Bug#296957: [xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#296957: xsltproc: Does not write output file.

Mike Hommey Mike Hommey <mh@glandium.org>, 296957@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 22:17:51 +0100

reassign 296957 dict-jargon
retitle 296957 dict-jargon: docbook-xsl version check is broken
tag 296957 + patch

On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 12:43:50AM +0100, Kurt Roeckx <kurt@roeckx.be> wrote:
> Hi,
> Building dict-jargon (4.4.4-5) fails on amd64.  I have been
> trying to debug this, and this seems to be caused by xsltproc not
> writing it's output file.

After investigation (thanks Kurt for the access to an amd64 box), it
appears that the version check code for docbook-xsl in jargon.xsl
triggers a floating point precision "bug" in libxml2/libxslt on amd64
(see #247465)

It also appears that it gets triggered with version 2.6.17 of libxml2 (not
in sid, soon in experimental) on i386...

 <xsl:if test="$version &lt; 1.61">
 <xsl:if test="$version &lt; '1.61'">
in jargon.xsl works around the bug.


PS: tagging patch, even if it's not a proper patch.