CVE-'):
+            debug("found record " + fname)
+            cve_id = os.path.basename(fname)[:-5]
+            cve5s[cve_id] = fname
+    return cve5s
+# returns the first Debian bug associated to the CVE, or None
+def get_cve_bug(cve):
+    for ann in cve.annotations:
+        if isinstance(ann, parsers.PackageAnnotation):
+            for flag in ann.flags:
+                if isinstance(flag, parsers.PackageBugAnnotation):
+                    return flag.bug
+    return None
+def get_cve_name(cve):
+    if not 'XXXX' in cve.header.name:
+        return cve.header.name
+    # for XXXX entries, we can't use the name in CVE/list as it will
+    # cause collitions, so we use the hashed name instead.
+    bug = get_cve_bug(cve) or 0
+    desc = cve.header.description
+    return temp_bug_name(bug, desc)
+def parse_cves():
+    cvelist = parsers.cvelist(datafile)
+    # we want to use a dict to easily lookup and replace a cve, but we need
+    # to keep order from the list above for when we write the keys back.
+    cves = collections.OrderedDict()
+    for cve in cvelist:
+        name = get_cve_name(cve)
+        cves[name] = cve
+    return cves
+def auto_nfu(name):
+    debug(f'checking nfu for {name}')
+    desc = get_cve5_description(name)
+    if not desc:
+        return None
+    wordpress_re = re.compile(r".*in\s+the\s+(.+)\s+(plugin|theme)\s+(?:[\w\d.]+\s+)?(?:(?:(?:before|through)\s+)?[\w\d.]+\s+)?for\s+[Ww]ord[Pp]ress.*")
+    m = wordpress_re.match(desc)
+    if m:
+        name, type = m.group(1, 2)
+        return f"{name} {type} for WordPress"
+    nfu_re = re.compile(r".*\b(FS\s+.+?\s+Clone|Meinberg\s+LANTIME|Ecava\s+IntegraXor|Foxit\s+Reader|Cambium\s+Networks\s+.+?\s+firmware|Trend\s+Micro|(?:SAP|IBM|EMC|NetApp|Micro\sFocus).+?(?=tool|is|version|[\d(,])).*")
+    m = nfu_re.match(desc)
+    if m:
+        name = m.group(1)
+        name = name.strip()
+        return name
+    return None
+apt_cache_cache = []
+apt_cache_cache_term = ""
+def apt_cache(term):
+    global apt_cache_cache_term
+    global apt_cache_cache
+    if term == apt_cache_cache_term:
+        return apt_cache_cache
+    cmd = subprocess.run(['apt-cache', 'search', term], text=True, capture_output=True)
+    apt_cache_cache = cmd.stdout.strip().split('\n')
+    apt_cache_cache_term = term
+    return apt_cache_cache
+def read_embedded_copies():
+    emb_file = "data/embedded-code-copies"
+    with open(emb_file) as f:
+        comment_section = True
+        code = None
+        pkg = None
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            if re.match(r'^---BEGIN', line):
+                comment_section = False
+                continue
+            if not comment_section:
+                debug(line)
+                if m := re.match(r'^([\w][\w+-.]+)', line):
+                    code = m.group(1).lower()
+                    debug("code: " + code)
+                    pkg = None
+                    if code in embed_code:
+                        syntax_error("Duplicate embedded code $code")
+                elif line.strip() == "":
+                    code = None
+                    pkg = None
+                    debug("empty line, resetting")
+                elif m := re.match(r'^\s+(?:\[\w+\]\s+)?-\s+(\w[\w.-]+)', line):
+                    pkg = m.group(1)
+                    debug("pkg: " + pkg)
+                    line = line.strip()
+                    if code not in embed_code:
+                        embed_code[code] = {}
+                    if pkg not in embed_code[code]:
+                        embed_code[code][pkg] = {}
+                        embed_pkg[pkg] = {}
+                    embed_code[code][pkg][line] = True
+                    embed_pkg[pkg][code] = True
+                elif re.match(r'^\s+(?:NOTE|TODO)', line):
+                    # note should follow a pkg line, which should have already
+                    # been processed
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    syntax_error(f"Cannot parse {line}")
+def syntax_error(s):
+    print("embedded-code-copies: " + s, file=sys.stderr)
+    sys.exit(1)
+def search_embed(text):
+    found = 0
+    text = text.lower()
+    if text in embed_code:
+        print(f"{text} is embedded by: " +
+              " ".join(sorted(embed_code[text].keys())))
+        found = 1
+    if text in embed_pkg:
+        print(f"{text} embeds: " +
+              " ".join(sorted(embed_pkg[text].keys())))
+        found = 1
+    return found
+def wnpp_to_candidates():
+    for pkg, line in wnpp.items():
+        # there might be more than one bug, so only take the first
+        bugline = line.split('|')[0]
+        type, bug = bugline.split(" ")
+        if re.match(r'^(?:RFP|ITP)$', type):
+            yield f"{pkg} <itp> (bug #{bug})"
+def print_stats():
+    temp_cves = [e for e in cves.keys() if 'TEMP' in e]
+    print(f"{len(cves)} CVEs", end="")
+    print(f", {len(temp_cves)} temp issues", end="")
+    if num_todo > 0:
+        print(f", {num_todo} todos", end="")
+    if num_missing_bug > 0:
+        print(f", {num_missing_bug} entries with missing bug reference", end="")
+    print("")
+def print_commands():
+    print('''
+  * s or blank line to skip to next issue
+  * h to repeat this help output of the list of commands
+  * f name to do "apt-file search name"
+  * c name to do "apt-cache search name"
+  * w name to look up name in wnpp
+  * m package to search data/embedded-code-copies for "package"
+  * r package to launch an editor with a report of the issue against "package"
