[xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#277071: libxml-parser-perl in conjunction with libsoap-lite-perl "High memory usage"
Markus Werner
Markus Werner <markus.werner@wobcom.de>, 277071@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 13:18:16 +0200
Package: libxml-parser-perl
Version: 2.30-4
I'm using SOAP::Lite to transfer some data over the net.
SOAP::Lite use XML:Parser:Expat.
With XML::Parser:Expat (Version 2.30) you get a high memory usage if you
transfer datastructures that contains some thing like this "1 ::some thing:
\n" . In XML::Parser:Expat (Version 2.34) the problem doesn't exists any
more. ( For test reasons I just exchanged Expat.pm v2.30 to v2.34 and the bug
Maybe the Bug isn't in the libxml-parser-perl by it self. Maybe it's a bug in
IO::Handle or some different Module. I saw v 2.34 removed IO::Handle.
I suggest to upgrade to v2.34.
with kind regards
Markus Werner
Systeminformation (Woody)
libxml-parser-perl 2.30-4 Perl module for parsing XML files
libsoap-lite-p 0.55-1 Perl5 modules for client and server
Server usage: Just call ./soaps
Client usage: ./soapc "nr of lines" [high]
I suggest using 2000 lines (About 40 MB mem usage) with the option high
argument. If you don't use high, erverything works fine.
----snip soapc
#use strict;
#use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite;
my @data;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $ARGV[0]; $i++) {
if ( $ARGV[1] eq 'high') {
#Mem usage: High
push(@data,"$i ::some thing:\n");
else {
# Mem usage: OK
push(@data,"$i :some thing:\n");
my $data = join('', @data);
my $rc = SOAP::Lite ->uri("urn:MyServer")
---snip soaps
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Transport::TCP;
SOAP::Transport::TCP::Server ->new(
LocalAddr => 'localhost',
LocalPort => 12000,
Listen => 5, Reuse => 1)
package MyServer;
sub myprint {
my ($self,$data) = @_;
print $data ;