[Git][security-tracker-team/security-tracker][master] Track fixed version for CVE-2023-42459/fastdds

Salvatore Bonaccorso (@carnil) carnil at debian.org
Tue Oct 24 15:17:41 BST 2023

Salvatore Bonaccorso pushed to branch master at Debian Security Tracker / security-tracker

0ecda6a0 by Salvatore Bonaccorso at 2023-10-24T16:17:01+02:00
Track fixed version for CVE-2023-42459/fastdds

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- data/CVE/list


@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ CVE-2023-43658 (dicourse-calendar is a plugin for the Discourse messaging platfo
 CVE-2023-42497 (Reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability on the Export for T ...)
 	NOT-FOR-US: Liferay Portal
 CVE-2023-42459 (Fast DDS is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service ...)
-	- fastdds <unfixed> (bug #1054163)
+	- fastdds 2.11.2+ds-6 (bug #1054163)
 	NOTE: https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS/security/advisories/GHSA-gq8g-fj58-22gm
 	NOTE: https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS/issues/3207
 	NOTE: https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS/pull/3824

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/0ecda6a0135e2533f2f6922c650aafa0d20f5b47

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/security-tracker-team/security-tracker/-/commit/0ecda6a0135e2533f2f6922c650aafa0d20f5b47
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