+  * g issue to go to the given issue, even if it's not a todo
   * d to display the issue information again
-  * !command to execute a command with system() without any escaping
   * v or e to launch an editor with the current item
+  * !command to execute a command
   * - package-entry to add an entry for "package" and launch an editor (e.g. - poppler <unfixed>)
+  * n <name> to mark the issue as NOT-FOR-US: <name>
   * q to save and quit
   * CTRL-C to quit without saving
-  * everything else is inserted as product name for a NOT-FOR-US
-if ($opts{h}) {
-    print <<'EOF';
-downloads allitems.txt from cve.mitre.org and shows full description for each
-"TODO: check" item (2003 and newer). Then
-- tries to guess product name and php filename and does 
-  apt-cache and apt-file search
-- waits for input:
-    print_commands;
-    print <<'EOF';
-Use "git diff" and "git reset" as needed ;-)
-OPTIONS: [ -l [-n <n>] [-f] ]
--l        : just list issues 
--n <n>    : show max n lines of each description (default 2)
--f        : show full CVE/list entry as well
--i regexp : use regexp to select todos (default: 'CVE-20(?:0[3-9]|[1-9][0-9])' )
--t regexp : use regexp to select todos (default: '^\s+TODO: check$' )
--T	  : same as -t '^\s+TODO: check' (note the missing $)
--u	  : also show unfixed issues without bug reference
--U	  : only show unfixed issues without bug reference instead of TODO items
--c        : only do syntax check of embedded-code-copies
--e <file> : use <file> for embedded-code-copies, "-" for STDIN
--a <n>    : If automatic apt-cache/apt-file search gives more than n results,
-            display only the count (default 10)
--s        : skip automatic apt-cache/apt-file searches, suggest the
-            command to run instead
--D        : skip the download operations
--b        : auto process entries (e.g. NFUs)
-    exit(0);
-# - go back to previous issue / undo
-# - handle entries with several TODO lines
-# - handle claimed-by
-my $basedir;
-if (-e "security-tracker/data/CVE/list") {
-	$basedir="security-tracker";
-} elsif (-e "data/CVE/list") {
-	$basedir=".";
-} elsif (-e "../data/CVE/list") {
-	$basedir="..";
-my $embed_code = {};
-my $embed_pkg = {};
-my $embed_errors;
-if ($opts{c}) {
-	exit($embed_errors);
-my $datafile="$basedir/data/CVE/list";
-my $allitemsfile="gunzip -c $basedir/../allitems.txt.gz|";
-my $allitemsurl="https://cve.mitre.org/data/downloads/allitems.txt.gz";
-my $removedfile="$basedir/data/packages/removed-packages";
-my $wnppurl="https://qa.debian.org/data/bts/wnpp_rm";
-my $wnppfile="../wnpp_rm";
-my $issue_regexp= $opts{i} || 'CVE-20(?:0[3-9]|[1-9][0-9])';
-my $todo_regexp= $opts{t} || ( $opts{T} ? '^\s+TODO: check' : '^\s+TODO: check$' );
-my $auto_display_limit = 10;
-$auto_display_limit = $opts{a} if defined $opts{a};
-my $editor= 'sensible-editor';
-unless ($opts{D}) {
-	system "cd $basedir/.. ; wget -N $allitemsurl";
-	system "cd $basedir/.. ; wget -N $wnppurl";
-print "Reading data...\n";
-my $entries=read_file($datafile, qr/^CVE/ );
-my $CVEs=read_file($allitemsfile, qr/^=+$/ );
-my $data;
-my @todos;
-my %afcache;
-my $num_todo;
-my $num_missing_bug;
-foreach my $cve (@{$CVEs}) {
-	$cve =~ /^Name:\s*(CVE\S+)/m or next;
-	my $name = $1;
-	# cleanup the description
-	$cve =~ s/^Current Votes:.+candidate not yet[^\n]+\n{2,3}//ms;
-	$cve =~ s/^(?:Phase|Status|Category):[^\n]*\n//gms;
-	$data->{$name}->{CVE}=\$cve;
-my %wnpp;
-open(WNPP, $wnppfile) or die "could not open $wnppfile";
-while (<WNPP>) {
-	next unless (m/^([\w.-]+): ((?:ITP|RFP) .+)$/);
-	$wnpp{lc $1} = $2;
+  * everything else is inserted as product name for a NOT-FOR-US''')
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="review new CVE entries")
+parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true',
+                    help='Only list issues')
+parser.add_argument('-f', '--full', action='store_true',
+                    help='Show full CVE entries')
+parser.add_argument('-u', '--unfixed', action='store_true',
+                    help='Also process CVEs with unfixed issues and no bugs')
+parser.add_argument('-U', '--only-unfixed', action='store_true',
+                    help='Only process CVEs with unfixed issues and no bugs')
+parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', action='store_true',
+                    help='Automatically process NOT-FOR-US entries')
+parser.add_argument('-s', '--skip', action='store_true',
+                    help='Skip automatic apt-cache/apt-file searches')
+parser.add_argument('-D', '--no-download', action='store_true',
+                    help='Skip downloading files')
+parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+                    help='Verbose mode')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+embed_code = {}
+embed_pkg = {}
+cve5_file_url = 'https://github.com/CVEProject/cvelistV5/archive/refs/heads/main.zip'
+cve5_file = 'mitre.zip'
+datafile = "data/CVE/list"
+removed_packages_file = "data/packages/removed-packages"
+ignore_bug_file = "data/packages/ignored-debian-bug-packages"
+wnppurl = "https://qa.debian.org/data/bts/wnpp_rm"
+wnppfile = "../wnpp_rm"
+# used by read_cve5, used as a global so that we don't have to open the
+# file repeatedly, since we only read cve5s one by one on demand
+cve5_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(cve5_file)
+issue_re = re.compile(r'CVE-20(?:0[3-9]|[1-9][0-9])|TEMP')
+auto_display_limit = 10
+#$auto_display_limit = $opts{a} if defined $opts{a}
+editor = 'sensible-editor'
+if not args.no_download:
+    debug("downloading files...")
