[xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#311557: and yet another minor issue
Don Armstrong
Don Armstrong <don@debian.org>, 311557@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 21:58:28 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Yet another minor issue, which I found because I had both xmltex.emft
and xmltex.fmt laying about... (probably pathological, but trivial to
XMLTEXFMT=$(kpsewhich xmltex.efmt xmltex.fmt) || true
PDFXMLTEXFMT=$(kpsewhich pdfxmltex.efmt pdfxmltex.fmt) || true
LOGDIR=$(dirname $(kpsewhich xmltex.efmt xmltex.fmt|head -n 1)) || true
# remove fmt file logs
rm -f $LOGDIR/xmltex.log $LOGDIR/pdfxmltex.log
Don Armstrong
America was far better suited to be the World's Movie Star. The
world's tequila-addled pro-league bowler. The world's acerbic bi-polar
stand-up comedian. Anything but a somber and tedious nation of
socially responsible centurions.
-- Bruce Sterling, _Distraction_ p122
http://www.donarmstrong.com http://rzlab.ucr.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="262395_patch.diff"
--- old/xmltex-1.9/debian/postinst 2005-06-01 20:53:42.000000000 -0700
+++ xmltex-1.9/debian/postinst 2005-06-01 20:51:21.000000000 -0700
@@ -105,15 +105,28 @@
# check whether it actually worked, since the texconfig program
# doesn't exit non-zero
+ if grep -q '^xmltex[[:space:]]*tex' $FMTDIR/40xmltex.cnf; then
+ xml_fmt="xmltex.fmt";
+ else
+ xml_fmt="xmltex.efmt";
+ fi;
+ if grep -q '^pdfxmltex[[:space:]]*pdftex' $FMTDIR/40xmltex.cnf; then
+ pdf_fmt="pdfxmltex.fmt";
+ else
+ pdf_fmt="pdfxmltex.efmt";
+ fi;
# file exists test
local goterror
- if ! kpsewhich xmltex.efmt > /dev/null ; then
- warn "ERROR: XMLTeX memory dump (xmltex.efmt) cannot be found"
+ if ! kpsewhich $xml_fmt > /dev/null ; then
+ warn "ERROR: XMLTeX memory dump ($xml_fmt) cannot be found"
- if ! kpsewhich pdfxmltex.efmt > /dev/null ; then
- warn "ERROR: PDFXMLTeX memory dump (pdfxmltex.efmt) cannot be found"
+ if ! kpsewhich $pdf_fmt > /dev/null ; then
+ warn "ERROR: PDFXMLTeX memory dump ($pdf_fmt) cannot be found"
--- old/xmltex-1.9/debian/postrm 2005-06-01 20:53:42.000000000 -0700
+++ xmltex-1.9/debian/postrm 2005-06-01 21:53:06.000000000 -0700
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
case "$1" in
- # remove fmt files
- XMLTEXFMT=$(kpsewhich xmltex.efmt) || true
- PDFXMLTEXFMT=$(kpsewhich pdfxmltex.efmt) || true
+ # remove fmt and efmt files
+ XMLTEXFMT=$(kpsewhich xmltex.efmt xmltex.fmt) || true
+ PDFXMLTEXFMT=$(kpsewhich pdfxmltex.efmt pdfxmltex.fmt) || true
+ LOGDIR=$(dirname $(kpsewhich xmltex.efmt xmltex.fmt|head -n 1)) || true
# remove fmt file logs
- LOGDIR=$(dirname $XMLTEXFMT) || true
rm -f $LOGDIR/xmltex.log $LOGDIR/pdfxmltex.log
# disable conf files