Bug#243580: [xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#243580: libxml2: xincludes repeat fallbac k

Mike Hommey Mike Hommey <mh@glandium.org>, 243580@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 16 Apr 2004 10:28:49 +0900

Ryan Nowakowski wrote:
> I tried to check the version in testing but it wanted to uninstall gnome
> when I tried to downgrade.  I should have told you that I already submitted
> a bug upstream.  Yours was marked as a duplicate of mine.
 > http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=139520

That's odd... I didn't find yours when searching before submitting...

I'll check the testing version when I'll get some time today or tomorrow.


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