+    r = requests.get(cve5_file_url)
+    with open(cve5_file, "wb") as f:
+        f.write(r.content)
+    r = requests.get(wnppurl)
+    with open(wnppfile, "w") as f:
+        f.write(r.text)
+debug("reading data...")
+# We have CVE 5.0 JSON information coming from MITRE, we use cve5 for those
+# We also have CVE information coming from our data/CVE/list, we use cve there
+cves = parse_cves()
+cve5s = read_cve5_file(cve5_file)
+todos = []
+afcache = {}
+num_todo = 0
+num_missing_bug = 0
+wnpp = read_wnpp_file(wnppfile)
 # packages that should be ignored by -u/-U
-my @ignore_missing_bug_list = qw/linux-2.6 linux-2.6.24
-	kfreebsd-source kfreebsd-5 kfreebsd-6 kfreebsd-7
-	mozilla mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird firefox
-	php4
-	gnutls11
-	/;
-my %ignore_missing_bug;
-if ($opts{u} || $opts{U}) {
-	push @ignore_missing_bug_list, read_removed_packages_file($removedfile);
-	$ignore_missing_bug{$_} = 1 for @ignore_missing_bug_list;
-my %seen_pkgs;
-foreach my $entry (@{$entries}) {
-	my $name;
-	if ( $entry =~ /^(CVE-....-\d{4,})/ ) {
-		$name=$1;
-	}
-	elsif ( $entry =~ /^(CVE-....-XXXX.*)\n/ ){
-		$name=$1;
-	}
-	else {
-		die "invalid entry:\n$entry";
-	}
-	if (!$opts{l} && $entry =~ /^\s+-\s+([^\s]+)/m ) {
-	    my $pkg = $1;
-	    my $fc = substr($pkg, 0, 1);
-	    $seen_pkgs{$fc} = {}
-		    unless (exists($seen_pkgs{$fc}));
-	    $seen_pkgs{$fc}{$pkg} = undef;
-	}
-	$data->{$name}->{entry}=\$entry;
-	if ($name =~ /$issue_regexp/) {
-		if (!$opts{U} && $entry =~ /$todo_regexp/m ) {
-			push @todos, $name;
-			$num_todo++;
-		}
-		elsif ( ($opts{u} || $opts{U})
-		    && $entry =~ /^\s+-\s+(\S+)\s+<unfixed>(.*)$/m
-		    && ! exists $ignore_missing_bug{$1}
-		    && $2 !~ /unimportant/
-		    && $entry !~ /-\s+$1\s.*?bug #/m
-		    ) {
-			push @todos, $name;
-			$num_missing_bug++;
-		}
-	}
-print scalar(@{$CVEs}), " CVEs, ",
-      scalar(@{$entries}) - scalar(@{$CVEs}),  " temp issues";
-print ", $num_todo todos matching /$todo_regexp/" if $num_todo;
-print ", $num_missing_bug entries with missing bug reference" if $num_missing_bug;
-print "\n";
-if ((! $opts{l}) and (! $opts{b})) {
-    print "\nCommands:\n";
-    print_commands;
-    print "\n";
-if ($opts{l}) {
-	#list only
-	foreach my $todo (sort {$b <=> $a} @todos) {
-		my $desc=description($todo);
-		if ($desc) {
-			my $lines=$opts{n} || 2;
-			if ($desc =~ /((?:.*\n){1,$lines})/) {
-				$desc = $1;
-				$desc =~ s/^/               /mg;
-				if ($opts{f}) {
-					print ${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}, $desc;
-				}
-				else {
-					print "$todo:\n$desc";
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			print "${$data->{$todo}->{entry}}";
-		}
-	}
-	exit 0;
-if ($opts{b}) {
-	# auto process
-	foreach my $todo (sort {$b <=> $a} @todos) {
-		if ($data->{$todo}->{CVE}) {
-			my $nfu_entry = auto_nfu($todo);
-			if ($nfu_entry) {
-				${$data->{$todo}->{entry}} =~
-					s/^\s*TODO: check/\tNOT-FOR-US: $nfu_entry/m ;
-				next;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	save_datafile();
-	exit 0;
-my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'check-new-issues';
-if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Stub') {
-	print "Install libterm-readline-gnu-perl to get readline support!\n";
-my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
-my @completion_commands = qw(.f .c .w .m .r .g ! v e - .help q d);
-$attribs->{completer_word_break_characters} = ' ';
-sub initial_completion {
-    my ($text, $line, $start, $end) = @_;
-    $attribs->{attempted_completion_over} = 1;
-    # If first word then complete commands
-    if ($start == 0) {
-	$attribs->{completion_word} = \@completion_commands;
-	# do not add useless blank spaces on completion
-	$attribs->{completion_suppress_append} = 1
-		unless ($line eq '-');
-	return $term->completion_matches($text,
-					 $attribs->{list_completion_function});
-    } elsif ($line =~ /^-\s+(.)?(?:([^\s]+)\s+)?/) {
-	my ($fc, $pkg) = ($1, $2);
-	if (length($fc) == 0) {
-	    $attribs->{completion_suppress_append} = 1;
-	    $attribs->{completion_word} = [ keys %seen_pkgs ];
-	} elsif (length($pkg) != 0) {
-	    $attribs->{completion_word} = [ qw(<end-of-life> <unfixed> <removed> <not-affected> <ignored> <postponed> <unimportant> <itp>) ];
-	} elsif (exists($seen_pkgs{$fc})) {
-	    $attribs->{completion_word} = [ keys %{$seen_pkgs{$fc}} ];
