[xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#232706: libxml2-python: c14n bindings missing or not implemented

Mike Hommey Mike Hommey <mh@glandium.org>, 232706@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 07 Apr 2004 22:54:01 +0900

Anthony Carrico wrote:
> Libxml2 canonicalization (c14n) bindings for Python are missing. I
> don't know if they are just not being built, or if they are missing
> upstream too.

The 2.6.8 version of libxml2 that just reached sid introduced some 
canonicalization bindings for Python. I'm not very familiar with the 
c14n API nor with Python, so I can't really say if the API provided is 
full. Could you take a look into that and close the bug if your wishes 
are fulfilled ?