-	} else {
-	    $attribs->{completion_word} = [];
-	}
-	return $term->completion_matches($text,
-					 $attribs->{list_completion_function});
-    } else {
-	return;
-    }
-$attribs->{attempted_completion_function} = \&initial_completion;
-foreach my $todo (sort {$b <=> $a} @todos) {
-	last unless present_issue($todo);
-sub save_datafile {
-	open(my $fh, ">", $datafile);
-	print $fh @{$entries};
-	close($fh);
-sub present_issue {
-	my $name = shift;
-	my $quit = 0;
-	print_full_entry($name);
-	if ($data->{$name}->{CVE}) {
-		my $nfu_entry = auto_nfu($name);
-		if ($nfu_entry) {
-			${$data->{$name}->{entry}} =~
-				s/^\s*TODO: check/\tNOT-FOR-US: $nfu_entry/m ;
-				print "New entry auto set to set to:\n${$data->{$name}->{entry}}";
-				return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	auto_search($name);
-    READ: while (my $r=$term->readline(">") ) {
-    		chomp $r;
-		if ($r =~ /^\s*$/) {
-			last READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^\.c(.*)$/ ) {
-			my $s = $1;
-			$s =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_ at -}{ }cs;
-			print "=== apt-cache search $s :\n";
-			system("apt-cache search $s|less -FX");
-			print "===\n";
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^\.f(.*)$/ ) {
-			my $s = $1;
-			$s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
-			$s = quotemeta($s);
-			print "=== apt-file search $s:\n";
-			system("apt-file search $s|less -FX");
-			print "===\n";
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^\.w(.*)$/ ) {
-			my $s = $1;
-			$s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
-			print "=== wnpp lookup for '$s':\n";
-			search_wnpp($s);
-			print "===\n";
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^\.m(.*)$/ ) {
-			my $s = $1;
-			$s =~ s/^\s+//;
-			$s =~ s/\s+$//;
-			print "references to $s in embedded-code-copies:\n";
-			search_embed($s) or print "none\n";
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^\.g(.+)$/ ) {
-			my $n = $1;
-			$n =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
-			if (!exists($data->{$n})) {
-				print "unknown issue '$n'\n";
-				next READ;
-			}
-			unless (present_issue($n)) {
-				$quit = 1;
-				last READ;
-			}
-			print "back at $name (you might want to type 'd')\n";
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^\.h/i ) {
-			print_commands;
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^!(.+)$/ ) {
-			system($1);
-			print "exit status: $?\n";
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^q\s?$/i ) {
-			$quit = 1;
-			last READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^[ve]\s?$/i ) {
-			my $newentry=edit_entry(${$data->{$name}->{entry}});
-			if ( $newentry eq ${$data->{$name}->{entry}} ) {
-				print "Not changed.\n";
-				next READ;
-			}
-			else {
-				${$data->{$name}->{entry}}=$newentry;
-				print "New entry set to:\n$newentry";
-				last READ;
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^d\s?$/i ) {
-			print_full_entry($name);
-			next READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^(\-\s+.+)$/ ) {
-			my @comps=split /\s+/, $1;
-			push @comps, '<unfixed>'
-				unless (scalar(@comps)>2);
-			my $inputentry = join(' ', @comps);
-			my $preventry=${$data->{$name}->{entry}};
-			$preventry =~
-				s/^\s+/\t$inputentry\n$&/m ;
-			if ($comps[2] eq '<itp>') {
-				$preventry =~
-					s/^\s*TODO: check\n//m ;
-			}
-			my $newentry=edit_entry($preventry);
-			${$data->{$name}->{entry}}=$newentry;
-			print "New entry set to:\n$newentry";
-			last READ;
-		}
-		elsif ($r=~ /^\.r(.*)$/ ) {
-			my $tmp=new File::Temp();
-			my $tmpname=$tmp->filename;
-			system("$basedir/bin/report-vuln $1 $name > $tmpname");
-			system("$editor $tmpname");
-			close($tmp);
-			next READ;
-		}
-		else {
-			${$data->{$name}->{entry}} =~
-				s/^\s*TODO: check/\tNOT-FOR-US: $r/m ;
-				print "New entry set to:\n${$data->{$name}->{entry}}";
-			last READ;
-		}
-	}
-	return (!$quit);
-sub print_full_entry {
-	my $name = shift;
-	print ${$data->{$name}->{CVE}} if $data->{$name}->{CVE};
-	print ${$data->{$name}->{entry}};
-sub description {
-	my $name=shift;
-	defined $data->{$name}->{CVE} or return "";
-	${$data->{$name}->{CVE}} =~ /\n\n(.*\n)\n/s;
-	my $desc = $1;
-	$desc =~ s/\n\n+/\n/;
-	return $desc;
-sub read_file
-	my $file=shift;
-	my $re=shift;
-	open(my $fh, $file) or die "could not open $file";
-	my @data;
-	my $cur="";
-	while (my $line=<$fh>) {
-		if ($line =~ $re and $cur) {
-			push @data, $cur;
-			$cur = "";
-		}
-		$cur.=$line;
-	}
-	push @data, $cur if $cur;
-	close($fh);
-	return \@data;
-sub edit_entry {
-	my $entry=shift;
-	my $tmp=new File::Temp();
-	my $tmpname=$tmp->filename;
-	print $tmp $entry;
-	close $tmp;
-	system "$editor $tmpname";
-	local $/; #slurp
-	open($tmp, $tmpname);
-	return <$tmp>;
-sub wnpp_to_history {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	# there might be more than one bug, so only take the first
-	my ($bugline) = (split /[|]/, $wnpp{$pkg}, 2);
-	my ($type, $bug) = split /\s+/, $bugline;
-	return unless ($type =~ /^(?:RFP|ITP)$/);
-	$term->addhistory("- $pkg <itp> (bug #$bug)");
-sub auto_nfu {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $desc=description($name);
-	$desc =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
-	if ($desc =~ m/in\s+the\s+(.+)\s+(plugin|theme)\s+(?:[\w\d.]+\s+)?(?:(?:(?:before|through)\s+)?[\w\d.]+\s+)?for\s+[Ww]ord[Pp]ress/) {
-		my ($name, $type) = ($1, $2);
-		return "$name $type for WordPress";
-	}
-	if ($desc =~ m/\b(FS\s+.+?\s+Clone|Meinberg\s+LANTIME|Ecava\s+IntegraXor|Foxit\s+Reader|Cambium\s+Networks\s+.+?\s+firmware|Trend\s+Micro|(?:SAP|IBM|EMC|NetApp|Micro\sFocus).+?(?=tool|is|version|[\d(,]))/) {
-		my $name = $1;
-		$name =~ s/\s$//;
-		return $name;
-	}
-	return '';
-sub auto_search {
-	my $name=shift;
-	my $desc=description($name);
-	$desc =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
-	my $file;
-	my $prog;
-	if ( $desc =~ /^(\S+(?: [A-Z]\w*)*) \d/ ) {
-		$prog = $1;
-	}
-	elsif ( $desc =~ / in (\S+\.\S+) in (?:the )?(\S+) / ) {
-		$file = $1;
-		$prog = $2;
-	}
-	elsif ( $desc =~ / in (?:the )?(\S+) / ) {
-		$prog = $1;
-	}
-	if ($prog) {
-		unless ($opts{s}) {
-			my $prog_esc =$prog;
-			$prog_esc =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_@/-}{ }cs;
-			print "doing apt-cache search...";
-			my @ac=apt_cache($prog_esc);
-			if (scalar @ac > $auto_display_limit || scalar @ac == 0) {
-				print "\r", scalar @ac, " results from apt-cache search $prog_esc\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				print "\r=== apt-cache search $prog_esc:\n", @ac, "===\n";
-			}
-		} else {
-			print "You probably want to .c$prog\n";
-		}
-		foreach my $p (split /\s+/, $prog) {
-			search_embed($p);
-			my @wr = search_wnpp($p);
-			if (scalar @wr > $auto_display_limit) {
-				print scalar @wr, " results from searching '$prog' in WNPP\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				for my $we (@wr) {
-					print "$we: $wnpp{$we}\n";
-					wnpp_to_history($we);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ( $file =~ /^(?:index|default|login|search|admin)\.(?:php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$/i ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if ( $file =~ /(php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$/ ) {
-		unless ($opts{s}) {
-			if (! exists $afcache{$file}) {
-				my $file_esc = quotemeta($file);
-				print "doing apt-file search...";
-				$afcache{$file}=[`apt-file -i search $file_esc`];
-				if (scalar @{$afcache{$file}} > $auto_display_limit) {
-					# replace with empty array to save mem
-					my $num = scalar @{$afcache{$file}};
-					$afcache{$file} = [];
-					$afcache{$file}->[$num-1] = undef;
-				}
-			}
-			if (scalar @{$afcache{$file}} > $auto_display_limit ||
-			    scalar @{$afcache{$file}} == 0) {
-				print "\r", scalar @{$afcache{$file}},
-				      " results from apt-file -i search $file\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				print "\r=== apt-file -i search $file:\n", @{$afcache{$file}}, "===\n";
-			}
-		} else {
-			print "You probably want to .f$file\n";
-		}
-	}
-	my @apt_cache_cache;
-	my $apt_cache_cache_term;
-	sub apt_cache {
-		my $term = shift;
-		if ($term eq $apt_cache_cache_term) {
-			return @apt_cache_cache;
-		}
-		@apt_cache_cache = `apt-cache search $term`;
-		$apt_cache_cache_term = $term;
-		return @apt_cache_cache;
-	}
-sub read_embedded_copies {
-	my $emb_file = $opts{e} || "$basedir/data/embedded-code-copies";
-	open(my $fh, $emb_file);
-	# skip comments
-	while (<$fh>) {
-		last if /^---BEGIN/; 
-	}
-	my ($code, $pkg);
-	while (my $line = <$fh>) {
-		if ($line =~ /^([\w][\w+-.]+)/) {
-			$code = lc($1);
-			$pkg  = undef;
-			if (exists $embed_code->{$code}) {
-				syntax_error("Duplicate embedded code $code")
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
-			$code = undef;
-			$pkg = undef;
-		}
-		elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(?:\[\w+\]\s+)?-\s+(\w[\w.-]+)/) {
-			$pkg = $1;
-			$line =~ s/^\s+//;
-			if ($embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg}) {
-				$embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg} .= $line;
-			}
-			else {
-				$embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg} = $line;
-				push @{$embed_pkg->{$pkg}}, $code;
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(?:NOTE|TODO)/) {
-			$line =~ s/^\s+//;
-			if ($pkg) {
-				$embed_code->{$code}->{$pkg} .= $line;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			syntax_error("Cannot parse $line");
-		}
-	}
-sub syntax_error {
-	$embed_errors=1;
-	print STDERR "embedded-code-copies:$.: @_\n";
-sub search_embed {
-	my $text = shift;
-	my $found = 0;
-	$text = lc($text);
-	if (exists $embed_code->{$text}) {
-		print "$text is embedded by: ",
-		      join(" ", sort keys %{$embed_code->{$text}}),
-		      "\n";
-		$found = 1;
-	}
-	if (exists $embed_pkg->{$text}) {
-		print "$text embeds: ",
-		      join(" ", sort @{$embed_pkg->{$text}}),
-		      "\n";
-		$found = 1;
-	}
-	return $found;
-sub search_wnpp {
-	my $s = shift;
-	$s = lc $s;
-	my @matches;
-	@matches = grep(/$s/, sort keys %wnpp);
-	if (wantarray) {
-	    return @matches;
-	} else {
-	    foreach my $e (@matches) {
-		print "$e: $wnpp{$e}\n";
-	    }
-	    return (length(@matches) > 0);
-	}
-sub read_removed_packages_file {
-	my $file = shift;
-	open(my $fh, "<", $file) or die "could not open $file";
-	my @packages;
-	my $line;
-	while (defined ($line = <$fh>)) {
-		chomp $line;
-		$line =~ s/^\s+//;
-		$line =~ s/\s+$//;
-		next if $line =~ /^$/;
-		next if $line =~ /^#/;
-		push @packages, $line;
-	}
-	return @packages;
+ignore_missing_bugs = read_packages_file(removed_packages_file)
+ignore_missing_bugs += read_packages_file(ignore_bug_file)
+seen_pkgs = {}
+wnpp_candidates = list(wnpp_to_candidates())
+for name, cve in cves.items():
+    if not args.list:
+        for ann in cve.annotations:
+            if isinstance(ann, parsers.PackageAnnotation):
+                if ann.kind == 'itp':
+                    continue
+                pkg = ann.package
+                seen_pkgs[pkg] = True
+    if issue_re.match(name):
+        if not args.only_unfixed:
+            for ann in cve.annotations:
+                if ann_is_todo_check(ann):
+                    todos.append(name)
+                    num_todo += 1
+        if args.unfixed or args.only_unfixed:
+            for ann in cve.annotations:
+                if not isinstance(ann, parsers.PackageAnnotation):
+                    continue
+                if ann.release != None and ann.release != "":
+                    continue
+                if ann.package in ignore_missing_bugs:
+                    continue
+                if ann.kind != "unfixed":
+                    continue
+                urgency = get_annotation(ann.flags, parsers.PackageUrgencyAnnotation)
+                if urgency and urgency.severity == "unimportant":
+                    continue
+                bug = get_annotation(ann.flags, parsers.PackageBugAnnotation)
+                if bug:
+                    continue
+                todos.append(name)
+                num_missing_bug += 1
+if not args.list and not args.auto:
+    print("")
+    print("Commands:")
+    print_commands()
+    print("")
+if args.list:
+    for todo in sorted(todos, reverse=True):
+        desc = get_cve5_description(todo)
+        if desc:
+            indent = "               "
+            lines = textwrap.wrap(desc, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent)
+            desc = "\n".join(lines[0:2])
+            if args.full:
+                print_cve(cves[todo])
+                print(f"{desc}")
+            else:
+                print(f"{todo}:\n{desc}")
+        else:
+            print_cve(cves[todo])
+    sys.exit(0)
+if args.auto:
+    # auto process
+    for todo in todos:
+        if nfu_entry := auto_nfu(todo):
+            set_cve_nfu(todo, nfu_entry)
+    save_datafile(cves.values(), datafile)
+    sys.exit(0)
+def set_cve_nfu(name, desc):
+    cve = cves[name]
+    # remove todo: check annotation...
+    cve.annotations = [ann for ann in cve.annotations if not ann_is_todo_check(ann)]
+    # ... and add a NFU annotation
+    ann = parsers.StringAnnotation(0, "NOT-FOR-US", desc)
+    cve.annotations.append(ann)
+def print_full_entry(name):
+    print("======================================================")
+    print(f"Name: {name}")
+    print_urls(name)
+    if desc := get_cve5_description(name):
+        desc = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(desc))
+        print(desc)
+        print("")
+    print_cve(cves[name])
+def edit_entry(entry, extra_text=None):
+    _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
+    save_datafile([entry], filename)
+    with open(filename) as f:
+        old_data = f.read()
+    if extra_text is not None:
+        with open(filename, "a") as f:
+            f.write(extra_text)
+    subprocess.run(f"{editor} {filename}", shell=True)
+    with open(filename) as f:
+        new_data = f.read()
+    newcves = parsers.cvelist(filename)
+    os.unlink(filename)
+    debug(f"edit_entry: old_data\n{old_data}\n")
+    debug(f"edit_entry: new_data\n{new_data}\n")
+    if old_data == new_data:
+        return None
+    return newcves[0]
+def search_wnpp(s, wantarray=False):
+    s = s.lower()
+    matches = [w for w in wnpp.keys() if s in w]
+    matches = sorted(matches)
+    if wantarray:
+        return matches
+    for e in matches:
+        print(f"{e}: {wnpp[e]}")
+    return len(matches) > 0
+def auto_search(name):
+    desc = get_cve5_description(name) or ""
+    desc = desc.strip()
+    #$desc =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
+    prog = None
+    file = None
+    if m := re.match(r'^(\S+(?: [A-Z]\w*)*) \d', desc):
+        prog = m.group(1)
+    elif m := re.search(r' in (\S+\.\S+) in (?:the )?(\S+) ', desc):
+        file = m.group(1)
+        prog = m.group(2)
+    elif m := re.search(r' in (?:the )?(\S+) ', desc):
+        prog = m.group(1)
+    if prog:
+        debug("prog: " + prog)
+        if not args.skip:
+            prog_esc = prog
+            #$prog_esc =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_@/-}{ }cs;
+            ac = apt_cache(prog_esc)
+            if len(ac) > auto_display_limit or len(ac) == 0:
+                print(f"{len(ac)} results from apt-cache search {prog_esc}")
+            else:
+                print(f"=== apt-cache search {prog_esc}:")
+                for result in ac:
+                    print(result)
+                print("===")
+        else:
+            print(f"You probably want to .c{prog}")
+        for p in prog.split():
+            search_embed(p)
+            wr = search_wnpp(p, wantarray=True)
+            if len(wr) > auto_display_limit:
+                print(f"{len(wr)} results from searching '{p}' in WNPP")
+            else:
+                for we in wr:
+                    print(f"{we}: {wnpp[we]}")
+    if file and re.match(r'^(?:index|default|login|search|admin)\.(?:php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$', file):
+        return
+    if file and re.search(r'(php3?|asp|cgi|pl)$', file):
+        if not args.skip:
+            if file not in afcache:
+                file_esc = file
+                #file_esc = quotemeta(file)
+                print(f"doing apt-file search {file_esc}")
+                cmd = subprocess.run(['apt-file', '-i', 'search', file_esc], text=True, capture_output=True)
+                afcache[file] = cmd.stdout.split('\n')
+                #if (scalar @{$afcache{$file}} > $auto_display_limit) {
+                #    # replace with empty array to save mem
+                #    my $num = scalar @{$afcache{$file}}
+                #    afcache[file] = []
+            if len(afcache[file]) > auto_display_limit or \
+              len(afcache[file]) == 0:
+                print(f"{len(afcache[file])} results from apt-file -i search {file}")
+            else:
+                print(f"=== apt-file -i search {file}:")
+                for result in afcache[file]:
+                    print(afcache[file])
+                print("===")
+        else:
+            print(f"You probably want to .f{file}")
+def present_issue(name):
+    quit = False
+    print_full_entry(name)
+    if nfu_entry := auto_nfu(name):
+        set_cve_nfu(name, nfu_entry)
+        print("New entry automatically set to NFU:")
+        entry = cves[name]
+        print_cve(entry)
+        return True
+    auto_search(name)
+    while True:
+        line = input("> ")
+        line = line.strip()
+        if m := re.match(r"^\s*$", line):
+            # skip command
+            break
+        elif m := re.match(r"^s$", line):
+            # skip command
+            break
+        elif m := re.match(r"^c\s+(.*)$", line):
+            s = m.group(1).strip()
+            #$s =~ tr{a-zA-Z0-9_ at -}{ }cs;
+            print(f"=== apt-cache search {s}")
+            subprocess.run(f"apt-cache search {s} | less -FX", shell=True)
+            print("===")
+            continue
+        elif m := re.match(r"^f\s+(.*)$", line):
+            s = m.group(1).strip()
+            #s = quotemeta(s)
+            print(f"=== apt-file search {s}")
+            subprocess.run(f"apt-file search {s} | less -FX", shell=True)
+            print("===")
+            continue
+        elif m := re.match(r"^w\s+(.*)$", line):
+            s = m.group(1).strip()
+            print(f"=== wnpp lookup for '{s}':")
+            search_wnpp(s)
+            print("===")
+            continue
+        elif m := re.match(r'^m\s+(.*)$', line):
+            s = m.group(1).strip()
+            print(f"references to {s} in embedded-code-copies:")
+            search_embed(s) or print("none")
+            continue
+        elif m := re.match(r"^g\s+(.+)$", line):
+            n = m.group(1).strip()
+            if n not in cves:
+                print(f"unknown issue '{n}'")
+                continue
+            if present_issue(n):
+                quit = True
+                break
+            print(f"back at {name} (you might want to type 'd')")
+            continue
+        elif re.match("^h$", line):
+            print_commands()
+            continue
+        elif m := re.match(r"^!(.+)$", line):
+            cmd = m.group(1)
+            r = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
+            print(f"exit status: {r.returncode}")
+            continue
+        elif re.match(r"^q\s?$", line):
+            quit = True
+            break
+        elif re.match(r"^[ve]\s?$", line):
+            entry = cves[name]
+            new_entry = edit_entry(entry)
+            if not new_entry:
+                print("Not changed.")
+                continue
+            else:
+                cves[name] = new_entry
+                print("New entry set to:")
+                print_cve(new_entry)
+                break
+        elif re.match(r"^d\s?$", line):
+            print_full_entry(name)
+            continue
+        elif m := re.match(r"^(\-\s+.+)$", line):
+            components = m.group(1).split()
+            if len(components) <= 2:
+                components.append('<unfixed>')
+            extra_text = "\t" + " ".join(components)
+            old_entry = cves[name]
+            if components[2] == '<itp>':
+                old_entry.annotations = [ann for ann in old_entry.annotations
+                                         if not ann_is_todo_check(ann)]
+            new_entry = edit_entry(old_entry, extra_text=extra_text)
+            cves[name] = new_entry
+            print("New entry set to:")
+            print_cve(new_entry)
+            break
+        elif m := re.match(f'^r\s+(.*)$', line):
+            pkg = m.group(1).strip()
+            _, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp()
+            subprocess.run(f"bin/report-vuln {pkg} {name} > {tmpname}", shell=True)
+            subprocess.run(f"{editor} {tmpname}", shell=True)
+            #os.unlink(tmpname)
+            continue
+        elif m := re.match(f'^n\s+(.*)$', line):
+            nfu = m.group(1).strip()
+            set_cve_nfu(name, nfu)
+            print("New entry set to:")
+            print_cve(cves[name])
+            break
+        else:
+            set_cve_nfu(name, line)
+            print("New entry set to:")
+            print_cve(cves[name])
+            break
+    return quit
+completion_commands = "f c w m r g ! v e - h n s q d".split()
+def complete_line(text, state):
+    response = None
+    origline = readline.get_line_buffer()
+    begin = readline.get_begidx()
+    end = readline.get_endidx()
+    being_completed = origline[begin:end]
+    words = origline.split()
+    logging.debug('origline=%s', repr(origline))
+    logging.debug('begin=%s', begin)
+    logging.debug('end=%s', end)
+    logging.debug('being_completed=%s', being_completed)
+    logging.debug('words=%s', words)
+    if not words:
+        current_candidates = completion_commands
+    else:
+        try:
+            if begin == 0:
+                # first word
+                candidates = completion_commands
+            else:
+                # later word
+                first = words[0]
+                if first == '-':
+                    # autocomplete - pkg entries
+                    if len(words) == 1 or (len(words) == 2 and being_completed):
+                        candidates = list(seen_pkgs.keys())
+                        candidates += wnpp_candidates
+                    elif (len(words) == 2 and not being_completed) \
+                      or (len(words) == 3 and being_completed):
+                        candidates = '<end-of-life> <unfixed> <removed> <not-affected> <ignored> <postponed> <unimportant> <itp>'.split()
+                    else:
+                        candidates = ['(unimportant)', '(low)', '(medium)', '(high)' ]
+                elif first == 'r':
+                    if (len(words) == 1 and not being_completed) or \
+                      (len(words) == 2 and being_completed):
+                        candidates = list(seen_pkgs.keys())
+            if being_completed:
+                # match options with portion of input
+                # being completed
+                current_candidates = [ w for w in candidates
+                                       if w.startswith(being_completed) ]
+            else:
+                # matching empty string so use all candidates
+                current_candidates = candidates
+            logging.debug('candidates=%s', current_candidates)
+        except (KeyError, IndexError) as err:
+            logging.error('completion error: %s', err)
+            current_candidates = []
+    try:
+        response = current_candidates[state]
+        if len(current_candidates) == 1:
+            response += " "
+    except IndexError:
+        response = None
+    logging.debug('complete(%s, %s) => %s', repr(text), state, response)
+    return response
+# we don't want '<' to be considered a delim as we use it as a word for
+# e.g. '<unfixed>'
+readline.set_completer_delims(' ')
+readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
+for todo in sorted(todos, reverse=True):
+    if present_issue(todo):
+        break
+save_datafile(cves.values(), datafile)

@@ -81,9 +81,15 @@ xorg-x11
@@ -724,6 +730,8 @@ w3af

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